Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 1123: : Leave none

An invisible storm is quietly sweeping the Waguo Island.

That night, Lin Fan and John and his group drove straight to a manor.

"Mr. Lin, according to our investigation, although the manor is not the headquarters of the Red Gang, it is also a very important department. During our past this time, the main thing is to remove the manor first so that the news of the Red Gang can be cut off from the outside world. , So the rest of our manpower will attack the headquarters of the Red Gang!" John said cautiously.

Through the powerful aura that Lin Fan exuded in the hotel just now.

At this moment, John felt very jealous.

Before that, John had not actually met Lin Fan, at best, he had seen Lin Fan in the photo.

It's just that he has never known why the famous Group J should be afraid of a Chinese.

Of course, someone told him about some entanglements between Lin Fan and Team J.

It's just that John didn't take it seriously.

Now, as the leader of Group J, the reason why he still respects Lin Fan is because he doesn't want to provoke him too much.

Until today, after meeting with Lin Fan, John really understood.

Why would the J group be so afraid of Lin Fan.

Once this person gets angry, I am afraid that no one can bear his anger.

After Lin Fan heard the information, he nodded gently: "Be fast. I don't like to drag the mud and water. I will give you ten minutes to clear the manor. Otherwise, I will do it myself!"

Hearing this, John's face changed slightly and nodded.

He quickly took out a cell phone and said a lot of words to him.

When the order was passed, the car had almost arrived outside the manor.

This so-called manor is actually a relatively traditional residence in the country.

It’s just that it occupies a slightly larger area, and a lot of vegetables are grown in the yard.

On the surface, this is a relatively ordinary house.

If it weren't for John to say that this was an intelligence point set up by the Red Gang, no one would believe it.

When the car just stopped outside the yard.

I saw five figures rushing out of the surroundings.

The five of them are agile and have a very light pace.

In just a few breaths, they all sneaked into the manor.

The speed is so fast, almost in the blink of an eye, obviously they are all well-trained killers.

Soon, just as Lin Fan and the others were waiting outside.

I only heard screams and screams coming from inside.

Gradually, a strong smell of blood wafted out of the room.

Adding up and down, a total of only ten minutes.

But everyone in the room had been killed, and no one was left alive.

Until this time, the five people who lurked in just now all walked out quietly.

Before arriving in the car, one of them said in English lowly: "Mr. Lin, Mr. John, there are a total of 15 people in the house, and they have all been dealt with. Before they died, they did not have any chance to resist, and there was no news. Send out smoothly!"

Hearing this, Lin Fan smiled and nodded.

"Thanks for your hard work, our next goal is to go to the headquarters of the Red Gang to play!" Lin Fan said with a smile.

When the voice fell, several people nodded, not saying a word of unnecessary nonsense.

A turn around quickly disappeared into the darkness.

Lin Fan was not talking either, John directly ordered the driver to go to the next location.

The car shuttled quickly on the streets of the country.

The surrounding buildings with lights flashed past the car windows quickly.

But Lin Fan didn't have any desire to appreciate it. His current mind was completely focused on how to destroy the triad and how to destroy the Red Gang.

Lin Fan is not a person who will repay him.

But if someone takes the initiative to provoke him, he will never let it go easily.

Just like this time there is a red gang in the triad society.

They dared to attack Dayang Island, and they killed and injured so many animals and workers.

It is impossible for Lin Fan not to count this account.

In about twenty minutes or so, an office building of twenty stories tall appeared alone on both sides of the road.

Around the office building, there was silence.

It was already late at night, and many people had fallen asleep.

But some people are still enjoying their nightlife.

Lin Fan got out of the car and looked up at this magnificent office building.

Light a cigarette and slowly spit out the white mist.

"John, you can almost let your men attack!" Lin Fan said softly.

John nodded and quickly took out his cell phone and dialed a number.

"Everyone is preparing to attack the office building, killing everyone in it, and informing people in other places. All triad and red gang members will be cleared out, and none will be left!" John said solemnly.

However, just after his call was over.

There are many strangers in many places throughout the country...

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