Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 1129: : Hit you guys?

The screams came from time to time.

At this time, many people gathered outside the shrine.

When this happened, it immediately caused many people to watch.

And Lin Fan was standing by, watching coldly.

Even though the man was beaten with blood on his face, he didn't mean to stop.

For these Japanese people, Lin Fan couldn't attract the slightest sympathy.

If it weren't for all people here, he couldn't wait to kill him directly to relieve his hatred.

Click, click...

The sound of bone cracking came into his ears, as if the bones of his whole body had been broken.

Until this time, a dozen policemen in uniforms hurriedly separated the crowd and ran in.

When they saw the scene of the beating, their faces changed slightly.

I saw two expressionless men, punching and kicking a young man.

Most importantly, these two men are still foreigners.

The action was very fierce, even when the police came in, you could still hear the crackling sound of bones.

The person who was beaten was already groggy with blood on his head.

"Stop it, stop it!" One of the police officers hurriedly stopped in English.

However, the two who beat them didn't have any intention to stop.

Someone wanted to step forward to stop him, but they shook his arm directly and threw it far away.

As soon as this happened, the police officers took out their guns and aimed them at the two killers.

However, what they never expected was.

The two foreign men who had beaten people completely ignored the pistols in their hands and were still punching and kicking.

Until this time, Lin Fan next to him spoke.

"Stop it first!" Lin Fan said softly.

When the voice fell, the two men stopped one after another.

Looking at the person who was beaten, he was lying on the ground and passed out.

"Where did you come from? Why are you beating people here at the shrine? Now, no matter what your reasons are, you have to return to the police station for investigation!" One of the police officers focused on Lin Fan.

They are not stupid. Of course, seeing Lin Fan's light words just now, they stopped the beating man.

It can be seen that they just obeyed Lin Fan's orders.

However, Lin Fan couldn't understand the language of the Japanese nation, and looked back at Linna beside him.

Linna will translate what she said just now.

Lin Fan smiled: "Go back to the police station? Who do you think you are? If you want me to go back, just go back with you? Linna, let you handle the matter here, I'm going around!"

When the voice fell, Lin Fan turned and left.

The policeman just now saw this scene and was about to catch up.

However, he hadn't waited for him to come closer.

Linna had stopped him and said in fluent Japanese language: "Our boss will not go back with you. You can tell me what you want to know. Please don't disturb our boss. Otherwise, Even if you are the police, you will not be able to eat!"

When he finished speaking, the policeman shuddered and looked aside.

I saw that the two men who had just beaten others had their eyes on him coldly.

There is endless killing intent in this look.

It seems that as long as he dares to say a ‘no’, the next moment he will become that person on the ground.

In other words, it will be worse than him.

The policeman swallowed vigorously and asked Linna and the others.

The process went smoothly, perhaps because of fear of Lin Fan, Linna and others, and did not ask too much.

This is nothing more than a little conflict, which led to this fight.

When you understand the whole story.

Linna and the others were not taken back to the police station. Instead, they directly called the emergency center and sent the person who was beaten to the hospital.

When the matter was resolved, Linna found Lin Fan.

"Mr. Lin, the matter is over, where am I going now?" Linna asked cautiously.

Lin Fan smiled and looked not far away. After hesitating for a while, he said, "There is nowhere to go, find a hotel to rest, but I want to leave this **** place tomorrow at the latest, Linna, you Help think of a way!"

Linna nodded: "Yes, Mr. Lin, I will give you an answer tonight!"

Lin Fan smiled and didn't speak, he was more at ease about Linna's ability to do things.

After explaining these things, Lin Fan and several people drove directly to the hotel they had booked.

This time, things went quite smoothly, not only the Red Gang but also the triad were resolved.

Still making a big fuss at the shrine in the Wa country, let the depression in Lin Fan's heart also be released.

When Lin Fan and the others returned to the hotel.

When I just arrived on the floor where the room was located, I saw John with a few people, who had been waiting here for a long time.

Just when Lin Fan was about to speak, he realized that John's face seemed a bit unsightly.

"John, what happened again?" Lin Fan asked, frowning.

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