Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 886: : Request for cooperation

"Mr. Lin, what I want to talk about now has a direct relationship with Xiaoyu and the future of the zoo!"

At this time, Lin Fan opened another private room next door.

In this private room, there were only two people, Lin Fan and Xu Min, but Wei Wu, Zhang Dakui and the other people from the monster management office did not come.

"The future of Xiaoyu and the zoo? Haha, Mr. Xu, I don't think this is something you are worrying about? Especially the future of the zoo is in my own hands!" Lin Fan said coldly.

"Yes, yes, the zoo is indeed in the hands of Mr. Lin personally, but what about the little fish, the monkey, and the tiger?" Xu Min said.

Hearing this, I saw a flash of killing intent in Lin Fan's eyes.

The meaning of Xu Min's words just now is very simple. He seems to have seen that in addition to Xiaoyu, Sun Xiaosheng and Hu Lao Dao are also animals transformed into human forms.

Perhaps apart from a few of them, even the identities of the little fox and the little white wolf are already well known to him.

If it was someone inside the zoo, Lin Fan would not have any worries.

But... as an outsider, Xu Min is also a member of the Monster Management Office.

He knows these situations, for the zoo, for the little foxes, there is a threat.

"Mr. Lin, please don't get me wrong. Of course, what happened today may be that we did a little bit recklessly. Please also Mr. Lin to let the grown-ups forget the villains!" Xu Min said.

"What on earth do you want to say? Well, also, what you are going to say to me now, does it represent you personally, or does it represent your monster management office?" Lin Fan asked coldly.

" to put it, to be precise, every word I say represents the monster management office, but it can also represent me personally!" Xu Min said.

Lin Fan was not talking this time, just sitting there silently.

Waiting for Xu Min, what will I say later?

At this time, Xu Min directly took out a document bag from his bag, opened the bag, and took out a stack of documents from it.

Put it on the table and said, "Mr. Lin, before I say these things, I hope you can take a look at these documents first, so that we can communicate later!"

Lin Fan frowned and picked up a stack of documents.

The first thing that catches your eyes is Xiaoyu's personal information, including Xiaoyu's photos are also posted on it.

Lin Fan glanced briefly, although the information about Xiaoyu was not very comprehensive, but some of the general things have been recorded.

Apart from that, while continuing to turn back, it was the information of Little Fox, Sun Xiaosheng, Hu Lao Dao, and Little White Wolf.

It can be said that the current monster management office seems to have secretly investigated the few grown monsters in the zoo, and the investigations are still very detailed.

Moreover, in this stack of documents, there are not only a few of them.

It can be said that the entire zoo, including Lin Fan, Lu Yingxue, and Xiao Shiyu, have all been recorded and introduced more or less.

"Mr. Xu, what do you mean by showing me these materials? Are you not afraid, am I going to kill you?" After reading these materials, Lin Fan threw them directly on the table.

At the same time, a strong killing intent filled the room.

To be a member of the monster management office, none of them are general. Xu Min immediately noticed this majestic killing intent, his face changed slightly, and cold sweat ran down his forehead quickly.

"Mr. Lin, please don't get me wrong. I don't mean anything. The reason why I will show you these materials is because I want to establish a cooperative relationship with you!" Xu Min explained quickly.

"Oh? Cooperation?" Lin Fan was startled.

Xu Min nodded: "Yes, we have already noticed the situation in your zoo. To be precise, last year, when your zoo just reopened... I believe Mr. Lin still remembers. , There is a video about the saber-toothed tiger, what happened inadvertently?"

"Huh!" Lin Fan nodded.

After the saber-toothed tiger video was circulated, Lin Fan was still a little skeptical.

At that time, both Citi and Fusang sent people out for the idea of ​​saber-toothed tiger.

But what really surprised Lin Fan was not these, but there was no movement in the country.

You know, the saber-toothed tiger is not only a monster beast that has been circulating for thousands of years, but also every piece of flesh and blood on its body is the existence of rare treasures.

Especially for those who cultivate, it is very rare.

The most important thing is that Lin Fan had just dealt with someone from a hidden cultivation school not long ago.

Based on this, it is enough to explain that there are indeed cultivators in this world.

But in that case, why is no one in China interested in saber-toothed tigers?

This made Lin Fan very suspicious.

But it was just a suspicion. As things got more and more, Lin Fan slowly ignored the past.

If Xu Min hadn't mentioned it today, he really might not have remembered it.

"At that time, the saber-toothed tiger video was streamed, and I believe it caused a lot of trouble for Mr. Lin? Fortunately, no accident happened, and it was a great fortune in misfortune!" Xu Min said with a light smile.

"What do you want to say? Why, do you want to use this thing to threaten me not?" Lin Fan asked coldly.

"No, no, no, Mr. Lin has a deep prejudice against me. I can understand that the thing I want to talk about now is about the saber-toothed tiger, um, or even a powerful man..." Xu Min said .

The killing intent in Lin Fan's eyes had not disappeared, and now he looked more and more upset at Xu Min in front of him.

If it wasn't in your own zoo, if it wasn't for Wei Wu and Zhang Dakui.

Lin Fan would definitely obliterate this Xu Min directly.

Nima, he was uncomfortable at first, and his words are still whipping up here, so he won't get into the subject for a long time.

This made Lin Fan feel even more unhappy.

"Mr. Xu, if you have anything, just say it quickly, but one thing, I still have to remind, whether it is me or anyone in my zoo, or an animal, as long as you monster management office want to beat them I won't let you off easily!" Lin Fan said.

"This is natural, Mr. Lin can rest assured. Although the main task of our monster management office is to clear the world, the monsters in our organization that have become spirits, but not every monster will be eliminated. ..... What I want to say now is that according to what we know, the Huli Daoist has been caught by many people, um, to be precise, by many monsters, they have all been paid attention!"


Hearing this, Lin Fan's eyes flashed and looked up at Xu Min.

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