At this moment, Jiang Yichen left before and came to a few people.

Several people glanced at Jiang Yichen. They seemed familiar, but they couldn't remember.

One of the tall people nodded quickly after looking at Jiang Yichen.

"What's wrong?"

With that, he completely folded the toy airplane in his hand in half.

On the ground, a little boy burst into tears.

When Jiang Yichen saw this scene, his eyes narrowed, but he quickly laughed again.

"You like to play, don't you? Come on, I will play with you today."

When the voice fell, few people had yet to react.

Jiang Yichen lifted his palm into the air.

In the next moment, several burly people were lifted up!

The neck seemed to be strangled by an invisible big hand, and his face turned blue, struggling constantly.

Jiang Yichen shook his palm slightly, and the next moment a few white people blasted out like cannonballs and directly hit the sculpture in the middle of the square.


The stone sculpture a few meters high was smashed into pieces.

Several people fell to the ground. Before they had time to scream, the stone statue weighing several tons fell down.

In the smoke and dust, there was no more sound.

That's it... Killed?

Everyone was dumbfounded, and then thunderous cheers erupted.

"Xianren Jiang did a good job!"

"Thank Mr. Jiang, thank you, thank you!"

Countless people cheered, and the children's parents were even more grateful.

In response, Jiang Yichen smiled.

"It's okay, children are our future, we can't be bullied by these things."


There was thunderous applause in the field.

This made Jiang Yichen sigh slightly.

Sure enough, after being rich and powerful, wanting to make some fame and fortune is simply easy.

Chen Fan, who had no money and no power, didn't believe anything.


"Have you chosen the two things well."

Jiang Yichen looked at Mu Qingxue and Qi Qingran.

The two nodded together.

"Okay! They will send things home."

"Well, then go back."

Jiang Yichen didn't care about things here anymore.

You don't need to manage the follow-up of this matter.

With your current influence, it's easy to get a hot search on any move.

Not to mention this kind of face-slapped foreign guy.

The facts are as expected by Jiang Yichen.

Someone recorded the incident throughout the entire process. Less than an hour after Jiang Yichen left, related posts appeared on all major platforms.

A few hours later, this time the matter was successfully searched.

Go straight to the first!

Hexagon building.

Parliament hall.

Many congressmen sat in the hall, looking at the screen, all sneered.

"Chief Carter, our genetic warriors have been distributed all over the world and have all been hidden. Now, is it time to launch a counterattack?"

Carter listened to the words of many congressmen without speaking.

He looked at the gray-haired Banner.

"Professor Banner, are the conditions suitable?"

"No problem, our genetic medicine is stepping up production, if necessary, it will become a genetic battle army!"

There was a crazy expression on Banner's face.

Carter nodded slightly when he heard Banner's words.

Carter looked at many congressmen and suddenly sneered.

"Everyone, it seems that you have forgotten someone."

"Yueguan, this guy, but he deceived us fiercely once!"

Carter spoke indifferently.

The other congressmen suddenly thought of something.

"Fak! That's the bastard! Unauthorized violation of our orders led to the exposure of our plan, which led to a counterattack!"

"Yes! Kill him! Let the blood wolf mercenary group become history!"

"Take them, just right!"

Countless members of Parliament suddenly became excited.

"That's good, the Central Intelligence Bureau should have information about the Blood Wolf Mercenary Group, right?"

"Some generals." A person stood up and nodded.

This made Carter and a member of the House of Representatives laugh.

Sweep the blood wolf mercenary group!

Let China, let the world, see their power!

In this case, Carter issued an order.

In China, Jiang Yichen closed his notebook.

"It's kind of interesting, why don't you directly attack China?"

Jiang Yichen can be described as smiling calmly.

As early as when genetic warriors appeared, China had customized war robots from itself.

They naturally knew what happened to the genetic warrior.

Prevention has been started a long time ago, and now their own batch of war robots should be stationed in the frontier.

What I didn't expect was that they could still keep their sense.

This is quite interesting.

But Jiang Yichen didn't care much either.

I am now cultivating immortals.

You made an alien warrior, I don't panic either.

It's just a little bit interesting that the object they started with was Yueguan.

Yueguan, the son of Qi Luck, had not taken the initiative to target it.

In a foreign country, too far, too lazy to run.

It seems that you have to lose a little bit of luck?

This is not so good.

Have to find a way to step in.

Jiang Yichen thought about it.

At the time of a cup of tea, he laughed, with a trace of joking in his eyes.

Judging from his current Qi Luck value, there shouldn't be any problem with forcibly obliterating Yueguan.

He has been ignored by himself for a long time. He is a child of luck who appeared a long time ago, and his luck value will not be too high.

"Well, I don't know how many war robots I have now."

Jiang Yichen thought about it, without hesitating too much, he connected with No.10.

"No. 10, how many war robots are there now."

Jiang Yichen asked.

There was no hesitation on the 10th.

"There are currently 1,000 war robots on your side, 500 for the military."

1,000 on your own side, 500 on the military side?

It must be used over there. It's easy to say, just connect directly with Mu Xiongguo and ask for instructions above.

What's more, these war robots are their own.

Leave a secret door or something, isn't this operation normal?

Jiang Yichen then dialed Mu Xiongguo again.

"Hahaha, Mr. Jiang, it's been a long time since I saw you."

Mu Xiongguo said with a smile.

In response, Jiang Yichen nodded with a smile.

"General Mu, I might need the 500 war robots over there to be useful."

"Oh, what do you do?"

Mu Xiongguo became puzzled.

Jiang Yichen didn't hide it, so he said it directly.

"I just got the information there, they have sent all the genetic warfare developed to all parts of the world."

"What?!" Mu Xiongguo stood up, his eyes cold.

Jiang Yichen smiled.

"Jiang Mu has been worrying too much, that's not the case."

"They are going to show off their strength, do you have any ideas?"

"Huh? You mean..."

Mu Xiongguo hesitated.

"Hahaha, of course, our country has stepped in. That's why I need those 500 war robots."

Jiang Yichen explained.

Hearing this, Mu Xiongguo thought slightly.

"I'll go to ask the superior for instructions, you can wait a moment."

After speaking, Mu Xiongguo quickly hung up the phone.

Jiang Yichen waited with peace of mind.

After a while, Mu Xiongguo's phone rang again.

"No problem, the leader said yes, when do you plan to go, we can dispatch a transport plane."

Mu Xiongguo spoke.

Jiang Yichen smiled.

"In three days."

"Well, what else should I pay attention to?"

What needs attention?

Jiang Yichen thought slightly, and quickly said, "Pay attention to the report on this incident. If they want to slap them in the face, they will be hit hard."

"Hahaha! I just like your words."

Mu Xiongguo laughed, obviously also emboldened.

Mu Xiongguo was already looking forward to that scene.

But Jiang Yichen was at ease.

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