Hearing this, Jiang Yichen smiled happily.

After talking so much nonsense, I finally got on the right track.

"I am indeed ready to invest it in the medical business."

Jiang Yichen's words made the reporter named Wang Yang nod his head.

He spoke again.

"Then what company are you going to work with?"

He didn't hesitate to say this.

Indeed, cooperation!

Although Yichen Group has a market value of tens of billions, if it is really as Jiang Yichen said.

If you want to overcome a series of terminal illnesses such as cancer, then the Yichen Group alone will definitely not be able to eat it!

To seek partners!

But Jiang Yichen's words made him stunned.

"Sorry, I am going to develop this technology myself."

Jiang Yichen smiled.

What a joke!

Why use your own technology for others?

Are they worthy?

Do you use it for yourself?

Undoubtedly, these words made everyone confused.


use it yourself?

Suddenly, the audience was quiet, and many reporters felt that their brains were a little empty.

"Dong Jiang, you need to know..."

"I don't need to know anything. I asked you to come today because I actually want to tell the whole country and the world through you a piece of news."

"Yichen Group Pharmaceutical Company, Huatuo Medical Department will be established today!"

"Our Yichen Group will use genetic recombination technology to push human beings to a higher level of life. Looking forward to immortality will not be an illusion!"

At this point, Jiang Yichen finally had nothing to hide.

With a smile on his face, he said so.

In the audience, all the reporters were dumbfounded.

Not only are they confused, but also on the Internet.

As early as the meeting began, some reporters had already opened the webcast.

The backstage has already accumulated hundreds of thousands of viewers.

When these audiences heard Jiang Yichen's words, they all felt their brains buzzing!

This person... his tone is too mad!

One by one they couldn't help but want to explode!

On the Internet, the original trend has changed.

When some people who were supporting Jiang Yichen heard this, they all disdain.

"Hehe, this person is really interesting to talk about. Such a big project is definitely not something he can eat!"

"Yes, I thought he was a handsome uncle, but now his tone is too crazy, right?"

"I checked the Xia Yichen Group just now, and this group has never been engaged in the field of biotechnology."

In the reporter's live broadcast room, a large number of people have begun to complain.

It is indeed Jiang Yichen's tone that is terrifying.

Does he want to monopolize the trillion-dollar technology?

Aren't you afraid of being crushed to death? !

I didn't even know how to follow up with many reporters for a while.

Jiang Yichen looked down with him.

He knew that now his words must have been heard all over the country.

Maybe some people feel that he is too arrogant and speaks without hesitation.

But that is not important!

Saying this by myself, I just want to send a message.

This technology is absolutely impossible for oneself to come up with!

My own cake, I eat it myself!

As for who to disclose to, Jiang Yichen squinted his eyes, didn't say anything, turned around and left.

After speaking, someone will naturally come to him after a while.

Many reporters watched Jiang Yichen leave, and left one after another.

They don't care so much, the more powerful Jiang Yichen said, the better!

Otherwise, how do people like yourself write the title?

After Jiang Yichen's press conference ended, a manuscript appeared on the Internet in just less than ten minutes.

[Worth tens of billions, he accidentally studied the genetic recombination technology that can overcome terminal illness...]

These can be said to have attracted a lot of enthusiasm!

Not just this one, in the next hour, many heavyweight media published new articles.

All sorts of things are all around Jiang Yichen's press conference today.

From his identity to what he said, to his technique!

Countless netizens talked about this topic.

Meager: [This person speaks really crazy! Just him, can you afford such a technology? ! 】

[Hehe, although Yichen Group is a tens of billions group, what about it? Without a complete upstream and downstream industrial chain, what can he do? 】

[That is, can he sustain such a large investment in medical technology in the early stage? 】

Countless people expressed their arrogance towards Jiang Yichen, but some people also defended it.

[A group of dead sprayers! Don't use it when you have the ability! The cutting-edge experts of Renjia Nature.com have said that this technology is really possible! 】

【that is! If this technology really dies in the abdomen because of you sprayers, and humans overcome terminal illnesses, I don’t know how many years later it will be! 】

[I don’t want to worry about so much, I only know that my father has cancer now, it is in the advanced stage, and it will last a year at most! I beg Yichen Group to develop a finished product as soon as possible. As long as the price is affordable, I have to buy it when my family is bankrupt! 】

Countless people are meagerly vying for this matter.

