Metropolis: The Big Villain In The Beginning

Chapter 384 Turned out to be a prodigal!

far away.

Several people stood there with ugly expressions, especially Xiao Fan, who was wearing a blue suit.

He didn't expect that Chen Yu would also come.

"Invite him?" Xiao Fan asked curiously, and glanced at Li Ang's side.

Ang Li also looked in that direction, and then said: "It should be impossible. What status and status does their Chen family have? I think they should have been invited, but who on earth was it? Xu Yan? "

When I saw that Chen Yu was chatting with Xu Yan, and it seemed to have known each other for a long time, I was curious.

"It's impossible, isn't it? What kind of identity is the Xu family, how could it be implicated in him? He's a shit!"

The person in front of him also said with a look of disdain.

In his opinion, it is impossible for Chen Yu to enter the real circle of the capital with the strength of Chen Yu, let alone know such a few people.

You should know that their families are just some big families, but for families like the Xu family, their strength is extremely strong, and their contacts are also very competitive, and the double hair is not comparable at all.

Therefore, they are unwilling to believe in this matter, but now they increasingly feel that this matter seems to be true!

This seems to be a real problem.

Could it be that he really knew Xu Yan?

People are suspicious again.

Xiao Fan's face was gloomy.

He always thinks that Chen Yu is really lingering, after such a long time, he is still here?

I came here by myself, I originally knew some people, but now this guy exists again.

Okay, since you are here, I will advertise your affairs for you!

"Shao Li, I think there are many people who don't know some things about Chen Yu? Can we help you talk about it?"

Xiao Fan said lightly.

Ang Li also smiled when he heard Xiao Fan's words, and then said: "Okay, let's go, I will take you over to meet some people!"

After speaking, the two people walked over there.

At this time, many people were still discussing things about Chen Yu, and many people had various guesses about Chen Yu's identity.

At this moment, Li Ang stood up.

"Brother Chun, you are wrong. This guy is not a scholar, a noble family or something, he is the Binhai Chen family, he is just a prodigal!"

Li Ang said while smiling.

After hearing these words from Li Ang, the person in front of him named Chung looked at Li Ang a few times, and said with a look of surprise: "Do you know Li Ang?"

"Yes, I've met a few times. I didn't go to get that project in Binhai, and then I just met a lot of people. This guy really impressed me very much. He was lustful, and he also likes prodigal. Now the Chen family is about to go. I was completely defeated by him, but I didn't expect that, why would he appear here?"

At this time, Ang Li still pretended to frown and asked.

"He came with Xu Yan. Xu Yan should have invited him."

Someone also replied.

"Xu Yan? Then their relationship..."

Ang Lee said again.

"Not very clear, but it seems to be very intimate."

The man still said with a smile.Speaking of this, the other people also laughed.

In their opinion, this matter is really a bit complicated.

Everyone knew that the young man seemed to have a soft spot for Xu Yan.

But who knows that Xu Yan actually brought people here this time, I am afraid that there will be a good show to watch in the future!

Many people even think that this Chen Yu is finished.

Do you even dare to move the woman that Jun Shao is fond of?

I'm really looking for death!

Not only on their side, but almost everyone present thinks so.

Xiao Fan smiled slightly at this time, "I'm from Binhai. I know that Chen Yu has good strength, but his character is very irritable, and he is also very difficult to communicate in normal times." Xiao Fan added. Two sentences.

At this time, people also looked at Xiao Fan.

I still feel good about the person in front of Ang Lee.

After all, Xiao Fan's appearance is handsome, and his whole body behaves very well when he raises his hands and feet. He seems to be a very good person.

Therefore, many people still greeted Xiao Fan one after another.

At this time, Xiao Fan also took out his business card and handed it to people's hands.

When they saw that Xiao Fan was actually the CEO of a tens of billions company, and he was also the chairman of the company here, people suddenly looked at Xiao Fan even more.

Soon some people gathered on Xiao Fan's side.

I have to say that Xiao Fan's communicative skills are indeed very strong. In less than half an hour, many people have remembered him, and they also took the initiative to contact him. This is Many people can't do it.

This is where his strength lies.

"Young Master Xiao is really good!"

"A list of talents, I didn't expect that they would actually do such a big business!"

"It's really great, and you still have contact with Jun Shao?"

People became even more enthusiastic when they knew that Xiao Fan was invited here instead of looking for someone to bring him in.

From this point of view, the strength of this Xiao Fan may not be more than just that!

The average person Jun Shao wouldn't invite him, and you should know that under such a situation, since this old man knew him, it means that this person's back profile must be very good.

Xiao Fan didn't say anything.

This kind of thing is okay for him, after all, his grandfather's strength is not bad, and whoever wants to give himself a little face.

Just relying on these, Xiao Fan has already obtained a lot of resources, but now it seems that Xiao Fan still understands that this matter may not be over!

For now, they are still a lot worse.

Need to continue to work hard!

Xiao Fan was very humble at this time, and in everyone's eyes, he felt even more good.

Xiao Fan was also smiling, and felt that this time was a lot of gains. At the same time, when people talked about Chen Yu, they couldn't help but spit out a few words. Although they were very simple, they also let people know Chen Yu. One of the things.

Soon, many people out there knew about Chen Yu, and they were disdainful of Chen Yu.

At this time, Qiao Lei was also bragging with some of his other friends.

"Have you seen him? Do you know his identity?"

"You know, isn't it the prodigal in Binhai?"

One person said idly, as if he had no interest in Chen Yu.

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