Ma Yun was left to eat authentic Longguo noodles on the table.

Ye Chen walked towards Ma Yun.

"Sorry sir, our boss doesn't like to be interrupted when eating."

A person who looked like a female secretary blocked Ye Chen's way.

As a subordinate, she is still very responsible.

But as Ye Chen's subordinate, No.1 is even more responsible.

"Dare to stop the master? Get out of me."

One is also very conscientious.

When Ye Chen saw this, he said helplessly: "Harmony makes money and Qi makes money, since people don't want to see it, then forget it."

As soon as he was about to prepare, suddenly Ma Yun also noticed Ye Chen.

He quickly put down his chopsticks, wiped his mouth and got up, looked at Ye Chen and smiled.

When he smiled, a wrinkle appeared on his skinny face.

And this kind of wrinkle, in the eyes of the people of Long Country, is so kind and peaceful.

"It turned out to be a fellow of Long Country, Xiao Jing, please come in quickly."

When the secretary named Xiaojing saw the boss speaking, he respectfully invited Ye Chen and the others in.

Ye Chen was infected by Ma Yun's smile, and smiled, "Mr. Ma is polite. Actually, I have nothing to do. I just want to fulfill my wish and meet Mr. Ma. Now when I see him, Mr. Ma is really unusual."

"You're polite, hahaha, what do you call the little gentleman?" Ma Yun was polite after all, and when he came up, he grabbed Ye Chen's hand and held it all the time.

Enthusiastic as if the two were really good friends for many years.

"My name is Ye Chen, President Ma, can I take a photo with you." Ye Chen and Ma Yun walked to the dining table side by side.

"What? You are Ye Chen?"

Ma Yun was taken aback, and seemed to have heard of Ye Chen’s name. At that time, he was shocked and said seriously: "So you are President Ye. I have heard of President Ye’s name a long time ago. I was planning to visit when I returned to China. What about Mr. Ye."


"What do you mean? He knows me?" Two question marks appeared on Ye Chen's face.

Ye Chen didn't think Ma Yun would know him. After all, for Ma Yun, he was just a rich second generation who suddenly emerged.

It's just that Ma Yun's reaction surpassed Ye Chen's imagination.

Ma Yun smiled and said: "Mr. Ye, your work in Longguo changed the pattern of the medical industry, and the graphene battery developed in Heifeng City has already spread all over the country. I am preparing to return home to visit. As for you, I didn’t expect to meet you in Grape Country. It’s a great honor.”


Ye Chen didn't expect that his name had spread all over the world, and even Ma Yun who was abroad was interested.

He smiled and said: "Mr. Ma is polite, can I take a photo with you."

"Of course, Sansheng is fortunate to be able to take a photo with President Ye."

Ma Yun quickly stood side by side with Ye Chen, showing a kind smile.

Ye Chen didn't expect Ma Yun to agree so readily, and immediately winked at Number One.

One realized that taking out his mobile phone was a crazy shot.

After taking the photos, Ma Yun enthusiastically invited Ye Chen to dinner.

Ye Chen was not welcome, so he took his seat.

After all, his identity is no better than before, let alone Ma Yun in front of him, even the lord of a big country, he is also qualified to sit and eat.

"Mr. Ma, I just grabbed your island, you shouldn't be angry." Ye Chen smiled slightly.

Ma Yun hurriedly said: "Where and where, if you know that Ye always wants to buy it, I will definitely not make a price. It is a misunderstanding, and it cost Ye always several billion. But President Ye can rest assured that if the island is developed What kind of projects can I provide big data and cloud computing to solve problems for Mr. Ye."

"This is my phone number, President Ye must remember it."

He took out a business card and handed it to Ye Chen.

Ye Chen took it and saw that only a name and phone number were printed on it.

"It must be." Ye Chen didn't prepare a business card, so he called Ma Yun on the spot and asked him to save it.

Since then, the two have left contact information with each other.

"Mr. Ye, I'm currently developing a project and I have encountered some problems. I want to ask Mr. Ye for help." Ma Yun pondered for a while, watching Ye Chen's eyes intently.

Ye Chen was taken aback and said, "What can Ma always need my help?"

"Hey, didn't Mr. Ye build a graphene battery? The prototype has been sent to major companies for use. And I recently entered the automotive industry and want to give priority to the mass production of Mr. Ye's battery." Ma Yun smiled and looked at him. It's full of shrewdness.

Ye Chen was confused.

Isn't Ma Yun engaged in the Internet? When did he start to enter the automobile industry?

"By the way, he seems to belong to the most popular car on the market recently."

Ye Chen thought of a brand, and then he was relieved.

But cooperation is a trifling matter.

Ye Chen pondered for a while, and said helplessly: "Mr. Ma knows something. I am not in charge of the battery, but one of my secretary is in charge. I can call you, or you can ask?"

"Hey, Mr. Ye doesn't know something. I have already talked to Miss Mary on the phone. He said that I was late and that the order from the factory has been received in March after five years." Ma Yi was also helpless and said: " I’m abroad, and I’m not as well informed as those in China. It’s a bit late, but I really need graphene batteries."

"This..." Ye Chen hesitated for a while.

When Ma Yun saw it, he drove the train while it was hot: "Mr. Ye, absolutely don't make you embarrassed. I am willing to invest in the expansion of your plant. You only need to send people to guide the processing, and I am willing to pay for all the costs incurred during the production. Just sell it to me first."

To be honest, Ye Chen is not interested in money.

The reason for hesitation is because the person in front of him is his only idol.

Of course, it is the idol of the past.

Seeing that Ma Yun had taken care of all the troubles, he only wanted the right to give priority to supply.

Ye Chen can't refuse. After all, everyone is willing to build a factory, and they have to spend money to buy batteries produced by the factory they built. If they refuse, it's a bit unreasonable.

Ever since, Ye Chen smiled and said, "Since Mr. Ma said so, then do what Mr. Ma said. I will send a message to Mary now, and you can just hand over the specific matters."

"Thank you, Mr. Ye, I will definitely invite Mr. Ye to eat when I return home."

Ma Yun quickly thanked him.

That kind of politeness really made Ye Chen enjoy.

Once an idol, now he also asks for it.

Life is like this, so what a husband can do!

Ye Chen immediately took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Mary: "Mary, Mr. Ma said that he wants to cooperate with us. I have passed the agreement with Mr. Ma. You and Mr. Ma will handover specific matters."


When the information was sent, Ma Yun looked at him with blank eyes, and wanted to wait for a reply.

"Ding Dong!"

With a prompt, Mary responded.

The fast speed made Ma Yundu stunned.

Because he sent a message to Mary, he never got such a quick reply.

After a while, Ma Yun's ears were pricked up, wanting to hear what Mary had replied.

After all, among large financial groups, although Ye Chengui is the highest leader, he still needs to listen to the opinions of his subordinates on many matters, and he cannot act arbitrarily.

"Good chairman!"

Mary's voice has a sweet feeling, and the answer is particularly simple.

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