Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 1059: : A miracle never seen before

The corridors of the hospital quickly became chaotic.

Several doctors and a dozen nurses rushed towards the intensive care unit.

And more policemen gathered here and kept asking about Wang Jianmin's injuries.

After a simple examination, Wang Jianmin's attending doctor showed a very surprised expression on his face.

While checking, shook his head: "Impossible, it is absolutely impossible..."

"Doctor, what's the matter?" a policeman next to him hurriedly asked.

"Fantastic, this is simply amazing, do you know? I performed the operation on Director Wang himself. I know the condition of Director Wang’s injury. It stands to reason that he is not out of danger yet. Can he survive? It will take forty-eight hours, but now..." The doctor's expression changed.

But the people next to him were anxious when they saw him like this.

"How is it, you can't tell it directly?" The policemen next to them couldn't wait any longer.

After the attending doctor finished the examination, he told several nurses to push Wang Jianmin for further examination.

He turned his head and said with an unbelievable expression: "I don't even believe it. Director Wang's injury was originally very serious. The bullet passed through his ribs and had penetrated the lungs, even if it could be saved. After coming over, his respiratory system will also have problems in the future, but just after my preliminary examination, his respiratory function has no problems, and his vital signs are gradually strengthening..."

Hearing these words, the faces of the policemen changed little by little.

"Doctor, that is to say, our minister is out of danger?"

"No, I can't be so sure yet, but the current situation is a good thing for Director Wang. In this way, you should go to your business first, and we have to do a comprehensive inspection for Director Wang. The results of the inspection did not come out. Before, we couldn't draw conclusions so early!" said the doctor.

Although I haven't given a definite answer yet, hearing such news is also the best news in the past two days.

Immediately, many police officers became excited.

Among them, a few members of the management began to organize discipline.

Many people gathered here in the past two days, and none of them went to work.

If this delay continues, I am afraid that units such as the Public Security Bureau and the police station are about to close down.

"Okay, Director Wang's injury is improving, so you don't need to stay here anymore. In this way, you will all go back. If there is any further situation, I am responsible for letting you know!" said a manager.

The policemen glanced at each other and nodded.

After receiving this news, the big rock they were hanging was finally put down.

Work cannot be delayed, let alone stay here forever.

Since then, they all walked out of the hospital one after another, but before leaving, they also told the brothers who stayed here to explain the situation to them at all times.

Especially once Wang Jianmin gets better, he will notify them immediately...

At the same time, in the police car downstairs from the hospital.

Lin Fan sat on it, and beside him was the little policeman who answered the phone for Wang Jianmin.

His face looked a little gloomy and said, "Mr. Lin, thank you for coming back from the United States all the way back to visit our Minister Wang. Now that the royal office is unclear, I can only thank you for our director!"

Lin Fan waved his hand: "Don't say thank you, he is my brother, and I should come back, but this time, I am not simply coming back to see him, I want to know the situation of those terrorists!"

"This one......"

Hearing this, the little policeman seemed a little bit difficult.

Now those terrorists have not all been captured, especially the person who injured Wang Jianmin, has escaped.

The police force of the whole city is now conducting arrests and arrests throughout Feng City.

It's no wonder that several terrorists shot a deputy director of the provincial department, and the life or death is still uncertain. As colleagues, all of them are blushing.

But this is also their internal secret, and it is not allowed to divulge any information before it is completed.

Lin Fan smiled softly: "Don't worry, I just want to know the situation and information of these people. I have no other meaning. You can talk to me a little bit."

Hearing this, the little policeman thought about it suspiciously.

Finally, he nodded and said, "Well, Mr. Lin, you are not an outsider. I can tell you a little bit, but after you finish speaking, you must not talk to the outside world before the case is solved!"

Lin Fan nodded with a smile, and said nothing.

"That's it. After our investigation, we found that they belong to a foreign terrorist organization. Their internal structure is very complicated, and most of their members are desperadoes from all over the world. These people are cruel, but don't know why. He would come to our country, and why did he target your zoo? After we got the news that day, Director Wang led us to ambush near the zoo, but he didn't expect..." the little policeman said.

"Oh? How many of them are there? How many men, how many women? Are they all foreigners or Chinese?" Lin Fan frowned and asked.

"There are five in total, two women and three men. One of the men is our eastern face. We can't be sure whether it is a Chinese or not, but it was the same man, the head of the Wang who shot and wounded. We also killed them that day. Two people, there are still two men and two women who fled. We have set up a Skynet in Fengshi. As long as they dare to show up, we can quickly capture them!" said the little policeman.

Hearing these words, Lin Fan nodded with a smile.

"Okay, trouble you, I have something to do, just take a step ahead, Chief Wang is here, thanks to your care, if there is any change, you must call me in time to notify me!" Lin Fan said with a smile .

"Okay, Mr. Lin, I thank you again for Director Wang!"

Lin Fan didn't say anything, he opened the car door and walked outside the hospital.

After turning around, Lin Fan came to a place where there was no one.

When I look around and make sure no one is paying attention here.

Lin Fan directly released the Scout Hornets in the game system.

"Go, find me those terrorists, no matter what method you use!" Lin Fan said.

When the voice fell, I saw these wasps hovering above Lin Fan's head.

Especially the wasp, who was the new leader, sent out a strong mental wave.

It means there is no problem.

Afterwards, this scattered the many wasps and flew towards the entire Fengshi...

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