Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 954: :Ready

Just as Lin Fan just walked out of the hotel, the phone rang suddenly.

I took a look, but it was Xiao Shiyu's call.

"Hello? How about it, after going home, no accident happened, right?" Lin Fan said with a smile.

"Hehe, you still said that because of your appearance yesterday, the attitudes of the elders in the family have changed one by one, and they treat me much better than before, Xiao Fan, thank you for helping me regain all this. !" Xiao Shiyu said.

"What silly thing to say, we are friends, we should help you!" Lin Fan replied.

"Friends? Could it be that the two of us can only be friends?" Xiao Shiyu's voice suddenly became very low, and it seemed to be a bit low.

Lin Fan realized that something was wrong, and was about to speak.

I listened to Xiao Shiyu on the phone, and said with a smile: "Hehe, are you cheated? I'm kidding you, right, Mr. Jason has arrived at the zoo?"

"Jason? Don’t mention that guy. He waited for me for four hours at the airport yesterday. And last night, because of jet lag, he didn’t sleep all night. No, I just called him. He just got up. , I only slept for an hour!" Lin Fan said with a smile.

"Hehe, Mr. Jason has always been a troubled jet lag. I remember that when he first worked with him, he also wore thick dark circles and was busy working. At that time, I was really worried about him. The body will be overwhelmed!" Xiao Shiyu replied.

"Yes, I am also very worried about this guy now, I'm really afraid that his mental state will affect his work!" Lin Fan nodded with a wry smile.

As a result, when he was on the phone with Xiao Shiyu.

Jason had walked out of the hotel, neatly dressed, and appeared behind Lin Fan.

Since Lin Fan and Xiao Shiyu were talking in Chinese, Jason couldn't understand at all, but he still listened hard with serious expressions.

There are a few key words that he can understand, just like Jason, his own name...

"Lin, who are you talking to? Why do you even mention me?" Jason said.

Hearing this, Lin Fan was shocked and almost didn't throw the phone out.

Looking back, he realized that Jason was standing behind him.

After his own cleaning, his mental state seemed to have recovered a lot.

"Jason, have you packed up?" Lin Fan said with a smile.

"Of course, I can put into work right now, Lin, you know, I love Dayang Island, I love my job, nothing can stop me!" Jason said seriously.

Lin Fan nodded and directly picked up the phone and said, "I heard it? This guy is a typical workaholic. By the way, has the construction team at your second uncle's side been arranged?"

"Hee hee, it has been arranged. I will call you this, mainly to ask you, when will we be there and should we start work immediately?" Xiao Shiyu said.

"Of course, Jason and I are in the same mood now. We just wait for Dayang Island to start construction soon, so I can build Dayang Island soon. I can't wait!" Lin Fan said with a smile.

"Well, everything has been prepared, including all the construction materials. I have already arranged it here. Xiao Fan, you and Mr. Jason will go there first, and I will arrive with the team soon!" Xiao Shiyu said .

"No problem, then I'll leave it to you!"

"Yeah, don’t worry, I also look forward to moving there to live permanently when Dayang Island is built, and last night, our Xiao family also held a small meeting, and decided to wait for Dayang Island to be completed. The headquarters for the company is also moved to it!" Xiao Shiyu said with a smile.

"This is okay, you are welcome at any time, and Dayang Island can have your Xiao family settled in, so you have face!" Lin Fan said jokingly.

"Hehe, it should be said that our Xiao family has the advantage. According to Jason's plan and your ideals, after Dayang Island is built, there will probably be many people who want to settle on the island. When the time comes, I think You can't squeeze in!" Xiao Shiyu smiled.

"Okay, you don't need to say these kind words. I will take Jason to dinner first. After the dinner, I will drive directly to North Town. Then, shall we meet at the pier?"

"Hmm, yes!"

After the two agreed, the call was hung up.

But Jason watched Lin Fan make a call from start to finish.

Because he didn't speak Chinese, he didn't even know what Lin Fan said on the phone and who he was talking to.

"Let's go, let's have breakfast first, and go to Dayang Island after breakfast!"

"Eating breakfast? Lin, you know I'm suffering from jet lag, I really don't have an appetite. Compared with breakfast, I would like to go to Dayang Island immediately!" Jason frowned.

"What's wrong with you, you have to finish breakfast before you can go. If you're not hungry, I'm still hungry, don't talk nonsense, go!"

"Lin, I really have no appetite..."

"I just have to, you are watching me eat by the side!"


Lin Fan is also helpless for Jason, a workaholic.

But it can only be so. After sending him to Dayang Island, he will naturally not be pestering Lin Fan.

The two ate some breakfast in a hurry, and Jason did not eat too much.

Immediately, Lin Fan drove the car and rushed to Beizhen.

Beizhen at this time is the busy season.

Although most people rely on fishing in the sea for their livelihoods, some people have to open fields to grow vegetables.

So spring is always when they are very busy.

Before going to Beizhen, Lin Fan made a special call to Bald and Tie.

During this period of time, there have been a lot of things, and I don't know how their wild boar career is doing now.

As a result, after hearing the news that Lin Fan was coming to North Town.

Bald and Tie brother looked extremely excited.

I drove early and waited at the entrance of the town.

At noon, when Lin Fan came to Beizhen.

From a distance, I saw three black cars parked on the side of the road ahead.

And there were a few people standing beside the car, it was Brother Tie and some of them with bald heads.


The car stopped, Lin Fan opened the door and got off.

"Didn't I tell you, don't you need to wait here?" Lin Fan said silently.

"No, no, Brother Fan, the main reason we came here was...something happened on the mountain!" said the bald face with a little ugly expression.

"Something happened on the mountain? What happened?"

"A few wild boars have all fallen ill these days, and we can't find out what the cause is. That's why we are waiting for you here. I hope you can go and see if you have time!"

"What? The wild boar is ill?" Lin Fan frowned.

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