In the huge general manager's office of Feihua Group, Yang Xiajiao put her chin on her hands and quietly looked at the recorder in front of her.

A few hours ago, Qi Ming rushed in and interrupted her emergency meeting.

After everyone left, Qi Ming took out the recording pen and told Yang Xiajiao the whole truth.

Hearing the voices of Yang Junhai and Miao Wenyu played in the recorder, Yang Xiajiao was like falling into an ice cave.

After a long time, Yang Xiajiao still finds it difficult to break free from the dilemma of sadness and despair.

In the face of an outsider's attack, Yang Xiajiao would not show a trace of fear, even if the opponent was strong.

The betrayal from her relatives broke Yang Xiajiao's heart.

Outside the office, Qi Ming understood that Yang Xiajiao was going through the hardest choice in life.

If the recording pen is handed over, the Viva Group crisis will soon be resolved.

The other party used illegal methods to attack the Extraordinary Group. After the exposure, they will immediately fall into condemnation from all sides.

But once it is handed over, Yang Junhai will also go to jail while the crisis is resolved.

"Xiao Qi, or... you go in and persuade Mr. Yang, I'm worried that she won't think about it."

In addition to Yang Xiajiao, Qi Ming, and Ye Qingwen who know the truth, there is also Zhao Lifei, director of personnel of the group.

Hearing Zhao Lifei's reminder, Qi Ming nodded and raised his hand to push the office door open.

Seeing tears on Yang Xiajiao's face, Qi Ming suddenly felt like a knife.

"Xia Jiao, don't cry, it's not you, but the bastards."

Yang Xiajiao shook her head bitterly, raised her hand to cover her eyes, and said, "You go out first and let me be quiet."

"Something has happened, and what we should do now is for Ma to lead the things into the hands of the old man, and he will decide."

Qi Ming knew that Yang Xiajiao had difficulty making a decision. At this time, his new boyfriend should play a role to persuade Yang Xiajiao to make a decision.


Yang Xiajiao sighed and said, "I ask myself if I am not worthy of them. They want money and I will give them. If they want the shares of the company, I am willing to split them out. Why do I never know that I am satisfied?"

"It's not because of greed."

Qi Ming said disdainfully: "Their appetite is endlessly raised by you. These people are greedy and sexual. Even if you take out your heart, they will think you have nine hearts."

"Perhaps you are right. They became like this. It was all caused by me."

Yang Xiajiao said exhaustedly: "I'm tired, whoever wants to be the general manager of the position, I don't want to be anymore."

"Xia Jiao, if you are inappropriate, no one else will agree."

Qi Mingzheng said: "Vioid Group will grow stronger because of you. The employees in the group can work without any worries. Many companies under your care can also flourish. If someone else takes charge of the Viva Group, Even if we can survive this disaster, the rest will be messy."

Without waiting for Yang Xiajiao to reply, Qi Ming held her palm affectionately and said: "With me by your side, no matter what happens, I will help you face it together. Now listen to what I say, let's go to see the old man."

Yang Xiajiao snuggled into Qi Ming's arms and said, "Thank you, in this case, you can still support me as always, and thank you for helping me find the truth."

"Silly girl, I'm your boyfriend, who can help you if I don't?"

Qi Ming said softly: "Let's go, don't let the old man wait for a long time."

Half an hour later, Yang Xiajiao's car stopped in front of Yang's villa.

In the living room, Yang Bojun looked complicated, and the butler beside him was even more melancholy.

They have received a call from Qi Ming and learned that the initiators of the chaos are Miao Wenyu and Yang Junhai.

For the outsider Miao Wenyu, the two disagree, but Yang Junhai's betrayal is like a steel knife, and it is fiercely inserted into Yang Bojun's chest.

"Have you made a decision?"

Seeing Yang Xiajiao coming in, Yang Bojun asked.

Yang Xiajiao nodded heavily and said, "My second uncle did too much this time. It not only harmed our family, but also caused a joint crisis with our Yang family’s enterprise. I can’t treat him because he is a relative. On the one hand, he must pay the price for what he did."

On the way here, Yang Xiajiao made a painful decision.

Yang Junhai must be punished not only because of himself, but also because of the group's thousands of employees.

"Come out."

Yang Xiajiao's voice fell, and Yang Bojun looked upstairs.

After a while, the figure of a middle-aged woman appeared on the stairs on the second floor.

The middle-aged woman is Yang Junhai's wife Xie Dan.

Xie Dan walked downstairs tremblingly, and said nervously, "Father, I really don't know what Junhai did. If I knew, I would persuade him."

"Xie Dan, don't you know if I don't ask now, I ask you, where did that bastard go?"

"Father, I really don't know."

Xie Dan knelt on the ground in fright and said with tears on his face: "More than an hour ago, Junhai returned home and took away a large amount of cash and various bearer bonds. I asked him where he was going. He didn't tell me. Scolded me."

"This beast! Qi Ming gave him a chance to come over and confess his mistake with me, but he did not expect to abscond with the money!"

Yang Bojun originally planned to give his son the last chance to wake up, but he didn't expect Yang Junhai to be so unbearable.

A few hours ago, with the assistance of Ye Qingwen, Qi Ming broke through the tricks of Yang Junhai and Miao Wenyu.

In the box, Qi Ming had beaten them with human heads and pig brains, especially Miao Wenyu, which directly became half-handicapped.

After typing, Qi Ming took out paper and pen and asked them to write down what they did, and then approached Ye Qingwen and asked her to take this piece of paper as a news clue.

For Yang Xiajiao's sake, Qi Ming only slightly taught Yang Junhai and asked him to take the initiative to confess to the old man and strive for leniency.

As for Miao Wenyu, this guy was beaten too hard by Qi Ming and was taken directly to the hospital by an ambulance.

Yang Junhai dared not do it, and quietly ran away with a large amount of cash, which was tantamount to severing relations with the Yang family.

"Go back, go back to your family."

"Father no!"

Xie Dan cried and said: "Father, Jun Hai does all the jerk things. It has nothing to do with me. You can't drive me away."

Xie Dan is the eldest daughter of a small family in Haizhou. After marrying Yang Junhai, his family has gradually grown through the Yang family's relationship and has become a middle-class family.

Once the Yang family drove them back to their natal family, the Xie family would immediately be beaten back to their original form.

At that time, Xie Dan's life in her natal family will be very embarrassing. If he doesn't say anything, he will probably become a punching bag for everyone.

"You are Yang Junhai's wife. When he has reached this point, you have an unshirkable responsibility."

Yang Bojun said sternly: "When that rebellious son showed signs of ambition, I don't believe you didn't see it. Why didn't you persuade you?"

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