Metropolitan Super Deity

Chapter 775 The Battle Between Two Powers

"Emperor Killing Technique - Ten Thousand Swords Slashing!"

Ling Fei pointed at a white light, which transformed into thousands of sword lights in the air, and quickly slashed down.

Although it was just a sword light, it was no less powerful than a cannonball. Tens of thousands of sword lights slashed down, and in just a split second, they pierced the Egyptian monks below.

Even the huge Pyramid of Khufu has been flattened by half!

The ground was full of dust, and the Egyptian monks were terrified to the extreme, and quickly retreated and evacuated. In the distance, an old man holding a pure gold snake-headed cane raised his hands to the sky, chanting silently, as he sang, the huge sphinx suddenly turned into a living creature, roaring towards Ling Fei rushed over.

Its speed was so fast, just in an instant, with a flash of lightning, it came to Ling Fei's side.


Accompanied by a long roar, the sphinx raised its huge claws, and slammed down on Ling Fei's head fiercely. Ling Fei snorted softly, without even lifting his hand, his divine power wrapped himself in the Among them, the huge claw of the sphinx hit his head one foot high, and he could no longer move, and was resisted by a huge force.

Needless to say, with a thought in Ling Fei's mind, the huge Sphinx was thrown into the air, and then fell to the ground hard.

With a loud bang, the huge Sphinx was smashed into pieces. The elder in the distance also screamed, and exploded into blood mist. In the whole of Egypt, no one dared to stop Ling Fei's pace.

Ling Fei fell into the Pyramid of Khufu, and with a wave of his hand, the huge coffin lid was overturned aside, but Ling Fei couldn't help frowning. It turned out that there was nothing in the huge sarcophagus!

Ling Fei narrowed his eyes slightly, his consciousness swept away, and his eyes fell on a passageway halfway up the pyramid. There, at this moment, there is an old man wearing a white robe and a gold pendant. It is said that it is an old man, but it is actually a skeleton. Although there is still some flesh, it is also black and purple, and the skin is tight. Bone covered. The only thing that is different is that his eyes are azure blue, as beautiful as starlight.

"I knew a long time ago that someone would come over one day. This power, like a curse, made me unable to live or die. It always suppressed my soul and consciousness."

"You are still smart. I will take this power away. It will also set you free."


The skinny black Khufu had a sneer on the corner of his mouth.

"That's really embarrassing, I'm not going to get rid of this curse now."

Ling Fei frowned slightly, Hu Fu continued to speak:

"This power has been with me for thousands of years, and I have already gotten used to its existence. Now, the world has changed drastically, and more and more cultivation techniques have appeared. I think, sooner or later, I will find a way to revive myself !And if I die now, then this power will never exist! Even if I am resurrected again, I may become a pawn who is ravaged by others. Do you think I will give up this power?"

Ling Fei shook his head.

"Stupid guy, I think, you probably haven't figured it out yet. Now it's not whether you want to give up this power, but I want to take it away. If I'm Ling Fei, you don't have the right to refuse."

"Really? I know that your strength is not weak. From your aura, I can feel that you are stronger than me! But my strength has special abilities. It's too early for you to take me down!"

Ling Fei's eyes were indifferent, he stopped talking too much nonsense, and raised his hand, and a sword aura shot straight at Hu Fu's face.

However, at this moment, Hu Fu's body immediately emitted a burst of deep purple light. Under the illumination of this deep purple light, Ling Fei's sword light actually began to gradually slow down, and finally disappeared without a trace. no trace.

Ling Fei frowned slightly. He could feel that his sword light seemed to have gone through a long time of baptism before finally disappearing without a trace. Could it be that Khufu has the ability to speed up the flow of time? With this thought in mind, Ling Fei had a thought and launched an attack again, but it was still the same as before, quickly disappearing into the invisible.

"Hahahaha... No matter how many times you come, it's the same. In front of me, any attack, after the erosion of time, will eventually disappear without a trace, even if it is you. If you Dare to approach me, I only need to use one thought, and I can make you age quickly until you die!"

Ling Fei snorted softly and sent out a mental attack. Unfortunately, the mental attack didn't seem to have any effect on the other party.

Khufu smiled triumphantly again:

"It's useless, don't waste your energy anymore. Not only can I use time to speed up, but I can also resist any mental attack. It can be said that no matter whether it is a mental attack or a physical attack, it is ineffective against me! My defense should be He is the strongest existence in this world."

Ling Fei's face gradually became a little gloomy. This made Hufu even more proud.

"Hey hey... how about it, are you starting to be scared now? I am a god-like existence in this world, a cultivator from the east, I want to turn you into a mummy and make you my undead. "


With a roar, Ling Fei raised his hand and called out the Zhuxian Sword, which easily pierced through the opponent's chest.

The Immortal Executioner Sword is the most powerful artifact, capable of beheading even the great powers of the Chaos Period, so what is this mere Pharaoh Khufu? One slag.

Zhu Xianjian pierced a huge hole in Hu Fu's chest, and then returned to Ling Fei's mind, waiting quietly.

The Elder Hu Fu below was stunned.

" is this possible? How did you do it? It should be impossible for you to hurt me!"

"Hmph! An ignorant little ant, just relying on you, dares to be presumptuous in front of me, it's ridiculous!"

After saying that, Ling Fei flew to its side, smashed its dantian with one palm, and pulled out the energy alive from his dantian.

It was a bright green light cluster, which contained a strong vitality, but at the same time, it was mixed with an endless energy of destruction. To be precise, its interior is a small universe of its own, in which both the living power and the dead power are in an endless cycle. This may be the mystery of Khufu's immortality.

However, Ling Fei hadn't had time to study this light group. In an instant, a majestic force came suddenly, and in an instant, it took the power away from Ling Fei's hands.

Ling Fei's pupils shrank, and immediately activated his divine power, sealing all the surrounding space.

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