Thinking about the future plan, Jiang Yichen leaned back on the chair.

Then I closed my eyes and enjoyed it.

After another three days, the relationship between Jiang Yichen and Lin Yuning progressed rapidly.

The two have reached a relationship only separated by a layer of window paper.

In Lin Yuning's eyes, Jiang Yichen now has a very high degree of affection for her.

He peeped at her from time to time, and looked shyly around when speaking, and didn't dare to look at her directly.

Most importantly, Jiang Yichen would still speak to her in front of Xiyue.

For this reason, Xiyue had a big quarrel with him.

This pair of former lovers is now dead to death.

There are various signs that Jiang Yichen has been fascinated by her.

Seeing that things were going so smoothly, Lin Yuning was already happy.

It is estimated that Jiang Yichen can be taken down by just a few subtotals.

Within Wanxian City.

Lin Yuning and Jiang Yichen walked side by side, patrolling the surrounding streets.

Lin Yuning, who had been observing Jiang Yichen, found that he seemed a little different today from the past.

It's normal to peek at her from time to time, but for some reason he seems to hesitate a little.

It looked like he wanted to do something, but he couldn't make up his mind for a while.

Lin Yuning couldn't figure it out at all, wondering what the other party was thinking.

"I want to see the Sect Master."

Suddenly, Jiang Yichen next to her spoke.

After saying this, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Judging from his face, this sentence has consumed his great determination.

At the same time, there was a hint of joy in the tone, but also some anxiety.

Lin Yuning was taken aback for a moment, not knowing what he really wanted to do when he saw the lord.

But for Jiang Yichen's request at this time, she naturally would not refuse.

The Sect Master was already under her control anyway, and nothing could go wrong.

"Okay, I'll take you there."

So Lin Yuning laughed and said:

"He must be very happy to see you too."

"It's not too late, let's go see him now."

As soon as the voice fell, Lin Yuning wanted to take Jiang Yichen's hand, but didn't touch anything.

"I'm a little……"

Jiang Yichen hesitated, his cheeks flushed.

Although he hadn't finished speaking, Lin Yuning instantly understood why he was like this.

These days, she has understood each other enough.

She did not expect that this rumored playboy and the humble dog licking would be so easily shy.

Just holding a hand, he seemed to be a little unbearable.

For more than half a month, they were stunned that they had not had any physical contact at all.

But Lin Yuning not only was not disappointed, but liked him even more.

What does this performance show?

Doesn’t it mean that the other person likes her very much, and that he has a deeper feeling for her than other people?

It is precisely because of this that he will be so cautious and so shy.

Thinking of this fact, Lin Yuning's heart was fierce.

I want to throw him down on the spot.

"Let's go."

Lin Yuning smiled slightly and took Jiang Yichen to the Zongmen Hall.

Anyway, sooner or later, he will be eaten, so there is no need to worry about it now.

But she didn't notice, Jiang Yichen sneered in a flash.


Coming to the Zongmen Hall for the second time, Jiang Yichen found that the situation in front of him remained unchanged.

Lin Hongguang, the lord of the Wanxian Hall, still looked at him high up.

Even the expression on his face is exactly the same as when I saw it last time.

The only difference this time was that Lin Hongguang did not speak, but stared at him blankly.

After all, this visit to the suzerain was made by Jiang Yichen himself.

If he wanted to follow Lin Yuning's orders, Lin Hongguang would definitely not take the initiative to make any actions.

After the actors were in place, Jiang Yichen began his performance.

He first glanced at Lin Yuning beside him anxiously.

Then his eyes showed a hint of hesitation, and finally turned into firmness, and said loudly:

"I want to marry Junior Sister Lin as my wife, and please call the master!"

Enduring the nausea, Jiang Yichen finally said this sentence.

What a joke, he is going to throw up.

Such lines would actually be used on people like Lin Yuning, which he really couldn't accept.

But for the lofty goal, he can only bear it for a while.

Lin Yuning couldn't help but opened his mouth wide as soon as he said this amazing remark, with a shocked expression on his face.

She didn't expect that "Bai Le" brought her to visit the Sect Master for this purpose.

He was extremely shy on weekdays, but he mustered up great courage in this matter.

Lin Yuning was stunned, and was so shocked that she couldn't speak for a while.

But Lin Hongguang had already reacted, and said in a deep voice:

"Okay, I promise you."

As soon as the voice fell, Lin Yuning recovered his senses in an instant, and an unnatural flush appeared on her cheeks.

At this moment, she was full of joy and looked at Jiang Yichen with affectionate eyes.

I almost rushed forward.

Not only that, Jiang Yichen also noticed that a drop of water suddenly appeared at her feet.

Seeing her appearance, Jiang Yichen knew that the plan was about to succeed.

For so many days, he has endured humiliation and dedicated himself to acting like a movie king all the time for?

Isn't it just for Lin Yuning to fly to the clouds?

Now seeing her look like this, he was finally relieved.

Moreover, Lin Yuning's reaction greatly exceeded his expectations.

If nothing else, the final effect will be better.

That's it, you can take advantage of it for a while.

Jiang Yichen's face was both happy and shy, but he sneered in his heart.

"I, I want to go back to my house."

Jiang Yichen turned his head and glanced at Lin Yuning, his voice trembled.

At the same time, there was a little expectation in his tone.

It seems that something is expected to happen.

Seeing him look like this, Lin Yuning didn't know what he was thinking about?

Thinking of what would happen next, her eyes blurred, her cheeks red, and she gave Lin Hongguang a command in her heart.

She can't wait.

"Okay, I'll send you back."

Lin Hongguang waved his hand, causing the two of them to disappear in an instant.


With a flash of light, Jiang Yichen and Lin Yuning appeared in a luxurious room.

Before he could gain a foothold, Lin Yuning rushed to Jiang Yichen, looking impatient.

However, as soon as her body moved, she realized that she couldn't make an inch.

It seemed that something was blocking her.

"I didn't expect it to be the same as you said."

Before she could react, a familiar but disgusting voice sounded.

Then her body suddenly sank and came into close contact with the ground.

what happened……?

Suddenly encountering such a thing, Lin Yuning's mind almost freezes.

Isn't she about to have a blind date with the man she's dreaming of?

Why did this woman suddenly appear here?

But with many questions, she found that she couldn't speak.

"Don't understand yet?"

Seeing her look dazed, Jiang Yichen mocked her without clarifying the situation:

"All this is fake."

He wrapped Xiyue's waist with one hand and said:

"You will understand if you watch a good show."

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