Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 1049: : It just happened

Gu Li told Lin Fan all her own affairs.

Especially why she went from being a flight attendant to a thief on the street...

Last year was a turning point for Gu Li.

And the reason why she became what she is today is that she started last year.

She is an orphan and grew up in an orphanage.

In her words, life in the orphanage is her happiest time, because there she got a younger brother.

Although this'brother' has no blood relationship with her.

But Gu Li and him are very close.

Including work, Gu Li became a flight attendant and worked hard to make money for her brother to go to a better university.

However, during this period.

Her younger brother knows a bunch of social **** and hangs out with them all day long.

Slowly, it also began to become unlearned.

Not only did I not go to school well all day long, but I also learned to fool around outside, resulting in a lot of foreign debts.

"William was originally a very hard-working child, but...but I didn't expect that he would become what he is now!" Guli said with tears in her eyes.

"In other words, the reason why you are like this is mainly because your younger brother owes a lot of money outside?" Lin Fan frowned and asked.

Gu Li nodded: "Yes, I need to pay off the debt, and they also gave me a deadline to pay off all the debts within half a year, otherwise, they will kill my brother. I really can't think of anything. The way, I don’t have a place to find so much money, they give me an idea, let me steal it, all I..."

Lin Fan was not talking, he already understood the reason for this.

"Stealing is not a long-term solution after all. If you want to make money, you still have to be down-to-earth. You give up your job for your brother, and does he know what you paid for?" Lin Fan asked.

Hearing this, Gu Li's eyes flushed and she lowered her head slightly.

He buried his face between his knees, his shoulders moved as if he was sobbing.

Seeing her like this, Lin Fan wanted to say something, but he couldn't say it for a long time.

After a long time, Lin Fan stood up and said, "You can rest here first. I believe that no one will disturb you. I will prepare something for you to eat!"

"Thank you!" Gu Li did not look up, but said softly.

Lin Fan didn't say anything, turned around and walked outside.

It's no better than the domestic one, you can eat all kinds of food you want.

In this place, the most are all kinds of cheese, bread and so on, so their lunch at noon will also be based on these things.

Lin Fan prepared some and asked Ham and the others to take a bite.

During a simple lunch, no one said anything, and no one actively asked about Gu Li.

"Boss, we have already negotiated. We need to recruit five people. They must have absolute experience working in the ranch and can replace Ham's work. I think this may be a bit difficult, but we will not give up looking!" Bo Ge said with a smile.

After hearing this, Lin Fan nodded, "Five people? Will it be enough?"

In Lin Fan's view, with such a large ranch and so much workload, you can't hire more than a dozen?

It's like Bill's ranch, where a dozen workers are working.

Borg smiled and shook his head: "Boss, these people are enough for us. If it weren't for Ham to leave, the three of us were looking for two people, it would be enough!"

Lin Fan nodded: "Alright, you decide for yourself. If the number of people is not enough, you can discuss and recruit a few!"

"Okay, boss!" Borg nodded.

After eating, the three of them went out to work again.

And Gu Li and Lin Fan sat beside the wooden house.

Gu Li didn't seem to be in a particularly good mood, tears were always hanging on her face, and water mist was rolling slowly in her eyes.

Upon seeing this, Lin Fan smiled softly: "Do you like the pasture here?"

"Well, I like it very much. It seems to be connected to the blue sky. The air is very fresh!" A smile finally appeared on Gu Li's face.

"It's better to stay, how about working here?" Lin Fan said with a smile.

"Ah? I, I am not familiar with the work of the ranch, and I can't do anything..." Guli said in surprise.

"Hahaha, I won't be able to learn, and our ranch really needs a beauty like you as a spokesperson!" Lin Fan said with a smile.

Gu Li was startled and did not speak.

Because she didn't know if Lin Fan was joking with her.

In her current situation, it would be a good thing for her if she could stay and work in the ranch.

But... she still has something to say.

It is to make money as soon as possible to help her younger brother pay off the debt, and she can get rid of all this early.

Otherwise, she would never want to do anything else.

Lin Fan smiled softly: "I'm not joking with you, you can consider it. Of course, if you don't want to, I won't force you!"

"Thank you!" Gu Li nodded, her eyes flashing with emotion.

Time passed slowly.

Unconsciously, the sky gradually dimmed.

Gu Li did not leave.

Because now she really has nowhere to go, and the original rented house has expired and cannot be renewed.

Therefore, Lin Fan specially arranged a room for her.

Let her live here tonight.

The rest will be decided after we get up tomorrow.

The night in the ranch was exceptionally refreshing.

The sky of Rumo is very clear.

Countless stars are dotted in it, like bright diamonds, forming a wide galaxy.

A crescent moon hung on the horizon.

It emits a ray of silver light, dispersing the darkness on the earth.

In the pasture, it seemed quiet.

All the cattle, sheep and horses have rested, and a dozen mountain dogs and three mutant cats.

They live in different places, protecting the pasture, and resting with their eyes closed.

Lin Fan, Guli, Ham and others spent a while outside.

When the sky got late, they got up one after another, ready to go into the house to rest.

However, just when they just turned around to leave.

A roar of cars came from not far away.

Lin Fan looked back and saw three jeeps on the highway, whizzing toward the ranch.

Upon seeing this, Gu Li's face changed drastically, and she said with some horror: "It's them, they are here!"


Lin Fan chuckled and nodded: "They came just right, they won't come tonight, I still want to find them!"

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