In terms of direct calls, many bigwigs have already started discussions around this event.

[The latest news is that Jiang Yichen, the publisher of the Nature.net paper, said that he will monopolize this technology. Is it possible for him to succeed? What impact does this technology have on humans? 】

Amidst the rain: [Thanks for the invitation. The first question of the subject, I think it is not valid. 】

[Medical technology involves a whole set of upstream and downstream system issues. As Jiang Yichen said, even if you don’t consider other things, what about the initial investment? Start at least 100 billion! Where did he get the funds? The country will not sit back and watch someone try to monopolize, he can only seek cooperation! 】

Heming Yushan: [Agrees with Misty Rain's statement, I can only say that what he said is not true, but this technology is quite cutting-edge. If it can be successfully applied, the terminal illness will be overcome. But you must know that the difference between theory and application is not only a star and a half! 】

When many big bosses were arguing directly, short video platforms such as Yanyin also started to publish videos from the media.

【crazy! The latest genetic recombination technology has come out, leading the United States for 30 years. It is claimed that once the finished product is released, it will completely overturn the current medical technology! 】

The video is matched with the best music and Jiang Yichen's domineering words.

It is undoubtedly a heavy blow to all who watched.

In particular, the video owner also translated some of the comments on the natural network by himself, which is even more shocking.

[This turned out to be a paper published by a Chinese scientist? sky! 】

[Hehe, isn't the U.S. always proud of its technology? Now it has been overtaken by Hua Guo, look forward to it! 】

[As a scholar in the field of biotechnology, I feel ashamed. 】

Most of the users of 钭音 are students or tend to be younger.

They don't care about arrogance or arrogance. After seeing these videos, they screamed one by one.

[Trenching! Awesome! ! ! 】

[Yes, I like it. This technology has a promising future. It is their ability to be able to use it. I don't know what I am jealous of. 】

[Scientists, and the CEOs of the Ten Billion Group, so handsome! Handsome uncle fell in love with love! 】

[This look... so sharp, it seems to stay in my heart. 】

While a large group of boys like and support, the girls have become idiots.

After all, Jiang Yichen is now not only a double identity, but a triple!

Scientists win glory for the country, boss of the tens of billions group!

Coupled with the heroic face, the proper domineering president directly attracts countless women!

On the Internet, the storm is sweeping.

Some people sought after, some resisted, and some were neutral.

But Jiang Yichen doesn't care about these.

He sat on the sofa on the top floor of Yichen Group, swaying a glass of red wine and looking down at LH City below, his eyes deep.

By his side, Bao Pinghe was reporting the latest news.

But Jiang Yichen didn't hear a word.

He is waiting, waiting for an announcement from someone.

He doesn't care about the public opinion on the Internet, it doesn't hurt or itchy.

The above meaning didn't show up, I just waited with peace of mind now.

As for Liu Zhantian, now is not the time to start.

But it's coming soon!

Looking at the feasting and feasting of LH City, Jiang Yichen smiled lightly.

Finally, Bao Pinghe reported the news.

Just as he was about to leave, he subconsciously glanced at the phone, and was randomly stunned.

"Dong Jiang... you've called you!"

Jiang Yichen looked at it and smiled.


It's coming.

It's half past eight in the evening.

This time period is exactly when most people are off work.

Most of the students are also active at this time.

When they finished browsing the news of the day and some lamented that Jiang Yichen was too arrogant or otherwise, an article quietly rushed to the top of the hot search list.

[Trying to monopolize trillions of technology, is Yichen Group suspected of capital monopoly? 】

There were a lot of articles like this on the Internet.

But if the identity of the publishing media is changed, things will start to change.

Everyone could not help being surprised when they looked at the publication of this article.

Anyone who sees the article immediately clicks in and starts to read it.

The article started with an objective and fair comment on the achievements of this technology and recognized Jiang Yichen's academic attainments.

But soon, as soon as the brush stroke changed, the style of painting immediately changed.

He began to verbalize and criticize, and even pointed out in it that Jiang Yichen might want a capital monopoly!

If it is normal, everyone can only say that this is a big hat.

But the question is, what is the publishing medium?

It goes without saying that Jiang Yichen has been spotted!

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