Metropolis: The System Makes Me A Villain

Chapter 251 You can just let it go!

Jiang Yichen didn't say anything. After taking a look at the war robot that came back, just as he was about to continue production, a phone call came in.

"Mr. Jiang, is the production of anti-matter weapons ready?"

Mu Xiongguo's words reminded Jiang Yichen.

Well, anti-matter weapons have not yet been produced.

"Don't worry, Mu will be in production."

"Well, well, let me know when the time comes, and I'll receive it."

Jiang Yichen hung up the phone.

He cast his gaze on the huge machine in the middle again!

Antimatter manufacturing machine!

A powerful machine capable of making antimatter!

"It's almost there. Antimatter is produced, and it's time to close."

Jiang Yichen muttered to himself in Bao Pinghe's confused eyes, and then walked forward.

In front of Jiang Yichen was a large, pure black machine.

It is very large and occupies almost one-half of the entire underground air-raid shelter.

The height is more than 20 meters, and the length exceeds 100 meters.

Hengchen is like a dormant beast in this underground space.

Only the white light lit up regularly, as if sleeping.

Jiang Yichen looked at this anti-matter manufacturing equipment far beyond human technology, with a bright smile on his expression.

This is naturally given to itself by the system, but it has now been manufactured.

"Dong Jiang, when this equipment was debugged, it was in an unusable state and lacked some key programs."

Bao Pinghe leaned closer and spoke.

Jiang Yichen smiled and nodded.

"Of course it's not available, because I didn't import the most critical startup program."

Jiang Yichen stepped forward and began typing lines of complex codes on the holographic screen.

Bao Pinghe himself is also a top hacker, but now, watching Jiang Yichen type the code, his expression is extremely confused.

A lot of code is absolutely wrong from my own point of view.

But Jiang Yichen didn't correct it, but made more mistakes later.

It seems to be completely deviated from logic.

It's no wonder that Bao Pinghe thought so. Originally, these codes were not designed by humans.

Jiang Yichen was just converted into human code and typed out, which naturally does not match Bao Pinghe's cognitive logic.

Time passed, and a few minutes later, Jiang Yichen finally pressed the Enter key.


The next moment, the entire huge machine reacted!

Many lights on it lit up.

Starting from the head, increasing to the tail, light up one by one.

As if being awakened from a deep sleep, the whole robot made a faint sound.


A dull voice came, and all the lights on the entire machine were completely illuminated.

Bao Pinghe looked a little confused.

how did you do that?

Those codes...

He pressed the doubt to the bottom of his heart and looked at Jiang Yichen again.

Bao Pinghe didn't know what this machine was for.

It just followed Jiang Yichen's words and adopted the highest secrecy measures.

Every part of the machine is not produced by the same manufacturer.

Even in order to prevent people from tracking, Bao Pinghe customized several key parts separately.

Only one of them is true.

Others are confusing.

Of course, if Jiang Yichen knew that Bao Pinghe was doing his best, he would be very pleased, but he felt unnecessary.

Thinking slightly, Jiang Yichen struck the next line of code on the holographic screen again.

"010, go get 10kg of Lr metal."

Jiang Yichen spoke lightly.

The war robot got the order and left quickly, and it didn't take long before it came holding a fist-sized piece of silver-white metal material.

After Jiang Yichen signaled, the war robot placed it on a pure silver platform.

At the next moment, I don't know what force was affected by it.

This piece of Lr metal, the size of a fist, was suspended in the air.

Bao Pinghe was dumbfounded to see this scene, but fortunately, he was used to the magic brought by Jiang Yichen, and he was quite calm.

Jiang Yichen looked at the silver-white metal faintly.


Chinese name 铹.

The atomic number is 103 and the atomic weight is 262.

It is one of the substances with the largest number of atoms known to mankind.

And it is the protagonist of Jiang Yichen's antimatter control today.

Only with such a large atomic weight can one produce enough antimatter by himself!

Of course, the price paid is that the difficulty of making antimatter is almost impossible!

What is impossible? !

Take the current pinnacle of human technology, the United States.

At present, the production of antimatter does not stop at the hydrogen element.

The atomic number of hydrogen is 1.

From 1 to 2, it is already difficult for humans to cross a hurdle, let alone 103!

There are many reasons for this.

One is that the current particle accelerators are not capable of accelerating so many atoms to close to the speed of light at the same time.

