Metropolis: The System Makes Me A Villain

Chapter 113 I Acknowledged Jiang Yichen!

Jiang Yichen smiled coldly, and suddenly twisted his wrist to a weird level.

Just hearing the click sound, Liu Ruhai fell to the ground instantly, screaming.

Hand, broken!

Liu Ruhai looked at her hand, her expression completely distorted.

"Jiang Yichen, do you want to die?!"

"Zhantian, teach him a lesson, he actually dared to hurt your dad!"

Liu Ruhai looked at Liu Zhantian.

Liu Zhantian's face was hard to look at this moment.

He didn't expect that Jiang Yichen would actually be so cruel.

Moving forward, Liu Zhantian walked towards Jiang Yichen.

Obviously, this is ready to do it!

Around, many people looked at the scene one by one, their faces angry.

"It's really annoying! Is this the father and son uniting to bully? It's shameless!"

"It's disgusting to me, what a rubbish man!"

"That's, I want to hit someone because I owe money, haha!"

Liu Zhantian also noticed these words, his eyes flickered slightly, he took a deep breath and walked towards Jiang Yichen again.

Jiang Yichen looked at Liu Zhantian, who was walking towards him, and his expression became playful again.

"Liu Zhantian, do you remember what I said to you at the beginning?"

"What?" Liu Zhantian heard Jiang Yichen's profound words, and suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

Unconsciously, Jiang Yichen also approached Liu Zhantian.

"Your biggest weakness is your identity."

Listening to Jiang Yichen's low voice, Liu Zhantian felt bad for a moment.

Sure enough, the next moment, a large group of reporters rushed in carrying the camera.

"Big news!"

"It is said that Liu Zhanshen's parents were previously suspected of illegally stealing Yichen Group funds, and they also breached the contract they signed with Yichen Group!"

"Not only that, in order to protect his parents, God of War secretly mobilized the relationship to protect his parents in today's trial!"

A large group of reporters rushed in, facing Liu Zhantian who was about to take action against Jiang Yichen, raising his camera to take a snap.

There are so many flashes that people can hardly open their eyes to see.

Everyone in the room was dumbfounded, and I didn't expect so many reporters to rush in suddenly.

Liu Zhantian was also dumbfounded, his hands hung in the air.

Almost instantaneously, he reacted to what had happened.

I... was calculated by Jiang Yichen again!

"You want to hurt me again!"

Liu Zhantian looked at Jiang Yichen, furious.

Jiang Yichen looked confused.

"Liu Zhan Shen, what are you talking about? I warn you, it's in court now, if you maliciously frame up, I can sue you now!"

Jiang Yichen looked extremely angry because of this incident.

The reporters all around took a look and took another crazy photo.

Liu Zhantian almost wanted to vomit blood.

No matter how stupid he was, he knew that Jiang Yichen wanted to kidnap himself with public opinion!

If you want to save your parents, you must use your relationship!

But now this case can be seen by anyone with a discerning eye, it's his own Liu family who doesn't have any reason!

Sure enough, Jiang Yichen spoke.

"Judge, I am dissatisfied with the previous sentence. Can I make another sentence now? My lawyer is here."

With that said, Jiang Yichen pointed to the back.

More than a dozen lawyers in suits and leather shoes came over and nodded to Jiang Yichen.

Bao Pinghe is also among them.

"Dong Jiang, are you late?"


A smile appeared on Jiang Yichen's face.

All the people are protesting and feel dissatisfied.

Liu Ruhai didn't wake up after seeing this scene. Instead, he looked at Jiang Yichen and spoke in a murmur.

"Jiang Yichen, you really do not live or die, and you people, what can you do with me, Liu Ruhai?!"

Liu Ruhai didn't bother to speak.

In his opinion, his son is so prominent, what if a reporter comes?

It can still be pressed down.

"Dad, stop talking!"

Liu Zhantian's face had begun to turn pale, and he wanted to stop his father from continuing to speak, but Liu Ruhai pointed at him in anger instead.

"Liu Zhantian, are you still helping Jiang Yichen beast today?!"

Zhang Mei spoke up with a splash.

"Zhantian! Who do you want to help today! Isn't it bad enough for your dad and I to be harmed by this bastard?!"

Zhang Mei looked sad, feeling that her son was not as filial as she thought.

Liu Zhantian had already wanted to die.

You can also score occasions when you play!

There are so many reporters here now, so they will be on the news soon!

Jiang Yichen was watching the family scolding each other, and his smile could hardly be hidden.

