Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 1097: : I can settle them

From the state’s order of normalcy, the implementation of family planning began.

The hands of the villagers in Meihua Village were directed at the superbirth babies.

In more than two decades, there have been countless babies sent up the mountain by their hands.

After all, Meihua Village is relatively backward.

Before the 21st century, the villagers of Meihua Village had basically no one left the village.

It is not that they are very closed and do not allow young people in the village to go out.

It's that they would rather stay in the village for the rest of their lives and endure hardship, rather than go outside to enter the world.

This is also true, which makes their concept look very old.

During the family planning period, they did not have good protective measures.

As a result, pregnancy often occurs unexpectedly.

As a result, the old village chief not only refused to let the children be knocked out, but instead let them give birth directly.

The baby who was still in the infancy was thrown directly into the mountain.

Of course, there are many people who want to keep as much as possible after the second child is left. After all, it is their own flesh and blood. Who can really be so cruel and throw it into the mountains?

But after all, this village is only this big, not to mention where there are impervious walls in the world?

Lao Shanhu's eyes were red, and he murmured: "In so many years, I don't know how many newborn babies were thrown into this mountain. For a long time, no one dared to step into the mountain. The people in the village are superstitious. They say that there is a lot of grievance in this mountain. If Yuan Hua hadn't come to help everyone develop the way of that mountain product, I am afraid they would not be willing to step into the mountain in this life!

When the voice fell, Lin Fan and Yang Xin were already speechless.

Especially Lin Fan, he is usually calm and rational.

Even if he encounters big things, he can deal with it calmly, but after hearing these words from Lao Shanhu and the lunatic Yuan Hua, there is only endless anger in his heart now.

Yang Xin is even more so. She is a woman herself. After hearing these things, she naturally aroused her feminine characteristics and the underlying maternal love.

Now they can't wait to go down the mountain right away, find the old village chief, and the villagers who used to commit crimes, and seek justice for the dead babies.

However, Lin Fan tried his best to calm himself down.

Looking at the old mountain household with cold eyes, he said: "Maybe you still have a conscience, but I hope you can testify on this matter and bring your village chief and those villagers who committed evil to justice!"

The old mountain household nodded repeatedly: "Mr. Lin, don’t worry. Although I have never done any good things in my life, I have never done bad or evil things. Even so, I live with guilt and self-blame every day. Before I was dying, I exposed these evil deeds, I, even if I die, I can look down!"

Looking at him, Lin Fan and Yang Xin didn't have any doubts.

However, Yuan Hua, the lunatic sitting opposite, smiled coldly: "Looking at it? You can look at it with peace of mind, but what about the children who are abused by you? And... I was wronged by you. And what about the grandma and aunt who rushed into the mountains?"

When he said these words, he was almost roaring.

A pair of eyes were extremely red, as if they were bloodthirsty beasts.

Under such a state, the old mountain household was trembling with fright, but the wild wolves who had been guarding Lin Fan made a whining sound.

It seemed to be warning that lunatic Yuan Hua not to act rashly, otherwise they would attack in groups.

For these wild wolves, the lunatic Yuan Hua is still a little afraid.

Lin Fan smiled lightly and said, "Yuan Hua, right? Although I feel very sad about what happened to you and your family, the past events are over, and I still hope you can calm down. This time the truth is already true. Dabai, you don’t want to stay in this mountain anymore. Go back with us, expose the villagers in Meihua Village, and return you and these children to justice. I believe the law will give them the most severe sanctions!"

Hearing this, the madman Yuan Hua did not immediately answer, nor did he get angry.

It seems that he is also pondering all this.

After all, as long as it is a normal person, no one wants to live in this mountain forever.

Even if the environment in the mountains is good, they are isolated from the world after all.

In these years, the lunatic Yuan Hua has clearly understood all this.

Had it not been for the hatred in his heart and supporting him, I am afraid he would have already become a part of this mountain.

"Yuan Hua, this is your chance for revenge, I hope you can seize it!" Lin Fan continued.

The next moment, the air in the cave became solidified.

I don't know how long it has been before Yuan Hua slowly raised his head, with a glimmer of expectation in his eyes.

Burningly looked at Lin Fan and said, "I know you are a good person, and you have the ability. It is not impossible to let me go down the mountain, but I have one condition... These children, and the savages you captured before. , They are not real savages, but were thrown into this mountain by those beasts. If, if they can find a way out, I, I am willing to follow you down the mountain to accuse those villagers!"

When the voice fell, Yuan Hua looked at Lin Fan very much.

He also knows these dozen children, and the five or six adult savages.

If you want to settle down, it will definitely be no small trouble.

The country may not be willing to take over.

In Yuan Hua's eyes, Lin Fan is not a national, and he is a very capable person.

As for what Lin Fan does, Yuan Hua is not clear.

In his heart, he kept telling him.

I am afraid that only he can really help these children.

This is indeed the case.

Lin Fan pondered silently for a while, which was about three to five minutes.

Then he smiled and nodded and said, "Yes, this is not a problem, I can arrange them!"

"Really, really?" Yuan Hua shed long-lost tears...

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