Metropolitan Super Deity

Chapter 791 Final Station, Doomsday

The strong power volatilized, shattering the barriers of the universe, and Ling Fei fought more and more happily, and his fighting power became stronger and stronger! The world was suppressed again and again, and he kept roaring in anger!

"No——! This is impossible! This is impossible! I have absorbed the power of the entire world, why am I still not your opponent? Why? Why?"

Ling Fei's eyes were extremely cold.

"Because you underestimated my anger, and at the same time, you also underestimated the hearts of all my relatives and brothers who are connected to me! Even if you can get their power, this power will not hurt me, it will only make me angry. I'm getting stronger!"

"It's impossible! It's unscientific! I obviously got stronger energy than you. I don't believe it. In this world, only getting stronger is the only truth. There is no such thing as family affection or friendship!"

"Then I'll show you the existence of emotions!"

After saying that, Ling Fei called out the Pangu Sky-Opening Axe, and concentrated his divine power on it. The Pangu Sky-Opening Ax reflected a colorful light all over his body. Afterwards, Ling Fei slashed out the Pangu Sky-Opening Axe, and Pangu opened the Sky. The ax turned into a ray of light and rushed straight to the sky.

Tiandi sneered, and just wanted to escape, but suddenly found that he could not escape, unable to move his body.

"What? No—!"

He let out a scream, and the Pangu Sky-opening Ax directly and forcefully smashed into his chest, creating a big hole in his chest. From this big hole, countless undead flew out, and these undead also took away countless The energy of Tiandi made the translucent state of Tiandi gradually disappear, and finally regained his body.

His face was pale, his eyes were dull, full of despair and anger.

"Is this emotion? Why is the most useless emotion in the world so powerful?"

Ling Fei looked at him indifferently.

"The so-called extremes must be reversed. You think that emotion is the most useless existence in the world, but it happens to restrain you, a ruthless existence in the world."

Tiandi pulled out the Pangu Sky-Opening Axe, and on his chest, the undead escaped faster, and his vitality was also constantly and extremely fast passing away.

"I...I won't give in! Ling Fei, even if I fail, even if I die in front of you, I still won't surrender to you! Since I can't dominate the world, let me I, destroy this world!"

Tiandi sneered, and with his last strength, pinched a finger.

Immediately afterwards, the universe that had been transformed into a dome-like universe suddenly became dim, all starlight gradually disappeared, and the entire universe turned into darkness that could not be reached!

The breath of heaven and earth disappeared, but the vitality of the entire universe also disappeared.

Ling Fei sighed deeply in his heart, not knowing whether to cry or laugh, at this moment, he seemed to have lost all his strength and belief in living.

The world was destroyed, and the entire universe was left with him alone. Ling Fei even began to think now, whether he was right or wrong to go against the will of heaven and earth!

"Forget it, since everything has been reduced to ashes, then I don't have to live in this world anymore!"

However, just when Ling Fei was in despair, suddenly, in the dark universe, a faint starlight flickered.

Then, the starlight flashed quickly and came to Ling Fei. At this time, Ling Fei could see clearly that it turned out that this was a phantom of the Supreme Lord.

"Master Shenjun, we meet again!"

"Taishang Laojun, why are you still alive, shouldn't you be dead?"

Taishang Laojun chuckled and said:

"That's right, Lord Shenjun, I have indeed died. What you see at this time is just my phantom. I left two phantoms, one of which is the one you saw before , The second way is mine! I guessed that you will eventually have a battle with Heaven and Earth, and calculated that the worst thing is that Heaven and Earth will destroy the entire universe. Unfortunately, I am worried that if I expose myself in advance With this remnant, heaven and earth will destroy me. That's why I haven't appeared for a long time."

"If you stay, what wish do you have?"

"Laojun, I have one more thing to tell you. Lord Shenjun, do you know why there is another position of deity besides Shenjun in the world?"

"The position of god?"

"That's right, the reason why Tiandi wants to obtain the power of Patriarch Hongjun is because Tiandi only has plural powers, he lacks odd powers, and Patriarch Hongjun possesses that part of odd powers. As long as he gets With the power of odd numbers, you will be able to perfect your own life and become the supreme existence in the universe, God Venerable!"


Ling Fei's pupils shrank.

"That's right, according to the legend, the god has supreme power. He is the supreme power that can span the three thousand worlds! The three thousand worlds are not without the god. It really exists! Moreover, The power of the deity is above the heaven, earth and Hongjun, and he can easily save this universe!"

"What you said is true?"

"That's right. But now, our world has stopped functioning. You can only revive this world completely if you break through the world barrier, go to another universe, find opportunities in the three thousand great worlds, and achieve the position of deity!"

"How to travel to another universe?"

"Pangu Sky-Opening Axe is the key to breaking the blockade of heaven and earth. It can lead you to break through the barrier of the three thousand worlds! Remember, our world is the Xuanhuang World! We must remember the name of our world, otherwise, You will never be found again, our world! Moreover, you are not beings from other worlds. In other worlds, you only have thirty days to live! After thirty days, if you cannot return to our universe, you will also be killed Other worlds cannibalize and become the nourishment of other worlds!"

As he spoke, the last lingering thought of Taishang Laojun completely disappeared into nothingness, and everything turned into tranquility again. Ling Fei was the only one left in this world!

Ling Fei clenched his fists tightly. In the darkness, his eyes shone with hopeful light.

"Can I only survive for thirty days? Thirty days is enough! If I really can't save everyone, then I will be buried with everyone!"

After saying that, Ling Fei's figure quickly flew in one direction.

His power, one second, is hundreds of thousands of light years. In just a few minutes, Ling Fei came to the end of the sky, the corner of the sea! The barrier land of the entire universe!

He took out the Pangu Sky Opening Axe, and with a thought, the Pangu Sky Opening Ax directly turned into an infinite divine light, opening up a long rainbow bridge for Ling Fei.

"Is this the door to other worlds?"

After saying that, Ling Fei gritted his teeth and rushed in without hesitation!

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