After the ascension, he was gifted by Ming Jingxue again, which can be said to have jumped directly into two great realms.

After getting the double cultivation method, the cultivation base is still very fast.

All in all, he now has very little experience on the path of cultivation, like a novice.

Not to mention the general Heavenly Wonderland martial arts, it is estimated that at most it is almost the same as the Huashen Realm.

Even the general martial arts cultivation in the god transformation has experienced decades or even hundreds of years of hard cultivation.

So when he really met the first gangster on the path of cultivation, he seemed a little at a loss.

What's more, the first bottleneck is Heavenly Wonderland.

"Don't worry, I will soon break through the neck, after all, I still want to continue ‘cultivating’."

Jiang Yichen smiled, but he didn't care too much about it.

The reason why the neck is called the neck is that it is not anxious.

Instead of caring so much, it's better to go with the flow.

Maybe there will be a surprise at some point.

Regarding the "surprise" matter, he is still very confident with his destiny.

Hearing this, Ming Jingxue took a sip, but did not answer Jiang Yichen's words.

But I couldn't help but feel a little anticipation in my heart.

Of course she knows what Jiang Yichen's "cultivation" is, isn't it that kind of thing?

Think about it carefully, since his cultivation base has stagnated, they have never experienced the kind of madness before.

Things like these days are nothing more than trivial troubles at best.

Although she has always been a two-person world, she is very happy.

But sure enough, she still missed the excitement.

Thinking about it, Ming Jingxue was shocked, and quickly cleared the dirty things from her mind.

If you continue to think about it, business will be delayed.

But thinking of the people she was going to meet next, Ming Jingxue's head was a little bit painful.

She had been here once when she had just decided to take over as Valley Master.

Despite the age, she vaguely remembered the weird looks of those women.

Although she was acting in accordance with the ancestral precepts of the ancestors, but for some reason, she was very disturbed.

Thinking of the inexplicable and serious injury of her master a long time ago, she felt even more uneasy.

Could it be... Master was injured here?

But no matter how uneasy, the ancestral precepts must be followed.

And maybe this is the way to make him break through the neck.

Ming Jingxue glanced at Jiang Yichen and took a deep breath.

Then he opened the stone gate in front of him.

"Huh... man?"

There was a slight gap in Shimen, and there was a clear and sweet voice.

"No? Really brought a man?"

"No, let me see!"

"Don't be too happy, what if it's the same as last time?"


Before the two Jiang Yichen could see what was going on inside, the chattering voices reached their ears.

Jiang Yichen habitually counted and found the voices of four people.

I don't know what identities these people are in Luoshen Valley, they are actually hiding in such a secret place.

It's just... are men so strange? Their focus is actually here.

He looked at Ming Jingxue, but found that she had already held her forehead with her hands, and she looked like a headache.

It seems to know the same about these people inside.

Seeing that she didn't want to say more, Jiang Yichen had to wait silently for Shimen to fully open.

As the Shimen gradually opened, Jiang Yichen also saw the secret room inside.

But this look really surprised him.

I saw four pairs of eyes looking at him scorchingly in the secret room.

They are either curious, suspicious, or delighted, and so on.

Their apparent age ranges from eighteen to twenty-seven years old.

From the bright girl to the mature Onee-san, the four women are of different types.

Of course, this is not the reason for Jiang Yichen's surprise.

No matter how beautiful a woman is, he has seen so many.

And he is very confident about his appearance.

It is no surprise that the other party's focus is entirely on him.

What really shocked him was how the four women looked at this time.

In his eyes, their bodies are actually transparent.

Just like a ghost in the legend.

Jiang Yichen has never seen this kind of living body.

Not only that, the cultivation of these female ghosts are all unfathomable.

As long as he has the mind to explore, his divine mind is like a needle into the sea, silent for an instant.

This feeling was exactly the same as when he faced Ming Jingxue.

In other words, these four female ghosts are all powerful in the virtual god realm.

"Hey, who do you say is the female ghost?"

As he was thinking, the youngest female ghost yelled.

Jiang Yichen's eyes widened, and he looked at the vocalist in shock.

Could it be that she cultivated a mind-reading exercise?

Otherwise, he just thought about it, how could she know about it?

"This... prince, it's not that we want to be like this, but the nature of this secret room is like this. It will expose what we want in my heart all the time."

Seeing him so shocked, the oldest person explained.

Her voice is like whispering in her ears, making people sound like a spring breeze.

Into Jiang Yichen's ears, it itched his heart even more, and the whole person became calmer.

Such a beautiful voice, it must be better to call it...

Jiang Yichen subconsciously raised an obscene thought in his heart.

But he suddenly realized the current situation and stopped quickly, his expression straightened.

He decided to isolate the mind and not think about anything.

Otherwise, it would be too much to expose what he was thinking.

But it was too late, the other three and Ming Jingxue all looked at him with perverted eyes.

It seems that the thoughts just now have been conveyed to their hearts.

As for the woman whom he was fascinated by, a faint white mist appeared on her body, which seemed a bit strange.

Jiang Yichen didn't know what this meant, so he coughed slightly and asked as if he was okay:

"No, why didn't I read your voice?"

"Idiot, because we are souls."

The young man stood tall and proudly said.

Dare to love...

Jiang Yichen just wanted to vomit, "Dare you die and you are very proud, right", but when he remembered the current situation, he immediately "shut up".

It seems that this habit of him will be difficult to get rid of for a while.

At best, he can only refrain from thinking about things that would reveal his secrets.

So he turned his gaze and looked at Ming Jingxue suspiciously.

The meaning in the eyes is: You are not a soul, how can I not read your mind?

"Because your cultivation base is too low."

Ming Jingxue gave a ruthless answer without hesitation.

Jiang Yichen was taken aback for a moment, but soon figured out the reason.

But despite this, he was still speechless:

"Is it the only one who will be affected here?"

"Yes, who told you to have a low cultivation base."

The youngest female ghost walked up to him, patted him on the shoulder with her hand, and said with a smile:

"But because we are very satisfied with you, you are blessed."

While speaking, she scanned Jiang Yichen's whole body and nodded in satisfaction.

Upon seeing this, Ming Jingxue coughed lightly and said lightly:

"Don't worry, let me introduce you to each other first."

"They are the first to fourth valley masters of Luoshen Valley..."

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