Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 1117: : The New Backer of the Triad

When Lin Fan heard the name Triad, he suddenly realized.

You must know that before this, the triad had pretended to be fishermen and attacked Dayang Island.

It was just that at that time, the triad did not understand the situation on Dayang Island, so they did not let them succeed.

After that, Lin Fan mobilized the people in Group J and went directly to the country to wipe out the triad society.

Originally, Lin Fan didn't take this matter too seriously.

And now it seems that I am afraid that the power of the triad in the Wa country has not been completely eliminated.

Instead, there is a resurgence situation.

Take this time they pretended to be pirates and aggressively attacked Dayang Island, you can see it.

These little devils, I am afraid they are completely enmity with Lin Fan.

If they are not completely wiped out, I am afraid that it will eventually be a trouble for the zoo and Dayang Island.

Lin Fan frowned, his face slightly gloomy.

However, Secretary Lu and the leading cadres in the province are all here, and he can't say anything.

And Xiao Shiyu only mentioned the words triad, and did not continue.

Obviously she also had some scruples, and there were some words that Secretary Lu and the others could not hear.

"Um...Xiao Fan, don't worry too much about this happening, don't worry, don't worry, there is Deputy Director Wang here, I believe those gangsters will be brought to justice soon!" Secretary Lu said comfortingly.

Lin Fan smiled and nodded: "Thank you Secretary Lu for your concern!"

In fact, Lin Fan also knew that Secretary Lu was an old fritters.

Of course he can see that with them here, some things are not convenient to say.

Before that, Secretary Lu had said that the matter of Dayang Island was left to Lin Fan personally.

Therefore, he does not want to participate too much.

After sending Secretary Lu and the others away, the police and medical personnel on the island did not follow.

They will also investigate and collect evidence here, as well as give simple treatment and treatment to those injured workers.

Ever since, Lin Fan took Xiao Shiyu directly to the office on the island.

This is an office building specially built by Jason's arrangement.

In fact, it is almost as small as the government building, but this Dayang Island is owned by Lin Fan himself.

Even the state has no right to intervene, let alone arrange government staff here.

In other words, this is actually the office of Lin Fan and some important staff on the island.

Lin Fan's office has been properly decorated.

It's just that Lin Fan himself didn't expect that the first time he stepped into this place, he would do it in this way.

"Come on, what's the matter?" Lin Fan's expression was slightly gloomy.

"Just like what I just said, they are actually members of the triad. They attacked Dayang Island this time as an act of revenge against you, and they are already in alliance with the Red Gang!" Xiao Shiyu said.

"Red Gang? It's also the underworld organization of the Japanese country?" Lin Fan was startled.

Before that, he had never heard of such an organization, let alone knew much about it.

Xiao Shiyu nodded: "Well, you can say so, but to be more precise, the Red Gang is a terrorist organization. They are mainly engaged in sabotage. Don't you usually watch the news? There are many news about terrorist attacks in the country. Most of them come from them!"

"Terrorist organization?" Lin Fan frowned slightly, "No wonder the remnants of these triads will return to China so confidently to find my troubles, it turns out that they have found a backer!"

After the words fell, Lin Fan didn't have any worried expression on his face, instead he still sneered.

"Xiao Fan, you should be careful. The triad is not terrible, but the red gang is not easy to provoke!" Xiao Shiyu said slightly worried.

Lin Fan nodded: "Well, I understand, don't you worry, um, by the way, you basically haven't been here since the island was built? Would you like to check it out?"

"Okay!" Xiao Shiyu stopped talking, but in the end, what he was about to say was suppressed.

The time she and Lin Fan have known each other has not been short.

And he was very clear about Lin Fan's temper and character.

Even if the Red Gang is a terrorist organization, it looks terrifying to outsiders.

But if you provoke Lin Fan, it won't make them feel better.

But the scary of the Red Gang, although Xiao Shiyu had never seen it before, he had heard of it many times.

They regard human life as horrible, and to them, killing is just as commonplace.

But...Xiao Shiyu knew it very well.

With her current status, there is no way to persuade Lin Fan.

When she walked out of the room, she immediately took out the phone.

But when she was about to dial the number, she hesitated again and again.

She sighed softly until she walked out of the office building, and put the phone away again.

But at the same time, Lin Fan had already taken out the phone and dialed a number.

But this number is a transoceanic phone, and it is directly dialed to the other side of the earth...the United States.

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