Metropolitan Super Deity

Chapter 681 Are You Thirsting For Power?

"In the prehistoric era, when the heavens and the earth first opened, the entire universe is connected as one. There is no distinction between the lower planes, the world of cultivating immortals, or the world of gods. However, the energy in the universe is not eternal. The cultivators keep getting stronger, and become less and less, because cultivators will constantly absorb energy."

"Therefore, the powerful God, for his own selfish desires, for himself and future generations, can better enjoy more and more pure energy, so he created a powerful enchantment, dividing the universe into God Realm and God Realm. Immortal cultivation world."

"In this way, a small number of protoss can occupy most of the pure energy. However, the majority of us can only absorb a small part of the energy. In this way, even if there are a large number of us, in the long run, everyone will be because of The depletion of spiritual energy, coupled with the skyrocketing population, makes it impossible to reach a higher level of cultivation. Naturally, it cannot pose a threat to the gods of the God Realm."

"You should be very curious, why is there a talk about crossing robbery? In fact, in the prehistoric era, there was no bullshit talk about crossing catastrophe. All of us can practice infinitely. But because they have cut off their divine power, we just only to be exploited."

"Later, under the great battle fought by countless immortal cultivators, the few protoss had no choice but to compromise, but they came up with a despicable idea, that is, immortal cultivators have to pass through the tribulation before they can ascend to godhood."

"Stupid immortal cultivators are overjoyed, but in fact, this is not the case at all."

"This is just a tactic to slow down the army. Over time, immortal cultivators will no longer be able to cultivate to a higher level, because the population is increasing rapidly, and their true energy is getting less and less. I think there should be few immortals in the world of cultivating immortals now." Emperor? Hehehehe... In the prehistoric period, there were as many immortal emperors as a cow's hair. In the age of desolation, including me, there are only a few immortal emperors in total."

"Almost none of the immortal emperors, including me, succeeded in crossing the catastrophe. On the one hand, the aura of heaven and earth is getting less and less, and people's strength is declining rapidly. On the other hand, the gods of the heavens are getting worse and worse. The higher they are, the more stringent restrictions they imposed on us, so that no one can continue to practice. The highest level of cultivation for people in the world of immortals is only the immortal emperor."

"However, I was very lucky. I got the notes of a senior immortal emperor who successfully became a god. I learned that the deepening of the seal by the gods is step by step, because above the gods, there are some profound meanings. They exist, they are the real rulers of the universe. Therefore, even if they are gods, they cannot do everything they want."

"As long as you gather the energy of two immortal emperors, you will have the chance to become a god."

"Then why don't you kill an immortal emperor? Instead, use this method?"

"Hahahaha...killing an immortal emperor? You are so naive. Boy, although an immortal emperor is nothing to a god, he is already a peak existence to the world of cultivating immortals. Immortal emperors can use The aura of the immortal is based on the entire world of cultivating immortals. Therefore, it is impossible for an immortal emperor to kill him, unless his lifespan reaches the end, he will never be able to kill him."

"Besides, even if I can kill, kill an immortal emperor, I'm afraid I will be seriously injured, or even... I will be killed by others. In this case, why should I take risks? So I thought of time and space A tactic. This is a tactic that I was lucky enough to obtain during my cultivation."

"So, when I got this formula, I thought of a new path, the safest path. I just need to find someone and let him bring my energy back to the past. When he enters here again, I will be able to have two energy clusters of my own that are different in time and space. Because they are my own energy clusters, even rejection will not occur, and I can easily obtain energy cultivation. Now I am the world The strongest in the world. As long as you swallow your blood again, no one in the world of cultivating immortals will be able to defeat me. And I will also be qualified to succeed in transforming into a god! Enter the world of gods!"

The energy of the Supreme Emperor has become stronger and stronger, Ling Fei gritted his teeth, and directly used the Devouring Sky, he wanted to digest the energy of the Supreme Emperor.

But the Supreme Emperor sneered and said:

"Hehehe... You want to absorb my energy now? It's a pity you didn't think of it before. You are too late now!"

In fact, it's not that Ling Fei doesn't want to, but that Ling Fei knows that swallowing the sky can only absorb one percent. If he really refines the opponent's cultivation base, maybe he will advance to a small realm, but he wants to get a lot of improvement , but it is very difficult. Ling Fei also wanted to use it to hit the realm of the Immortal Emperor in the future.

Unexpectedly, a mistake would cause eternal hatred, and the Supreme Emperor would take advantage of the loophole.

Now the supreme emperor has double the power, even if he devours the sky, the speed of devouring can't keep up with the speed of the other party's encroaching on his body.

Soon, Ling Fei's Devouring the Sky Cultivation Technique stopped, because the Supreme Emperor had already controlled his dantian, and he could no longer use this technique.

"Hehehehe... I have already occupied one-third of your current body. You have no hope, just admit defeat. You should feel honored to be the host of this great emperor."


Ling Fei roared, but he couldn't stop the real crisis of losing control of his body.

Soon, his consciousness blurred.

At this time, a faint voice sounded softly in his ears.

"Do you... desire power?"

"Who? Who are you?"

"Me? you."

"You are me?"

"Or, I am your source of life."

"The source of life!"

Ling Fei exclaimed, the origin of life has existed since the beginning of the universe. When a person dies unexpectedly, or is beaten to death, or even his soul is wiped out, his origin of life will carry the original memory and go to the universe. Reincarnation.

Even if you have reached the super realm of Immortal King and Immortal Emperor, maybe you are still alive, but your source of life will leave you for the next reincarnation.

And no one has ever been able to communicate with their own source of life, because the source of life belongs to the supreme mystery, even an immortal emperor, even a god, cannot communicate with the source of life. Because as long as anyone can communicate with the source of life, this person may have reached the cultivation level of transcendence and holiness.

It is the Supreme Mystical Power that emanates from the very root of the soul.

And now Ling Fei actually communicated with his own life source, how could he not be surprised?

It can even be said that he has been stunned and speechless.

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