Metropolis: The System Makes Me A Villain

Chapter 220 Don't be too high profile

"Gentlemen, I may have forgotten one more thing."

Just when everyone thought the live broadcast ended here, Jiang Yichen smiled and said.

This made everyone hesitate.

What else is there?

Antimatter technology has been proven by Jiang Yichen, what else is worth talking about?

Everyone was puzzled, and Carter suddenly shook his heart.

The situation is not so good!

What else does Jiang Yichen have to say in this situation?

What he wants to say cannot be beneficial to his country!

Sure enough, in Carter's horrified eyes, Jiang Yichen spoke.

"I know what everyone in front of the screen is worried about."

"Worry that our country, because of its anti-matter technology, is acting nonsense?"

"No, no, no, I can assure you that China has never been a country that likes to conquer."

Jiang Yichen smiled slightly.

He knows what the people of all countries are most afraid of now.

Isn't it just afraid of death?

Here I give them the reassurance that they don't even need to get approval from above.

Sure enough, as Jiang Yichen spoke, many people who were watching the live broadcast felt relieved.

They began to feel happy, feeling like they were left behind.

Countless international netizens expressed their excitement.

After Jiang Yichen was quiet for ten seconds, he said the second sentence.

"I can assure everyone that our technology is aimed at benefiting all mankind!"

"In this regard, as the holder of two super-era technologies, genetic recombination technology and antimatter technology, I have the right to say this, please rest assured."

Jiang Yichen's words once again shocked everyone in front of the screen.

When they heard this, they felt unbelievable.

Only then did people remember Jiang Yichen's true identity.

Chairman of Yichen Group, holder of two ultra-era technologies!

He is indeed qualified to speak like this!

Seeing one speech after another on the screen, Jiang Yichen smiled very happily.

Sure enough, leeks are leeks.

Sometimes it only takes a few small benefits and false lies to make them think all this is incomparably beautiful.

It's quite simple to fiddle with everything.

Of course, some obstacles have to be removed in advance.

Thinking of this, Jiang Yichen's expression suddenly became lonely.

"Of course, all that I have said to everyone is just my own one-sided guarantee."

"When it is really implemented, it will encounter unimaginable obstacles because it touches the interests of some people."

Jiang Yichen expressed regret, which surprised countless people who were watching the live broadcast.

what's the situation?

I was happy just now, and you told me that this is unlikely to happen?

【what's the situation? Where is the difficulty? 】

[Could he be lying to us? 】

[Sure enough, I'm drawing a pie again! 】

【fraud! 】

Countless people suddenly felt that they had been tricked and condemned Jiang Yichen.

This condemnation is still expected.

Jiang Yichen frowned slightly, and said in a cold voice.

"For those friends who condemn me for deceiving everyone, I want to explain here."

"It's not that the determination of the Yichen Group is not enough, but some of your decision-makers blocked all this!"

"These are all certified, you have experienced it some time ago!"

Jiang Yichen spoke word by word, his expression indifferent, as if he was talking about an ordinary thing.

All the moments of condemning Jiang Yichen, the memory quickly returned to a month ago.

At that time... it was exactly the same as Jiang Yichen said.

Everyone is condemning Yichen Group!

The field was quiet.

Jiang Yichen looked at these senior officials with a faint smile on his face.

He could see the killing intent of one or two of them, but he didn't care.

Kill yourself?

Will kill yourself, dare to kill yourself?

If you kill yourself, you won't get the slightest benefit, but you will suffer a big loss. Who would have a brain convulsion and attack yourself?

On the contrary, if they are willing to cooperate with themselves, they don't mind to come up with something good in exchange.

No matter how bad it is, I am just working now.

Jiang Yichen could still see this clearly.

So from the beginning, he had the idea of ​​going out independently and breaking the earth as the king.

I still have to speed up my development.

Jiang Yichen squinted and smiled.

"Leader, can I go back now?"

Jiang Yichen smiled lightly.

The old man was silent for a moment, then suddenly looked at Jiang Yichen.

"Jiang Yichen, what is your real purpose?"

What is the real purpose?

Facing the problem of the elderly, Jiang Yichen was stunned for a moment.

The real purpose?

The real purpose of doing all this by yourself?

what is it then?


Jiang Yichen smiled slightly.

To be honest, Jiang Yichen himself didn't know what his true purpose was.

Basically, I have been in intrigue with the son of luck all the way.

Now there are still a few children of luck waiting for themselves to solve them, and their strength is getting stronger and stronger.

The children of luck that I met are getting more and more perverted.

Jiang Yichen thought many times, where would he go when he struggled with the son of luck?

Until he wanted to understand a truth.


What is a villain?

There is no true pure villain in this world.

There is no pure decency.

Who dares to say that the children of luck act more upright than themselves?

Is Xiao Fan a good person?

In order to kill yourself, you can give up your own woman.

Is Bai Zhantian a good person?

For your own parents, you can use your power privately.

Where is Xiao Tian?

Who can guarantee that he never killed anyone?

One is that they have different identities.

It's just a different position.

They are just people who have been blessed.

Seeing everything floating on the surface, Jiang Yichen knew where he was going.

Beyond all this, no one can restrain oneself.

No matter what kind of form this detachment is going to take, one has to embark on such a path.

No one can stop you from doing what you want to do.

Those who stop him must die!

Jiang Yichen's words also made the old man frown.

The word detachment contains too much.

The ambition is too great.

He didn't know what Jiang Yichen's ultimate goal was.

In the future, who can hold him down.

Although it seems that Jiang Yichen has not taken any dangerous actions right now.

But no one can guarantee that in the future, he will not overturn all of this.

Jiang Yichen had already walked out of the building, no one stopped him.

All the senior executives watched Jiang Yichen leave with complicated eyes.

"Leader, do you really let this guy grow up?"

A senior frowned and spoke.

He is the one with the strongest killing intent.

Although other senior officials did not express their views, their eyes were already very obvious.

It's time to make a move!

This guy dared to fight even Handong.

Is there anything he dare not do?

Faced with so many gazes, the old man shook his head slightly and sighed.

"I can't do it right now, wait for a while and see."

After all, the old man left.

When Jiang Yichen walked out, Mu Xiongguo followed.

As soon as the two appeared, the crowd gathered outside shouted enthusiastically again.

Jiang Yichen greeted them with a smile, and Mu Xiongguo also smiled and waved.

As soon as he got into the car, his expression quickly became serious.

"Mr. Jiang, your actions... are too big."

Mu Xiongguo spoke.

Jiang Yichen naturally understood what he meant.

I am afraid that I will be targeted by high-level officials and suppressed.

It's okay, I'm not afraid.

Seeing Jiang Yichen shaking his head, Mu Xiongguo also sighed.

"Hey, Mr. Jiang, you have to insist...I have nothing to say."

"But there is one thing I can tell you. It's better not to be too high-profile."

"This world has never been the world we see on the surface."

Mu Xiongguo's words were extraordinarily heavy.

Jiang Yichen heard something interesting from it.

"How to say?"

"This kind of thing... is confidential, I really can't tell you, I'm sorry Jiang Yichen."

Mu Xiongguo shook his head, obviously the matter exceeded his authority to disclose.

Hearing this, Jiang Yichen narrowed his eyes.

This world is not what we see on the surface.

What's the meaning?

Can't you even watch your own position?


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