Make trouble, keep making trouble.

The bigger the thing, the better.

However, Jiang Yichen was not prepared to delay, and looked at the judge again.

"Judge, aren't you ready to start?"

Jiang Yichen smiled.

The judge was taken aback, gritted his teeth, and opened the court again.

He re-narrated the case again, and the reporters were busy thinking about the copy.

They also have headaches.

After all, it is not clear what is going on.

God of War actually got together with Jiang Yichen, who is in the limelight recently?


Many reporters were puzzled, but when the judge recounted the matter, their eyes lit up!

Is there such an inside story unexpectedly? !

Everyone's eyes lit up!

God of War's parents embezzled Yichen Group funds without shame, and even breached the contract and acted as Lao Lai.

Was originally going to be sent to jail, but the God of War returned and wanted to use his power to save his parents?

Many reporters looked at each other, feeling surprised.

It turns out that this is the reason Jiang Yichen started the lawsuit?

Change yourself and fight yourself!

Many reporters had quite the same ideas, and they looked at the judge again one by one.

They suddenly became a little curious, what would the court decide?

After hesitating for a while, listening to lawyer Jiang Yichen's lawsuit, the judge's eyes became cold.

Forget it, no matter so much!

Something went wrong, and there was a big tall guy standing on it!

What's more, if Liu Zhantian's identity is so prominent, I am afraid he can resist it!

"Maintain the original verdict!"

The judge took a deep breath and knocked down the hammer.

The moment this sound rang, the court exploded.

The bailiffs are stupid.

The reporters are also stupid.

"I lost it! It's too dark."

A reporter put down the camera and couldn't help but speak.

The other reporters also put down their cameras, frowning one by one.

They are reporters and initiators of public opinion.

In a sense, the camera in their hands is used to expose the existence of obliterating injustice.

But now, there are still people in front of so many reporters, regardless of black and white?

Simply annoying!

In an instant, many reporters became angry.

Unlike the others, Liu Ruhai stood up and laughed.

"You idiots, do you really think it's useful to rely on your few words? My son is the god of war!"

"Want to send me to jail? Dream Jiang Yichen!"

Liu Ruhai spoke spitefully, very relieved of his qi.

Many people already had grievances in their hearts, but at this moment they heard Liu Ruhai showing off his son's identity again, making them all the more annoyed.

"Go to the God of War of f*ck! The style is nothing but that!"

"Hehe, what a shame!"

Countless people stood up to protest, looking disgusted.

The reporters did not speak any more, but took a camera to record all this.

They are now suppressing the unhappiness in their hearts, they just want to take out a manuscript immediately after they go out, and let the people look at the dark corners that the sun can't reach!

Facing the disgusting look of so many people, Liu Zhantian was stupid.

At the beginning...I just wanted to save my parents!

How did things become like this? !

Jiang Yichen stood at the position of the plaintiff and also stood up, except that there was a faint smile on his face.

Liu Zhantian, Liu Zhantian.

You really have a good dad.

I'm going to pit you to death.

Jiang Yichen smiled secretly and spoke quickly.

Jiang Yichen got up, his thoughts turned, and he spoke quickly.

"Everyone, don't argue anymore!"

When Jiang Yichen spoke, his face was expressionless.

Because of what he said, the surrounding quieted down.

They looked at Jiang Yichen one by one and stopped talking.

They also want to know what the CEO of Yichen Group, one of the parties involved, is currently being hotly discussed on the Internet, and what he wants to say.

Liu Zhantian looked at Jiang Yichen, and a trace of badness passed through his heart.

Sure enough, Jiang Yichen spoke the next moment.

"I, Jiang Yichen, acknowledged this matter today!"

"I, Jiang Yichen, are just a businessman. I can be regarded as a rich man, but I am not as powerful as Liu Warshen!"

"I know I will definitely lose the case today, but I also know!"

"If a rich man like me doesn't benefit the rich and powerful, what about ordinary people?"

"I! Jiang Yichen! I will defend my rights to the end! Please testify!"

Jiang Yichen spoke word by word, sonorously and forcefully.

When everyone listened to this, they all quieted down.

Then, thunderous applause sounded!

"Support Jiang Dong!"

The reporters have already started to take pictures one by one, and continue to applaud.

"That's right. I have been a reporter for more than ten years, and the thing I can't stand for is this kind of thing!"

"When I go back this time, I will write a manuscript soon to expose these dark facts!"

"It's so irritating, too arrogant!"

The reporters all spoke loudly, equally dissatisfied.

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