Metropolis: The System Makes Me A Villain

Chapter 179: A Blessing in Disguise

Jiang Yichen thought about it and called He Xin.

Beihai Heaven on Earth Clubhouse.

He Xin was drunk and dreaming in the most luxurious private room at the moment.

The whole room is full of beauties of all colors.

There are also several second generations of the Beihai clans, leading the orders of their fathers, to accompany He Xin with wine.

He Xin himself was drunk.

While thinking about which women to sleep in tonight, suddenly my cell phone rang.

He Xin reluctantly opened his eyes and glanced over indifferently.

When he saw the caller's name, his brain was instantly clear.


My uncle called.

"You! Go ahead and turn off the stereo for me!"

He Xin pointed to a second generation to speak.

The second generation didn't understand what Dohexin meant, but fortunately, the person next to him was alive and ran over and unplugged the audio cable.

He Xin just connected the phone.

"Hahaha! Little uncle, you're so late, haven't you slept yet."

He Xin smiled.

Jiang Yichen didn't care what He Xin was doing, so he spoke lightly now.

"What's the situation with Fang Han?"

"Fang Han? The kid said he never had a chance to make a move."

He Xin spoke.

Jiang Yichen nodded, but didn't care much.

Fang Yu had a high luck value before, and it was normal if he didn't manage well.

Now that I have been suppressed so hard, it is estimated that the value of luck is not as good as before.

It should be much easier to get started.

"Ask him if Fang Yu has returned to Fang's house. If yes, tell me via text message."

Jiang Yichen ordered.

He Xin chick nodded like a rice.

"Good little uncle, I'll contact him later!"

"Okay, it's okay to go to bed early. You are so young, and it's not good to break your body."

Jiang Yichen reminded him casually.

This made He Xin a little embarrassed.

Looked at the beauties around, lowered his head and spoke.

"What my uncle said is that I clean myself up, clean myself up."

He Xin's words made everyone around him stun their tongues.

Who is that person on the opposite side?

Can He Xin speak in such a low voice?

The night passed quickly.

The next morning, Jiang Yichen woke up very early.

After getting dressed in no hurry, Jiang Yichen went downstairs to start eating breakfast.

While eating breakfast, Jiang Yichen learned about the development of the entire Beihai Province.

Almost as he expected.

Only in the early morning, the entire Beihai Province was fried!

Countless dignitaries looked at the text messages in their mobile phones, shocked.

They felt unbelievable, and they could call the Beihai Police Station to confirm the situation.

The results obtained made each of them restless.

Qi Hua.

It's really dead!

he died!

Countless dignitaries began to think of something deeper.

For example, what impact will Qi Hua's death have?

You know, the Qi family is the number one in the entire Beihai.

But this generation is almost dead.

Just one Qi Qingran.

Is a Qi Qingran able to support a huge Qi family?

Countless dignitaries shook their heads.

Qi Qingran, can't afford it!

So, isn't this the best opportunity to reshuffle the cards?

Historians, Duan's, go one step further.

Divide the resources of the family!

They eat meat, and people like themselves can also drink soup, right? !

The idea of ​​expensive ownership is almost surprisingly unanimous.

Even Shi Haiming is the same!


Shi Haiming put down the phone in his hand, his eyes thought.

Qi Hua actually died?

Died of homicide?

To be honest, Shi Haiming never expected that Qi Hua would exit in this way.

What exactly did the assassin want to do?

Shi Haiming couldn't think of it.

He only knows that now is the best opportunity for his historian.

Get Qi's resources as quickly as possible.

Become the largest clan in the North Sea!

Don't let the Duan family have a chance!

When this thought came out, Shi Haiming stood up.

"Take someone and go to Qi's house with me!"

In the entire historian, there are dozens of people and hundreds of people, sitting in various luxury cars, and heading to the Qi family!

Not only Shi Haiming, Duan Ping also captured this information.

"Hehe, the old bastard surnamed Shi has already left, right? Let's go too!"

The Duan family, everyone also came out!

It's not just these two families.

Many small families, including some commercial giants, also set off for Qi's home!

The so-called one whale loses everything.

Qi family, this is the whale.

The collapse of the Qi family can definitely bring great benefits to people like yourself!

Similarly, in another urban area in Beihai Province, some people were also surprised.

"That old Qi Hua died? Hahahaha! Brother, if you die, we have a chance!"

A middle-aged man laughed, his eyes fiercely fierce.

The people with his own line also went to the Qi family.

"Hehe, brother, I didn't dare to provoke you before, but now that you are dead, can your baby girl be able to keep the Qi family?"

The man's eyes were cold.

Almost on this morning, the forces in the entire Beihai Province were moving.

Rushed to the Qi family one after another!

These were naturally also noticed by Fang Yu.

"What's the matter? Qi Hua is dead?"

Fang Yu was a little surprised when he heard the news.

He hasn't been out since he returned home after what happened last night.

What Jiang Yichen did hit him hard.

Now a little depressed.

Hearing this news, Fang Yu instinctively wanted to do some operations and gain some benefits.

If it were before, Fang Yu was confident that he could use this incident to build his Fang family into one of several big clans.

But now, he is a little unsure.

Because no matter how you look at it, Qi Hua's death is too strange.

When did he not die, he died at this critical point.

Still murdered by someone!

Although Fang Yu had not predicted Qi Qingran's future.

But instinct told him that it is best not to participate in this matter.

"It doesn't matter if you participate in the Qi family, but Jiang Yichen must die!"

Fang Yu put aside other thoughts, and then thought of Jiang Yichen.

The expression was extremely distorted.

He can conclude.

What happened last night was definitely Jiang Yichen behind the scenes!

This guy just wants to make a fool of himself in public!

Fang Yu clenched his fist to death, but he had nowhere to exert his strength.

He is still far from Jiang Yichen's level now.

It is extremely troublesome to be noticed by this guy.

And most importantly, I predicted the future of so many people.

Why do you rarely see the part related to Jiang Yichen?

This guy has never really appeared from start to finish!

Fang Yu couldn't help but clenched his fist, but in the end he had no choice but to sigh.

Now that I am too passive, I can only settle down and slowly seek opportunities.

"Huh! Jiang Yichen probably won't know my ability, as long as I have the ability, surpassing him, it's just around the corner!"

Fang Yu is confident.

Although I have revealed my ability before.

But unexpectedly encountered an accident and failed.

But it doesn't matter.

No exposure, better.

Otherwise, even if he successfully fooled the group of powerful and powerful people last night.

Compared to being known by Jiang Yichen about his abilities, it was still too bad.

It's a blessing in disguise.

Fang Yu comforted himself.

When Fang Yu decided not to come forward.

And in Qi's house.

Countless people stood outside the fence long ago!

Shi Jia and Duan Jia stood at the forefront.

Behind the two houses, standing next to the other families, there are also some ordinary nobles.

Almost a thousand people!

It can be seen how many people are watching Qi's family now!

The atmosphere in the field is a bit quiet.

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