Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 927: : Enchanting Queen Bee

When the big wasp, it just appeared.

The balance that was tilted just now has changed again.

This large wasp is about the size of a child's fist, and its combat effectiveness is also exceptionally sturdy.

It ran into a swarm of hundreds of hornet by itself, and the hornet scouts did not even have the slightest resistance, and they were directly hit.

Not only that, after the big wasp rushed past.

The forty or fifty wasps that had been following it all the time also rushed up again, abruptly among the wasp colony, and tore a big hole.

Seeing this scene, Lin Fan, who had been watching the battle not far away, was also stunned.

Where did these wasps come from? And the one headed is surprisingly big.

If the guess is correct, this is obviously the queen bee of the wasp.

No wonder there is such a strong combat power, and the queen bee ran over to rescue?

Lin Fan's face condensed slightly, looking at the wasps that had rushed in.

Sure enough, just after the queen wasp appeared, the trapped wasps also gave off waves of excitement.

It's not like it was just now, it's fear and anxiety again.

Lin Fan frowned and said, "The rest of the wasps will be handed over to the anteater, and the remaining wasps will attack the wasp's queen with all their strength and must kill it!"

The sound was not very loud, but it formed mental fluctuations and spread into the ears of those bees and wasps and anteaters.

After hearing the order, the formation that was still somewhat chaotic just now assembled quickly.

The three anteaters also immediately turned around and rushed towards the other wasps.

In the eyes of the anteaters, these wasps pose no threat at all, just a big meal.

To deal with them, it makes no difference to eat foods that you want to resist.

Although the emergence of the wasp queen has made those wasps a lot of excitement, they are still helpless in the face of their natural enemy, the anteater.

Large numbers of wasps, swallowed by anteaters, become food for people in the blink of an eye.

The number of wasps on this side is also rapidly decreasing.

Upon seeing this, the queen bee was also a little anxious, sending out a wave of mental fluctuations that seemed to be commands, turning around and about to run away.

As a result, hundreds of hornets were seen, all of a sudden, surrounded them round and round.

The queen bee is very big, and the fighting power is also unusually sturdy, the wasps seem to be small in front of it.

However, there are too many wasps. They abandon the rest of the wasps and just concentrate on dealing with the queen bee. This will cause no small trouble.

The wasp queen seems to have a certain amount of wisdom, it rushed from left to right, trying to open a gap in these wasps.

As a result, as long as it has just torn apart a little, it will be immediately repaired by the rest of the wasps.

In other words, no matter how hard it tries, there is no way to rush out of hundreds of wasp colonies.

Lin Fan not far away, with a chuckle on his face, watched what happened before him.

The reason why he let the hornet play is mainly because he wants to exercise the combat ability of these hornet and the degree of tacit cooperation.

In this way, when I go to inquire about news in the future, I will have the ability to deal with unexpected dangers.

However, these wasps did not disappoint Lin Fan, even if they were faced with a wasp queen whose strength was much stronger than them, they were not timid, and they were still not afraid of death, rushing towards the queen bee.

In this way, they directly blocked the queen bee, there was no way to rush out.

At the same time, the wasps brought by the queen bee were raged by three anteaters.

In the blink of an eye, only a dozen were left, and these dozen wasps seemed to be stunned.

There are no flies, rushing from left to right to escape from here.

However, thousands of bees stopped them in the middle, and there was no way to get out.


In the blink of an eye, all of the dozen or so wasps left were not bad, and they were eaten into the belly of the anteater.

Up to this moment, all the wasps have been wiped out, and most of them have become anteaters.

Maybe it is the taste of wasps, which suits their taste.

After eating all the wasps, he even showed an unfulfilled look.

A pair of fierce lights fell directly on the besieged queen bee.

At this moment, the queen bee also seemed to feel a huge threat. Just when it was about to rush out, it changed its direction and flew straight up high.

Although the tongue of an anteater can stretch, it has a limit.

After reaching a certain length, there is no way to continue stretching.

In this way, once the queen bee raises the height, the three anteaters can only watch them eagerly, to no avail.

Seeing this scene, Lin Fan frowned: "This wasp queen bee is really an evildoer, and ordinary bees really can't deal with it!"

I have to say that this queen bee has a very high IQ.

After it perceives the danger coming from the ground, it immediately raises its height, thus reducing its danger to the lowest level until it is completely clear.

Based on this, it can also be seen that the IQ of this wasp queen is definitely higher than other bees.

Otherwise, if those wasps could see this just now, as long as they increase their height, how can they become a meal for three anteaters?

However, anteaters can't help the queen bee, and it doesn't mean the wasps can't do the same.

As soon as the queen bee raised its height, the hornets immediately flew towards the top, still encircling it in the middle, not allowing it to escape easily.

As a result, the queen bee also seemed a little frustrated.

Although these wasps could not cause any damage to it, they just kept pestering it to not let go.

Slow physical strength will also be exhausted, and once it falls, there are still three anteaters on the ground staring at it.

This is how to do?

From the fluctuating emotions that it inadvertently exudes, Lin Fan also knows that the queen bee is very anxious now.

But he didn't do anything, just stood there and watched quietly.

However, at this time.

The queen bee swiftly accelerated and flew towards the sky quickly.

When the wasps were regaining their senses, the queen bee had already flown a certain distance and left the zoo.

Upon seeing this, Lin Fan frowned. Once this queen bee escaped, with its IQ, he would definitely retaliate against the zoo.

"Never let it go, stop it for me," Lin Fan said.

As a result, at this moment, a clear sound came from the top of the head, and a sea Dongqing whizzed, swooping towards the queen wasp from the sky...

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