Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 998: : The trouble of communication inconvenience

Out of good intentions, Jason let the fishing boat stay on the shore of the island and rest for the whole night.

Immediately, Jason took the people back to the construction site on the island.

However, just before their front feet left, several of these people immediately showed a dark smile.

"Huh, this is Dayang Island? It really is a very good island, this should belong to our Fusang!" A man who was not tall even said in the words of Fusang.

A person next to him nodded the same: "Dayang Island is beautiful, and the surrounding seas are rich in materials. Such a place belongs to our Fusang. Only our Fusang can make this the world's largest island!"

Listening to their unassuming conversation, the people next to them did not respond.

Among these people, a thin man had a vicious light in his eyes.

"No matter who this island belongs to, it will no longer exist here tonight. As long as it has something to do with Lin Fan, it will all be destroyed!" the man said coldly.

"Hongshengjun, shall we start acting now?"

"Will it be too early? There are still a lot of workers on their side, and now the action will startle!"

The two Fusang people all frowned and said.

"Don't worry, now take a good rest. When the moon and the black wind are high, it will be the murder night!" The man was colder.

Immediately, I saw these Fusang people sitting on the ground one after another.

From the boxes they brought, they took out some convenient food and distributed them to others, just sitting on the beach, eating vacuum food in the sea breeze.

At the same time, Jason, who had returned to the construction site, had been thinking about what was just now.

A fishing boat came over inexplicably, it was a bit strange how to think.

You know, although Jason didn't dare say that he knew all the fishing boats in this area, he had seen most of them.

Moreover, all the sea areas here have been contracted by Lao Tie and Baldhead.

Basically, the fishing boats that go out to sea are owned by their two families.

There are very few foreign ships that operate at sea.

Even if there is, it shouldn't come to the island to rest.

Even if the fishing boat fails, it will only take 30 minutes to go from the trail to the land.

Looking at the state of the fishing boat, it can be fully supported to go back.

Although Jason had a good heart, he was not a fool. After pondering and deliberation, it was soon discovered that something was not normal.

At this time, a man in his thirties rushed over.

This person was specially arranged for him by Xiao Shiyu. After all, Jason could not speak Chinese, and none of the workers could speak Inge.

It seems very troublesome to communicate with each other.

Therefore, Xiao Shiyu specially arranged for Jason to be here to arrange a translator for language communication.

"Mr. Jason!" The man hurried over.

"How about, those guys, what's the problem?" Jason turned around and asked.

When he left, before he walked far, he arranged for the interpreter to stay nearby and observed in secret to see if those guys would make any small movements.

It's just that the wind is so strong that the translator can't hear what they are saying, and can only vaguely see their movements.

"Mr. Jason, there is nothing unusual about them. They are all sitting on the beach to eat now. I think he is going to rest after I finish eating!" the translator said lowly.

"Oh? Just eating? Didn't they repair the fishing boat?" Jason asked a fatal question.

", maybe...maybe after eating and recovering some strength, they will repair the fishing boat!" the translator said a little embarrassingly.

Jason was not talking, but silently took out the phone and dialed a number.

This number belongs to a bald man who can speak some English.

It's just that he isn't very proficient, and Jason usually calls this person when he needs supplies and food.

Just like this, this person's English level is improving a little bit.

Although they still can't communicate fluently in English, they can communicate with each other briefly.

After a while, the other end of the phone was connected.

A man said in Chinese a little lazily: "Who, it's such a big night, let people not sleep, what phone calls!"

Jason didn't understand, even if he understood, he didn't bother to pay attention.

Because he has to figure out one thing now.

"Hey, Yang, this is Jason!" Jason said as slowly as possible.

Hearing this name, the man on the opposite side came to his senses in an agitated manner. Seeing the caller ID, it was not Jason's phone number. I was a little confused just now, but I didn't see it clearly at the first time.

"It's Mr. Jason? Excuse me... want food?" the man said.

"No, no, Yang, I'm calling you this time and I don't want any food. I want to ask your boss and ask something!" Jason said.

Although the speed of speech has been slowed down as much as possible, the other side still hears a little bit unclearly.

It took a long time to react: "Are you looking for my boss? Mr. Jason, what do you want to ask?"

"That's it. Just now, a fishing boat came over on our small island. It stayed here because of a fishing boat accident. I want to ask your boss, did your fishing boat go to sea at night?" Jason said.

The English level of men is not very proficient after all.

What's more, now it comes to things about fishing boats, which makes him even more confused.

When the man was in a daze, Jason repeated it again.

The result...still the same, the man couldn't understand it at all.

Upon seeing this, Jason smiled helplessly and handed the phone directly to the translator next to him.

"You come and ask him, did their fishing boats come out to work at night? If so, what's the ship number!"

The interpreter nodded and took the phone directly to convey Jason's meaning.

Until this time, the man opposite wiped off the cold sweat from his forehead because of his anxiety.

"This dead foreigner, let the translator call me earlier and it will be fine!"

"Wait first, I'll call our boss to ask, and I will give you a message later!" the man said.

After hanging up, Jason sat outside the warehouse where he was resting.

Looking at the night sky as if it were close at hand.

The night sky is like ink, with countless stars dotted in it, and a crescent moon, exuding white light.

However, just when Jason waited silently.

The group of people on the other side of the beach quietly began to prepare for action.

I saw that they had just eaten and added some energy.

Directly took out a few weapons and props from the boat and distributed them to everyone.

The thin man who took the lead had a sinister light in his eyes.

"Tonight we will bloodbath this Dayang Island..."

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