Metropolitan Super Deity

Chapter 772 Sweeping the Invincible Hands of Yanjing (Part 2)

"What? You don't want to be reincarnated as a human?"

"Hehe, I have lived my whole life, and I have already seen through many things. In fact, being a human being, sometimes, it is better to be a ghost. I think too much about being a human being, and I am too tired to live. I have been tired for so many years, for China, for the Chen family , now it's time to rest. Now, I just want to watch my great-granddaughter live a peaceful life. I'm content."

Ling Fei nodded.

"You can see through this, and your comprehension is pretty good. You were destined to be with me before you were alive, and I can't just watch you helpless and lonely as a little ghost. How about this, in the name of Xintiandi, Taiyi Shenjun, I will save you Become an immortal, you can avoid all Taoist damage, so let's temporarily set your strength above the level of the Da Luo Jinxian. At present, there should be few existences on the earth that surpass the cultivation base of the Da Luo Jinxian. You are on the earth, this cultivation Because, you can keep both of you, granddaughter, safe from worries. From now on, you can take your granddaughter to go out to practice, learn more about the world, and let her practice Taoism. So, living in seclusion in the mountains, you can sit back and relax.”

The soul of Mr. Chen, with tears in his eyes, immediately fell to his knees and kowtowed to Ling Fei repeatedly.

"Thank you Taiyi God, thank you Taiyi God!"

As soon as Ling Fei helped him up, his divine power lifted Old Chen up and handed him a talisman.

"After today, I have to leave here. This talisman can protect your grandparents and grandchildren from two or three crises. Under the god emperor, including the god emperor, they can't hurt you. Moreover, this can also make you two, through Go to the realm of cultivating immortals. However, remember not to do evil, otherwise, let me know, and I will never forgive you."

"Don't worry, Old Chen, I guarantee my personality. If I act recklessly and kill innocent people indiscriminately, I will let God split my soul and break my mind, and let me live forever and never be reborn!"

Ling Fei nodded in satisfaction.

"Go, let the birds fly in the sky, let the fish leap in the sea, be a free and happy ranger, see more of the world, do whatever you want, and don't be tired of everything. It's better than anything else."

Old Chen nodded humbly, and his figure gradually receded. After a while, there were a few kowtows in the yard. Ling Fei knew that it was Chen Zixin and Old Chen saying goodbye to him.

He exhaled a turbid breath, cleared away distracting thoughts, held his breath and concentrated, recuperating his own strength. There will eventually be a battle between him and Patriarch Hongjun. This battle is inevitable. He must prepare in advance, just in case.

At night, when Ling Fei opened his eyes, two tyrannical rays of light were emitted from the Thunder Eye, instantly cutting off the power of space in front of him.

His powerful divine power will become even stronger after condensing it!

"Is it already night now? It seems that all the big and small families in Yanjing should be here. Forget it, it's not too late to settle them first, and then find those clues about Yuanshi Tianzun."

After saying that, Ling Fei stood up, and the next moment, the scenery around him had changed to the top of the Forbidden City. To be precise, it should be that Ling Fei teleported to the top of the Forbidden City.

There are already crowds of people below, almost all the big and small families in Yanjing have come here, waiting for Ling Fei's arrival.

When Ling Fei came and appeared suddenly, everyone hadn't reacted yet, and when they did, a few arrays of formations were directly pressed over, and the aperture covered Ling Fei, and there was a strong desire to catch him The posture of living.

"Hahahahaha... Ling Fei, it seems that you have gone to a higher level of the world, and your cultivation has not increased, but has dropped a lot!"

"That's right, before, even Qinglong, who has already cultivated into a god, was no match for you, but now, you are easily suppressed by us."

"I thought that your cultivation base has improved a lot in the past few years. We are still thinking about whether we should be wary of you and whether we should increase our troops. Now it seems that there is no need for that."

Ling Fei wasn't angry, he didn't even lift his finger, this formation was so rubbish that he didn't even bother to break it.

"I don't want to talk too much nonsense with you. Let's make a long story short. Many worlds are in chaos right now, and the earth is no exception. However, the earth is my hometown after all, especially China. I don't care about other places, but I can't ignore Huaxia. The purpose of calling you here today is also very simple. I want you to start today, be honest and behave, and I want Huaxia to be stable. You want more wealth, you want Make chaos, you can, go abroad, Aunt Country, Korea, and many other countries, you can do whatever you want, but in China, it is not allowed!"

As soon as Ling Fei finished speaking, the people below started yelling.

"Fuck! What are you pretending to be? What the hell, do you think we came here to hear you talking about it? The devil wants to listen to your crap."

"That's right, we're going to the world of cultivating immortals, and we're going to a higher plane. You hold the secret of entering a higher plane, so hurry up and reveal it to us, otherwise, don't blame us You're welcome!"

Ling Fei shook his head.

"It's really stupid. It seems that talking to you idiots is too much effort. It's ridiculous that I wanted to save your life and give you a chance. Now it seems that I made a big mistake myself .”

"You don't have to be on the top and pretend to be cowardly, see the situation clearly! Now you are caught by us!"

"That's right, you are our prisoner now!"

"Hurry up and tell the truth, the secret to the world of cultivating immortals, otherwise, we will chop you into meat paste and torture your soul until you can't survive or die!"

Ling Fei chuckled lightly.

"It's ridiculous, you probably don't think that you can trap me with these shabby garbage formations, do you? Is it because I'm giving you too much face, or are you too brainless?"

"Lingfei! Don't pretend to be on it. This formation is not the formation on the earth, but the formation from the world of cultivating immortals."

"And this is not just one formation, but multiple composite formations, which are specially used to deal with you!"

"Everyone stop talking nonsense with him, go up together, catch him, and use the soul search method to extract the memory in his soul. At that time, are you afraid that you won't be able to find a way to enter the world of cultivating immortals?"

"Yes, everyone, prepare for the battle, even a fly, don't let me go, come on, take him down!"

On the top of the Forbidden City, Ling Fei's eyes became indifferent again.

"Forget it, since you are looking for death, let's fulfill you."

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