Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 963: : The innocent big yellow cat


The big yellow cat Yuanbao walks alone in the moonlight.

Cats are nocturnal animals. They basically sleep during the day and only move out at night.

Therefore, cats are regarded by humans as psychic existence.

At the same time, cats also have a nickname called night owl.

In the past few days, the three guard dogs have not been with the ingot ghost.

After all, dogs are creatures who take care of the nursing home. They don't sleep for a long time at night, they can't stand it.

Therefore, the three guard dogs did not follow Yuan Bao's side these days.

On the other hand, Yuan Bao seemed a bit boring alone. Whenever it was dead at night, it always walked in the huge zoo by itself, hoping to find something interesting.

As a result, just when the big yellow cat Yuanbao had just walked behind the Qingyi Manor.

A slight movement came into its ears.

You know, it's night now.

Whether it's animals or little foxes, they are all asleep.

In the dead of night, as long as there is a little movement, it will appear unusually clear.

What's more, the cat's vision and hearing at night are also several times higher than that in the daytime, and naturally it cannot escape its ears.

After hearing this voice, Yuan Bao was also taken aback.

He quickly looked in the direction of the sound... Behind Qingyi Manor, there is a small piece of wood.

Originally, this place was built as a resting place for tourists, but later Lin Fan wanted to build Qingyi Manor, so he took up this empty space.

At this time in the woods, moonlight shining in, it seemed a bit bleak and cautious.

The courage of the big yellow cat ingot was originally very small.

In such a situation now, if you want to say you are not afraid, it is all a lie.


Yuan Bao rushed into it and called tentatively.

There was no movement, no reaction, the woods seemed quiet, there was nothing.

"Is it because I read it wrong?"

Yuan Bao thought silently in his heart, that the little fear just now disappeared a little bit at this time.

However, Yuan Bao didn't rush into the forest so recklessly. It turned around first, waiting for a few minutes.

Until it was confirmed, there was nothing inside, and there was no change after hearing anything.

Yuan Bao was bold enough to walk quietly into the forest.

The cat's footsteps are already very light, and now it is deliberately a little careful.

Therefore, even in this silent night, if you don't listen carefully, it's still difficult to hear anything.


Not long after walking into the woods, Yuan Bao gave another tentative call.

There was still no response, but there were gusts of wind blowing in my ears from time to time.

This time the heart that Yuan Bao was holding was finally let go.

I scared myself, maybe the sound I made just now was the sound of wind in my ears?

Yuan Bao comforted himself, and turned to walk outside the forest.

However, at this moment, the abnormal change protruded.

A large shadow appeared in the place where it had just walked, and the method had a pair of big wings, and it was flapping there.

Wow, wow!

The sound is loud, and as the fan gets stronger, the surrounding wind keeps blowing.

Yuan Bao trembled in his heart, scared to how high it jumped on the spot.

Turning back suddenly, when it saw the unknown creature that appeared in front of it, Mao was so frightened that it exploded.


With a hysterical scream, Yuan Bao turned and ran!

The speed is beyond the imaginable range. I am afraid that only after being severely frightened can we react like this?

In a sigh of relief, Yuan Bao ran directly out of the small woods, rushing to the front of Qingyi Manor, where the three guard dogs were resting.

At this time, in front of Qingyi Manor, the three guard dogs had a special sleeping place.

This is the kennel that Lin Fan and Ma Dapao helped build.

There are three kennels side by side, and there are three guard dogs lying inside.

Next to the kennel, there is a cat house, which is also prepared for ingots.

It's just that Yuanbao is used to sleeping outside, so I haven't been in much.

When it came here, it quickly ran to the general.

"Meow, wake up, I found a monster just now in the woods behind!" Yuan Bao said, meowing.

However, the general seemed to slept deeply and did not hear the same.

"General, get up quickly, I really found a big monster behind!" Yuan Bao was unwilling to give up, and continued to meow.

However, the general turned over while snoring, and turned to sleep again.

At this moment, Yuan Bao was very angry.

Seeing that there was no way to get the general up, it quietly lifted its left front paw towards the general's head, and slapped it down.


At this time, it was a solid shot.

The sleeping general stood up from the kennel excitedly.

Bark bark... bark bark!

The general was obviously a little sleepy, and when he got up, he barked at the ingot.

"Shut up, keep your voice down!" Yuan Bao meowed.

"Huh? Ingot? You just beat me?" the general hesitated.

"Yes, this is not the time to struggle with this, General, I just found a terrifying monster in the woods behind Qingyi Manor. It's terrifying, meow!" Yuan Bao said.

Hearing this, the general disapproved.

"It's at night, don't toss me if you don't sleep, return a monster, here is a zoo, is it normal if there are no monsters? I am a monster, and you are also a monster..." The general said, again Lie down again, ready to continue sleeping.

Upon seeing this, Yuan Bao almost vomited blood out of breath.

"You are still asleep, what I said is true, I really saw a big monster, don't lie to you, it still has a pair of big wings..." Yuan Bao said while pushing the general with his paws .

The general couldn't take it anymore. He fell asleep well, but was called by the night owl, Yuan Bao, who kept saying there was a monster.

The general had a bad temper, but he was still sleepy and his mood was not right.

"Yes, yes, there are monsters, where is it? You take me to see!" the general said without curiosity.

Yuan Bao can't take care of that much now. It just wants to share what it sees with others, so that it can prove that it is right.

Ever since, Yuan Bao led the general and quietly walked towards the woods behind.

In the woods at this moment, nothing was clearly visible.

Only by the moonlight can we vaguely see something.

But it's just some trees, and nothing else special.

Yuan Bao and the general walked cautiously inside, making sure that nothing was found.

The general said: "Look, there is nothing, I said you should sleep at night, all hallucinations!"


Yuan Bao whispered and looked back into the woods, with an innocent look...

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