The master who controls these puppets, that is, the mysterious protagonist hidden behind the scenes, is now in the Wanxian Temple.

Although it was an early conclusion, this discovery also made Jiang Yichen's previous guess a bit more accurate.

Moreover, as the saying goes, knowing oneself knows that one is not dead in a hundred battles.

It is definitely beneficial to know more about this powerful protagonist.

If the other party is really the Sect Master of Wanxian Palace, then it is the most powerful protagonist Jiang Yichen has encountered.

Even if he has a magical rune that can be called a big killer, he can completely seal the opponent's strength.

But according to his current strength, let alone using this talisman face to face, he won't even be able to see the other party's face.

Wanxian Palace is the most powerful sect in this world, and you can't just enter it casually.

Even if he could face the opposite, he would definitely be killed as soon as he met. How could he have a chance to use any props.

Therefore, dealing with this protagonist must be a long-term struggle.

It's not what Jiang Yichen can do now.

But well... it's easy to do a little action.

Jiang Yichen nodded to Ming Jingxue and said:

"lets go."

Ming Jingxue left the town with him without saying a word.

After the mood of visiting the mountains and water disappeared, the speed this time was faster than that of a few days ago. I don't know how many times.

As for the purpose of the two, they are naturally the puppets who are still hiding in the neutral realm.

Killing them all is the goal of this operation.

Wanxian Temple.

In a magnificent hall.

A handsome man in his twenties stood by the window, looking at the sky in the distance, his expression gloomy.

After a while, his face suddenly changed, as if something major had happened.

"Two dog men and women, I want to smash your corpses!"

The man's face burst with blue veins and gritted his teeth.

There is endless hatred in the words, and it will definitely be creepy if it is heard by other people.

He clenched his fists at this time, and he had obviously reached the edge of an explosion.

If the man and woman in his mouth appeared in front of him, he might have rushed forward.

This person is the lord of Wanxian Hall, Lin Hongguang.

Thinking of the good deeds done by the dog man and woman, Lin Hongguang's eyes were almost breathing fire.

More than a dozen clones, and a full dozen clones, were all destroyed in just a few days.

Since then, his layout in the Neutral Realm for so many years has all been ruined.

Not only that, but what really made him care about was how did the two find out?

These clones have lived normally for decades or even hundreds of years without losing a single one.

Why were they all killed by that pair of dogs and men in just a few days?


Lin Hongguang murmured.

He still knows something about the man of the two.

As the first ascendant in so many years, he killed a Wanxiandian disciple as soon as he appeared.

And through the secret technique deployed on the deceased, that person's face was fully revealed.

He hadn't expected that so many clones of himself would be destroyed by the hands of the little Ascender.

An ascendant in a mere mere was originally a resource of the Wanxian Temple.

To put it bluntly, the lower realm is actually their pigpen.

The ascending ones are nothing more than pigs to be slaughtered in the future.

Lin Hongguang never expected that one day he would be injured by domestic animals.

Moreover, this blow was devastating to him.

After so many years of hard work, it is almost time to harvest.

It was ruined within a few days without expecting it.


Lin Hongguang became more and more angry when he thought about it, and finally couldn't help but hit the wall with a punch.

Although he didn't even use 10% of his power, the whole hall was shaken a few times.

"What happened again?"

A silver bell-like laughter rang, and the person who made the noise came behind him.

Lin Hongguang's waist tightened slightly and was surrounded by the two arms of the person behind him.

Feeling the touch on his back and the faint fragrance of the tip of his nose, his anger disappeared in an instant.

Instead, there is another desire.

Lin Hongguang didn't say a word, and moved directly onto the bed in a flash.

And the person holding him behind him has already been pressed under him.

Seeing the flowery and jade face in front of him, he couldn't stand it anymore and leaned down...

"Ah, don't be so anxious~"

The girl smiled, but her slender legs were raised high.


I don't know how long it took before Lin Hongguang's breathing gradually stabilized.

And the girl's expression has become cold, lying on the bed looking at the upper side faintly.

"Ascendant... I don't know how it feels to play~"

Thinking of the ascendant's more handsome face than Lin Hongguang, the girl's face flushed, her legs twisted unconsciously...



After searching for houses in this town, Jiang Yichen sneezed in a rare case.

He couldn't help touching his nose, wondering if someone was thinking about him?

But soon he didn't care anymore, and flew towards the place where Ming Jingxue would meet.

After deciding to kill all the puppets in the neutral realm, the two of them began a long journey.

Because Ming Jingxue's cultivation base is very high, it actually doesn't take long.

After adding that they were familiar with the road, they began to split up.

With the assistance of Ming Jingxue, Jiang Yichen could also find a place he could cope with.

So in less than two days, they cleaned up all the towns in the neutral land boundary.

And here is the last town.

One step forward is the Wanxiandian area.

The action to eliminate the puppets went very smoothly without any hindrance.

However, the number of these puppets surpassed their expectations.

Because they found that every town hides at least one puppet.

There are even more than one in some towns.

It seems that the neutral realm is almost completely infiltrated by Wanxian Hall.

Fortunately, there is no such kind of people with high authority.

After all, the cultivation base of these puppets is still not very high, at best it is only slightly higher than Jiang Yichen.

There is still a long way to go if you want to hold an important position in the neutral realm.

Of course, on the way to eliminate the puppets, Ming Jingxue also informed Yun Xiao, the leader of the neutral realm.

Yunxiao, which is also a virtual god, can naturally see the strangeness.

After receiving the news, he went non-stop to give orders to the leaders of various towns.

It was to seal off the towns and prevent the puppets in those towns from escaping.

Therefore, Yunxiao also helped a lot in this action.

The importance of this matter is self-evident to him.

If one is not careful, he doesn't know if Wanxiandian controls these towns.

After successfully eliminating all the puppets, he should be able to breathe a sigh of relief.

In order to express his gratitude, Yun Xiao deliberately wanted to give Jiang Yichen some rewards before parting.

As for Ming Jingxue, she rejected these from the beginning, claiming that she didn't need anything.

Of course, her real purpose is to let him get more benefits, and Jiang Yichen is still aware of this.

But what surprised him was that Yun Xiao's so-called reward was actually a few enchanting female slaves.

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