Metropolitan Doctor Sign-In System

Chapter 106: Country Hotel

"Reporter? Who is he?" Yang Xiajiao asked.

"Ye Qingwen."

"Ye Qingwen?"

Yang Xiajiao thought for a while, vaguely feeling that he had heard of this name.

But where I heard it, I can't remember it for a while.

"Why do you want to take the reporter to Heishi Village?"

"It's not that I want to take her, but she wants to go with me."

Qi Ming began to shake the pot, saying that he had owed Ye Qingwen a favor before.

Ye Qingwen stalked after learning about this, forcing Qi Ming to repay the favor.

Yang Xiajiao nodded, knowing that Qi Ming is a man of love and promise.

I promised someone else's thing, even if it is difficult, I will do it.

"Okay, let's go, but remember, once you have trouble that can't be solved, don't be a hero, think about you as a person with a girlfriend."

"Don't worry, I will."

Qi Ming felt unusually warm in his heart and said, "Can you live alone tomorrow?"

Yang Xiajiao rolled her eyes and said, "Please, don't think too much of yourself. Before I didn't know you, which night I didn't live by myself?"

Qi Ming wanted to say some gossip to ease the awkward atmosphere, but he didn't expect to be stunned by Yang Xiajiao.

Time flickered until the next afternoon, Qi Ming drove Yang Xiajiao's car to the TV station downstairs.

Immediately afterwards, Qi Ming called Ye Qingwen.

After a while, Ye Qingwen came out of the building, completely different from yesterday's dress.

Under my feet is a pair of sports shoes, and on my body is a special vest for interviews.

It is bulging and bulging, and it seems that I have brought a lot of interview and filming equipment.

"Set off."

Ye Qingwen sat in the co-pilot and raised his finger to point forward Yang.

Unlike the rural areas that most people think of, Heishi Village has a very developed economy. In addition to a large number of small buildings, there are also many shops and restaurants in the village.

Compared with some small towns, the scale is not much smaller.

The car drove slowly into Heishi Village along the asphalt road at the entrance of the village.

Qi Ming parked the car at the entrance of the restaurant, preparing to eat first, and then look for Di Yang where he lived.

It was six o'clock in the evening, and the restaurant was almost full.

The arrival of the two foreigners quickly attracted the attention of the hotel.

A man with the appearance of a boss came over and said with a smile: "You two, look at your face. Are you tourists from other places?"

Qi Ming was about to speak, and Ye Qingwen said first: "Boss, you have good eyesight. The two of us are lovers. I heard that Heishi Village has a beautiful environment and there are a lot of historical sites around. Therefore, I came here very much. I want to have a few days of fun. I don't know what the boss recommends. ?"

Ye Qingwen's answer was simple and neat, without procrastination.

The boss didn’t doubt that he had him, and said, “You’re asking the right person. I’m a native of Heishi Village. The surrounding environment and scenery can’t be familiar enough. You should eat first, and I’ll slowly introduce you afterwards.”

Seeing the boss started to solicit business, Ye Qingwen nodded, and calmly pushed Qi Ming's waist.

Qi Ming said knowingly: "Boss, bring up all the specialty dishes in your store, don't worry about the money, as long as the dishes are delicious, we will give you all the money."

Qi Ming cooperated with Ye Qingwen to create an image of a rich city man for himself.

"In our village, the best food is all kinds of wild mountain vegetables, paired with home-brewed shochu, which is simply delicious on earth."

The boss boasted, boasted fiercely, and returned to the kitchen to order the chef to cook.

At this moment, the villagers have turned their gazes back, chatting and drinking for themselves.

About twenty minutes later, a few flavorful and fragrant side dishes arrived in front of the two of them.

Ye Qingwen picked up his chopsticks and took a bite, his eyes lit up, and said, "This is pure mountain vegetables, right?"

"Of course."

The boss leaned on the counter to smoke and flaunted: "In the words of your people in the city, this is natural and pollution-free organic greens."

"Don't say it, I'm so angry!"

In front of the table on the left a few meters away from Qi Ming, a middle-aged villager patted the table irritably.

"God really doesn't have eyesight, so he let that old bachelor take a flowery daughter-in-law!"

"Why are you angry with someone marrying a wife?"

A young male villager teased: "Whoever stipulates that old bachelors cannot marry young daughters-in-law, as long as they have money, let alone take one young daughter-in-law, that is, ten or eight, they can still marry them."

"Do you know how Li Baishun's money came from?"

The middle-aged villager glared at his companion and said in a low voice, "Tell you, all the money is black-hearted money."

As soon as the words came out, several villagers at the same table immediately began to question the meaning of the middle-aged villagers' words.

The middle-aged villager sneered: "Do you know Liang Yiming?"

"Of course I do."

The young villager said without hesitation: "Liang Yiming is Li Baishun's little cousin. I heard that it is good to mix in the city."

"A good mix? Shit!"

The middle-aged villager disdainfully said: "One night I went to the next village to have a wedding drink. When I came back, I saw two figures at the entrance of the village. I thought it was a thief. I hid behind a tree and tried to scare them away. I didn’t expect that the two were not thieves. , But Liang Yiming and his cousin Li Baishun, the two of them muttered, what ancient tombs were talking about, and what big people were talking about. Now you understand why I say his money is black-hearted money, right?"


A villager suddenly realized, "You mean that Li Baishun and his cousin Liang Yiming did a tomb robbery, so that he has the money to marry a wife?"

Qi Ming and Ye Qingwen heard every word of the conversation between several people.

The two pretended to eat in detail, and listened quietly to the conversation at the next table.

Qi Ming was surprised.

Liang Yiming is hiding here. Could it be that he is involved in the tomb robbery?

But it's not right, I haven't heard of any tomb nearby.

I have never heard that Liang Yiming is still engaged in the sale of antique Yang noodles.

"Several people, be careful to say too much and you will lose."

The owner of the restaurant interrupted the conversation with several people in the past and said kindly: "What others do has nothing to do with us. If you dare to dig a tomb, there will be no fuel-saving lamps. Just talk about these words here. If they spread out, be careful you can’t eat them. go."

Hearing the boss's reminder, several people shut up.

This is indeed the case. How many cowards are daring to dig ancient tombs? How many have no strength background?

They are just ordinary villagers, and they just complained by drinking.

At the same time, the boss's eyes kept drifting towards Qi Ming and the two.

These villagers knew that the boss meant to tell them.

If the rumors were heard by two outsiders and the rumors spread to the city, the whole village might be unlucky.

Several villagers hurriedly ended the chat, and each paid the bill and left.

The hotel staff left, Qi Ming and Ye Qingwen sat for a while, before Yang left the hotel.

The two of them, like real tourists, began to wander in the village

When it was completely dark, the two found a hotel for accommodation.

When the time flickered to midnight, two figures appeared in the quiet Heishi Village.

Qi Ming and Ye Qingwen walked in the village one after another, and soon came to a small three-story building.

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