Metropolitan Super Deity

Chapter 754: Jellyfish Fairy

Ling Fei killed the berserk Fu Kun with one move, shocking everyone, no sea monster dared to continue to block Ling Fei's figure.

After Ling Fei glanced at the sea monsters, he slowly disappeared into the deep sea area.

I don't know how long it took, Lingfei's consciousness felt a ray of touch, he stopped slowly, landed on a coral stone, set up a formation, released Princess Fei'er, closed his eyes, communicated Consciousness.

The consciousness comes from the heavens. It seems that after the star core was stolen, a chain reaction had already occurred. The land of the immortal world began to dry up, and the power of the earth could no longer support the world in the sky, which caused the heavens to come in and wander.

This was what Ling Fei was most worried about. Once the world of cultivating immortals collapsed, the heavens would also collapse, and everything would turn into nothingness. He, the emperor of heaven, would become a bare commander.

Most importantly, all relatives will die.

After turning off his consciousness, Ling Fei opened his eyes, and what caught his eyes was a beautiful back, with black wavy long hair, a beautiful and attractive back, no hair, the lower body was half a fish body, bright green Its scales are like emerald eyes, shining with intoxicating luster.

If it weren't for the aura of the other party, Ling Fei would probably think that he would have mistaken him.

"you're awake?"

As if aware of Ling Fei's gaze, Princess Fei'er turned around. The front view is more attractive than the back view. The two big mountains on the chest are clasped by a pair of scallops. The scallops are dotted with pearls and gems, as if deliberately showing off. As if deliberately attracting attention.

But Ling Fei's mind will not be fooled by this mere beauty, he is the master of the whole world now, if a mere beauty can seduce him, he can be the emperor of heaven.

"I see that your brows are deeply frowned. Is it because you have encountered something very anxious?"

"Nothing? Keep going."

Ling Fei stood up and asked Princess Fei'er to continue leading the way. Seeing that he didn't want to talk, Princess Fei'er sighed slightly and had to continue leading the way.

The two moved forward again, in the deep sea area, like two small grains of rice.

Not long after flying over, Ling Fei noticed that many creatures in the depths of the ocean began to come out to patrol, and some auras hiding in the reefs also continuously revealed their spiritual consciousness, looking for something.

Princess Mayfair's expression was a bit solemn.

"It seems that something about the trench has attracted the attention of the deep sea area. I think we may have some troubles next."

"No problem."

Ling Fei put his hands behind his back and didn't care at all.

"Just lead the way, and leave the rest to me. I will solve the troubles you encounter."

Princess Mayfair couldn't help persuading her:

"I know that you are very powerful, but in the deep sea, the strong are like a drop in the bucket. After all, the ocean is much larger than the land. So you'd better keep a low profile."

"Let's talk about it when we meet that kind of existence."

Ling Fei didn't take Princess Fei'er's words to heart. Indeed, there are countless masters in the ocean, and even he himself is not sure whether there will be any existence that surpasses him. But there is one thing that Ling Fei can be sure of. In the ocean, he can't suffer much. If he meets any master, he just needs to beat him. He can choose to play slowly, but Heavenly Court doesn't have that much time.

As the two talked, there were already several translucent creatures floating in front of them.

"Mermaid? Isn't this the sea clan from the outer domain of the trench? How did it appear in the inner sea? Stop!"

Princess Fei'er panicked, and slowly stopped beside Ling Fei.

"These are jellyfish demons in the ocean. They are highly poisonous. Even a god race physique cannot resist them. Just a drop of toxin can poison a group of monks in the god-human realm. If it is a whole jellyfish demon, even It can poison a god emperor to death. There are several jellyfish fairy monsters here, which can at least poison the existence of a god emperor. Moreover, their bodies have the power of space, so it is difficult to kill them. It is said that even the sea emperor can The jellyfish fairy cannot be easily killed."

"Really? Then I'll give it a try."

Ling Fei took a step forward, bursting with momentum, and the jellyfish fairies were stunned for a moment.

"The Celestial Race? There is also the aura of the Monster Race. I didn't expect you to be a race from the land. If this is the case, it seems that you are also responsible for the Trench incident."

"What are you going to do with so much talk, Rory, get out or fight!"

"What a crazy guy, you are now on the deep sea arrest warrant, as long as we give an order, we can summon all the sea monsters around you to attack you."

"We don't need it for the time being, let's catch him alone first, and when the time comes, go ask the Sea Emperor for credit, hehe..."

"If you want to catch me, then come and try."

With a flick of Ling Fei's wrist, the Immortal Execution Sword was summoned. The Immortal Executioner's artifact shone with icy cold light, and the breath of death emanating from it made it difficult for Princess Fei'er to breathe smoothly.

The jellyfish fairies surrounded Ling Fei, jumping up and down continuously, sending out a special frequency, forming a huge net, wrapping Ling Fei completely in it.

This special net is actually a natural formation, which drives a kind of electric wave that stimulates the consciousness, constantly impacting Ling Fei's mind.

Ling Fei felt that the blood in his body was churning, and his strength was suppressed by more than half in the sea. At this moment, facing this strange formation, he was also somewhat dangerous.

He slapped himself on the chest, and the Donghuang Bell covering his body gave out a vast bell, canceling out this frequency.

Afterwards, Ling Fei activated the Zhuxian Sword, which turned into a flash of lightning, instantly piercing through a jellyfish fairy.

However, the jellyfish fairies really have the power of space, as Princess Feier said, even if Ling Fei wants to attack them, but the Immortal Execution Sword will pass through their bodies without harming them. They are nothing.

This made the jellyfish fairies very proud, and they all cheered.

"Boy, your moves are useless to us at all, hehe... you just wait to die."

Ling Fei didn't have the slightest turmoil on his face, he just said lightly:

"It's not certain who will win the deer and die."

After saying that, his dragon's different pupils opened, and the chaotic true flames burned mercilessly, but unfortunately, the chaotic true flames could not form on the jellyfish. This made Ling Fei extremely surprised. Could it be that the jellyfish fairy is a kind of existence without substance?

However, Ling Fei doesn't have a powerful method of mental attack, only one, the cross blood pupil in the dragon's different pupil is fine, but the cross blood pupil must have fresh blood and a body. But the jellyfish fairy itself is a strange creature that exists in a semi-spiritual state, and Ling Fei's cross blood pupils have no effect.

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