Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 976: : Sinister and cunning

Zhang Hongyin is in Jiangbei Province, but he has a famous existence.

Lin Fan hadn't heard of it before, which doesn't mean that this person is not awesome.

It can be said that as long as there is a face and a face in Jiangbei Province, there is no one who does not know Zhang Hongyin.

This person has always been ruthless in his work, and he must be reported.

In the dark world, there is also a well-known nickname called Black Hades.

This means that this person has always been cruel, as long as someone dares to provoke him, he will definitely retaliate back.

At this moment, Lin Fan severely injured his only son, Zhang Mingliang, and fell outside. He was passive for more than two hours before he almost froze to death.

With Zhang Hongyin's character, revenge is inevitable.

In the afternoon, in a luxury hotel in Beizhen.

In fact, it is nothing more than a four-star hotel, but in a small place like Beizhen, it is equivalent to luxury.

"Boss, the person who hurt the young master has been investigated!" a man said.

"Oh? Who is it?" Zhang Hongyin said.

"It's a man in his early twenties. After investigation, it was discovered that this man is the owner of the Ten Thousand Worlds Zoo, named Lin Fan..." the man said.

"What? Lin Fan?"

Hearing this name, Zhang Hongyin frowned.

Lin Fan didn't know him, but that didn't mean he didn't know Lin Fan's existence.

In other words, he is too familiar with Lin Fan, whether it is the Dark Realm or the White Dao, as long as the name Lin Fan is mentioned, which one is not everyone's face?

Six months ago, he had thought of meeting Lin Fan for a while, but he had never found a suitable opportunity.

Never imagined that Lin Fan would face off with his son today...

As the boss, living in fear and licking blood all day long, especially the existence of Lin Fan, has already been investigated very clearly.

For a while, he still wanted to draw Lin Fan over to help him.

It's just that I later heard that Lin Fan would subdue all the foreign killers in Group J.

In China, there are also the Lu Family and Ye Family in Beishou City.

This made Zhang Hongyin more or less worried...

Never thought that the person offended by his son today would be Lin Fan, such a troublesome existence.

"Boss, how do you solve this matter?" The man said with a somewhat unpleasant expression.

As Zhang Hongyin's confidant, he is often responsible for intelligence collection.

It can be said that Lin Fan is clearer than Zhang Hongyin, that is a real cruel character.

"This kid, Mingliang, it's not good to offend someone, but he wants to offend such a tricky guy..." Zhang Hongyin seemed to be embarrassed at the moment.

"Boss, in my opinion, it is better for us to find this person to come out and have a talk to resolve the grudge between him and the young master. After all, this Lin Fan is not easy to provoke, especially the forces behind him, the Ye Family and Lu The family is one of the big families in China. No matter which one we offend, it is difficult for us to digest. What's more, there is also a J group abroad!" The man said with some worry.

"Huh, let’s talk about it? Since I debuted, Zhang Hongyin has never been afraid of anyone. What about the Ye family and the Lu family? What about the J group? This Lin Fan offended Zhang Hongyin and injured my son. So simple to resolve? Then how will Zhang Hongyin mess with me on the road? Those guys can't watch my jokes all day long?" Zhang Hongyin said with a sneer.

Hearing this, the man next to him frowned.

As the confidant of Zhang Hongyin, he knows what kind of character Zhang Hongyin is.

But the person they have to deal with right now is that Lin Fan.

"Then...Boss, what should we do?" the man frowned and said.

Zhang Hongyin's face was cold, but from his gaze, there was a vicious look.

"I heard that Lin Fan has a beautiful girlfriend?" Zhang Hongyin said.

"Yes, this person's name is Lu Yingxue. He is attending college in Beining City. He is the granddaughter of Mr. Lu from the Lu family in Beishou City!" The man nodded.

But his heart was ‘cuckled’ all of a sudden.

Because he knows Zhang Hongyin's methods of doing things, and he also knows the insidiousness in his heart.

I'm afraid this Hongyin wants to attack Lu Yingxue?

Sure enough, as soon as these words were uttered, Zhang Hongyin smiled and nodded and said, "Master Lu's granddaughter? Hahaha, not bad, if we can make Lu Yingxue and Mingliang make boy and girl friends, wouldn't we be able to climb it in the future? The last Lu family?"

"Huh? Boss, what do you mean..." The man was taken aback.

"Go, send someone to Beining City immediately and bring that Lu Yingxue back to me, no matter what method is used, but before that, no wind is allowed to be leaked. After all, it is the Lu family. If we let us notice something over there It's too much!" Zhang Hongyin said.

Hearing this, the man's face was extremely thick.

"Hehe, when I bring this Lu Yingxue back, let Mingliang and her raw rice cook mature rice. At that time, I'm going to Beishou City personally to see the Lu family father..." Zhang Hongyin Smiled sinisterly.

"Yes, boss, I will make arrangements!" The man nodded.

Although he is very shameless of Zhang Hongyin's approach, he also feels that things are definitely not that simple.

But as a confidant around Zhang Hongyin, he has no other choice.

After a promise, he turned and walked outside.

However, just when he walked to the door, he was about to open the door and go out.

A phone ring rang, it was Zhang Hongyin's call.

Looking at the screen, a bunch of strange numbers.

Zhang Hongyin frowned slightly, but hesitated to press the answer button.

"Hey, this is Zhang Hongyin, who are you?"

"Zhang Hongyin? Hehe, I'm looking for you...presumably you already know my name, right? My name is Lin Fan, and I'm in the hospital right now, with your precious son... Haha, it's better to come over, let's meet and chat in person, how about?" Lin Fan's voice came from the phone.

Hearing this, Zhang Hongyin's old face changed, and the phone almost fell to the ground.

"Mr. Lin, if you have something to say, it's all a misunderstanding, misunderstanding..." Zhang Hongyin said quickly.

"Misunderstanding? Okay, since it's a misunderstanding, then Boss Zhang has to meet me even more to resolve this misunderstanding!" Lin Fan said coldly.

"This...well, wait, I'll be over right away!" Zhang Hongyin said with an ugly face.

"Well, yes, then I'm in your son's ward, waiting for you, but Boss Zhang, my patience is very limited, don't challenge my bottom line!"

After saying this, Lin Fan directly hung up.

Zhang Hongyin was dumbfounded.

He had only one son, Zhang Mingliang, in his entire life, but now he fell into Lin Fan's hands. How could he not be anxious.

"Quickly, get ready for the car right away, calling all of us in Beizhen, and go to the hospital right away..."

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