Metropolitan Super Deity

Chapter 759 Ding Haizhu

Ling Fei's body had just moved away, and in less than a second, another huge force hit him. This time, Ling Fei didn't dodge, and was smashed into the rock for the second time.

Now he finally understands why even the Sea Clan is extremely afraid of deep sea monsters.

These guys are extremely powerful, thick-skinned, and most importantly, they can see clearly here, and there are even an extremely large number of them. Together, their strength cannot be underestimated.

In imagination, Ling Fei had suffered the third blow! And then the fourth time, the fifth time, the sixth time....

The fists of the deep sea monster hit Ling Fei hard one after another.

After going on like this for several minutes, the deep sea monster finally stopped attacking, as if it felt that Ling Fei had been beaten half to death and could no longer resist.

However, at this moment, no one noticed that Ling Fei turned into a flash of lightning and suddenly appeared.

In just a split second, Ling Fei rushed into the mouth of a deep sea monster.

Since the outside cannot be destroyed, the inside should not be as strong. In this world, there is no perfect existence.

The fact is just as Ling Fei thought, the inside of the deep sea monster is made of soft flesh and blood. Ling Fei swung the Pangu Sky-opening Axe and slashed it unceremoniously. It only took a short moment, A deep-sea monster fell powerlessly and was disembowelled by him.

However, what followed was the siege of other deep sea monsters.

It is impossible to perform the same move twice. After Ling Fei attacked once, he was alerted by the deep sea monsters. All the deep sea monsters closed their mouths firmly.

Ling Fei had nothing to do, and once again fell into a passive state.

He gritted his teeth, quickly circulated his blood, increased the speed of the circulation of true energy, and then, relying on his weak perception, rushed left and right in the sea water, barely avoiding the attack of the deep sea monster.

The howling of the deep-sea monsters continued, and the chaotic voices made Ling Fei's consciousness still unable to stretch. However, Ling Fei was not completely blind. He urged him to try to communicate with the Dragon King of the Sea Region through his consciousness.

"Dragon King, I am Xintiandi, Taiyi Shenjun, I am here to save you, is there any way for me to see this area clearly?"

The Dragon King of the Sea Region raised his head suddenly, with a hint of bewilderment in his eyes, as if he hadn't thought that the Heavenly Emperor would come here to save him.

"Dragon King of the Sea Region, don't be in a daze anymore, I won't last long!"

Ling Fei shouted angrily again, and the Dragon King of the Sea Region reacted.

With a roar, he spat out a pearl the size of a watermelon from his mouth. As soon as the pearl appeared, the entire sea area was suddenly filled with waves, and countless sea water began to separate towards the two sides. Inside, a blank area suddenly appeared.

The sun shone in, accompanied by the fresh sea breeze, at this moment, Ling Fei not only recovered his sight, but also recovered his full strength.

A deep-sea monster roared and smashed its fist down, trying to smash Ling Fei to pieces, but it was a pity that Ling Fei could lift a huge iron fist with just one hand!

"You have a great time playing, don't you?"

Ling Fei's eyes were cold, and he held the sky-opening axe. With a roar, he slashed up with the axe. In just a split second, he easily removed one arm of the deep-sea monster.

Blood spewed out, and the deep sea monster, which didn't know the pain, also showed countless fears at this moment.

Their innate keen sense of danger allowed them to clearly perceive that the young man in front of them was not ordinary terror.

Ling Fei touched the blood on the axe, his eyes were cold, and there was a little bit of coldness in them, as if the god of death had descended.


He stomped his feet, the rocks on the seabed cracked, and the man turned into a stream of light, rushing out instantly. The deep sea monsters were terrified and roaring, but they couldn't resist Ling Fei's tyranny. Ling Fei held the sky ax in his hand, like harvesting stubble In general, the lives of these deep sea monsters were quickly harvested.

In the end, even though these deep-sea monsters had chosen to escape and were defeated, Ling Fei still refused to relent.

A majestic generation of heavenly emperors, the divine power cannot be violated by others. Since these deep sea monsters have violated, it is an unforgivable capital crime!

Ling Fei, I will never be soft!

After a hundred breaths, there was no longer a single deep-sea monster in the entire seabed. All the monsters were beheaded by Ling Fei, and the blood accumulated tens of meters high on the vast ground! Even the huge body of the Sea Dragon King was soaked in the sea water.

The Dragon King of the Sea Territory looked at all this dumbfounded. The small figure holding the Sky Ax in mid-air carried a kind of supreme majesty. Like ants, it seems that they don't even dare to lift their heads.

Just as he was thinking, the other party swung the Celestial God Ax twice in his hand, cutting out two light and shadows, cutting off all the iron chains on the Dragon King of the Sea Region. The Dragon King roared and shot straight into the sky. An old man with white beard and hair.

"Thank you for saving my life, Lord Taiyi."

He bowed to Ling Fei, Ling Fei waved his hand, and divine power lifted him up.

"Dragon King, you are being polite. I came to you this time, but I actually came to you specifically for something."

"God, just say something."

"Do you know who is the person who is united with Prime Minister Turtle?"

"Prime Minister Turtle!"

The Dragon King of the Sea Territory shrank his pupils, followed by him, and he spat hard.

"That bastard dared to betray me and trapped me in the sea burial place of this deep sea monster. I must kill him!"

"Then I'm afraid you won't have this chance."

"What does it mean?"

"Because Prime Minister Turtle has already been killed by me."

The Dragon King of the Sea Territory was startled, then smiled wryly, and said:

"I should have guessed it a long time ago. Since you mentioned him, with your strength, it is likely that you have already fought against him."

"That's right, Prime Minister Turtle led the sea clan's army to station on the land, and colluded with the mighty resurrected in the chaotic era in an attempt to overthrow the world of cultivating immortals."

"This prime minister tortoise is really bold. I didn't expect that he would not only attack me, but also the entire world of cultivating immortals. If the world of cultivating immortals is destroyed, our sea area will also suffer. What exactly does he want to do? Also, the era of chaos How could the power of the gods be resurrected? Didn't they die when Pangu created the world?"

"It's a long story. I defeated the Jade Emperor. The old bastard was not reconciled and blew himself up. Then he opened up the connection channel between hell and the real world. Now it's not only the world of cultivating immortals, but also the world of gods. Many people have been resurrected."

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