"You leave here for the time being, it may be dangerous."

Jiang Yichen spoke lightly.

In the first experiment, no one knew what danger would happen.

I am sure to protect myself, but Bao Pinghe is not necessarily so.

Although... if an accident happens, running is for nothing.

But the sense of ritual still has to be there.

Bao Pinghe didn't refute anything. He wasn't a fool either. Naturally, he could see that it was definitely not a joke, so he nodded and left.

Bao Pinghe left, and the whole underground was completely quiet.

Only Jiang Yichen and war robots remained.

Jiang Yichen looked at the anti-matter trap in front of him and spoke lightly.

"Starting to decompose."

"Voice recognition is successful! Iris recognition is successful! DNA sequence recognition is successful! Loading energy source!"

A line of progress numbers appeared on the holographic screen with the sound of the robotic girl.





The progress is constantly loading while in the outside world.

On this day, the entire southern region of China suddenly fell into a power outage.

Countless electrical appliances that were originally running stopped, and the high-voltage lines of the power station were smoking.

In the Jiang Nan Military Region, Mu Xiongguo looked at the screen that went out in front of him with a thoughtful expression.

"Mr. Jiang finally started. Order to go down. The Northwest and North China will concentrate power supply to the sea!"

"In addition, nuclear power plants in coastal areas cut off all other power sources and fully transmit power to the sea!"

Mu Xiongguo quickly issued the order.

This incident was not beyond his expectation. Jiang Yichen also said before that he might turn on the antimatter device at any time.

At that time, an unimaginable supply of energy will be needed.

Naturally, Mu Xiongguo's orders were quickly implemented, and many bewildered provincial power departments received orders.

Give up everything and supply power to Linhai!

On this day, almost all the high-voltage power lines in Linhai were smoking. They were modified before.

But in reality, it's almost impossible to withstand this huge amount of power!

Almost half of China's electricity is now running to Linhai!

And under such a large amount of current, the machine is finally loaded.

"100% loaded! Successfully loaded! Separated..."


With the appearance of this mechanical female voice, a large group of white light shone in the whole machine in an instant.

Its light is so dazzling that it exceeds the limit of human endurance.

The naked eye can't look directly, even when shooting through the glass wall, it still carries a terrifying temperature!

The entire issue of underground air-raid shelters has been provided on Baidu.

Especially the war robot standing beside Jiang Yichen, the whole body still glowed crimson.

Obviously, the titanium alloy is about to reach its melting point.

Jiang Yichen still stood in place, his expression indifferent.

A layer of invisible white mist appeared on his body, resisting these.

Even looking directly at the reaction center.

The rhodium metal is being rapidly melted and then bombarded into an atomic state.

A fist-sized piece of silver-white metal disappeared after ten seconds.

Some gray matter appeared in the vacuum space of about two cubic meters.

"The decomposition is over, please proceed to the next step."

The mechanical female voice uttered again.

Jiang Yichen did not immediately proceed to the next step, but took the lead in making a call to Mu Xiongguo.

"General Mu, I need power for the entire country of China."

Mu Xiongguo answered the phone and was a little dazed to hear this message.

"Mr. Jiang, is it the entire country? This consumes a lot of power."

Mu Xiongguo was full of emotion.

He knows whether to eat energy when conducting certain scientific research.

But I didn't expect that the production of antimatter would require a nationwide effort!

This is too scary!

Of course, he still has confidence.

China's power grid, let alone anything else.

Absolutely No. 1 in the world!

Every household in the village is connected to electricity, and there is no problem in supplying electricity to more than one billion people.

It can be described as strong!

Therefore, Mu Xiongguo didn't think much about it, and directly agreed.

"That's okay, Mr. Jiang, just let go and do it!"

Mu Xiongguo laughed.

After Jiang Yichen smiled, he also hung up the phone.

Putting down the phone, Jiang Yichen once again looked at the reaction space in front of him.

"Start to make antimatter."

Jiang Yichen spoke.

Antimatter is annihilated due to its nature, so if you want to make it.

It must be successful all at once.

Otherwise, wherever there is a positive atom, unimaginable things will happen.

This is also the reason why Jiang Yichen wants the entire country of China to supply electricity.

There will never be accidents.

"Loading energy source..."

A line of numbers still appears.





Only this time, the speed of energy storage is obviously much slower than before.

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