Metropolitan Super Deity

Chapter 793: Great God Descended from Heaven

Just when General Feng Yu was in despair, suddenly, from the nine heavens, a divine thunder fell!

This divine thunder has at least a length of more than thirty feet wide!

Such a huge range of divine thunder fell, causing hundreds of thousands of sea people to die instantly on the spot, and all of them were turned into fly ash.

General Feng Yu's beautiful eyes widened, and everyone else looked at that huge thunderbolt in bewilderment. No one thought that such a thunderbolt would appear at this moment!

"It must be a god! It must be a god who was moved by our will to fight, so a thunder came down to help us! Kill everyone!"

Everyone's morale was ignited by this energy, but no one noticed that a figure appeared from the divine thunder.

The moment this figure appeared, he frowned a little.

"Is this another world? This world doesn't seem very peaceful. It seems that no matter which world you are in, war is always inevitable. But the people here seem to be very weak."

Just as he was speaking, the sea people below suddenly started to attack him.

Ling Fei snorted coldly.

"Things that don't have long eyes, even I dare to hit them, they are courting death!"

After saying that, he snorted softly, and that snort instantly cast supreme ice, which instantly froze the sea clan within tens of miles of the ground into ice cubes!

At this time, from the deep sea, all kinds of sea tribes are still coming out continuously, and, as time goes by, the sea tribes that come out are not just shrimp soldiers and crab generals, but gradually begin to show some strength. A super strong Sea Clan.

Among these sea tribes, some sharkmen have surpassed Nascent Soul cultivators in strength and are comparable to those of Huashen cultivators. There are also some bastard sea tribes whose defenses can at least resist attacks beyond the Transition Tribulation Period.

However, even so, these sea people still couldn't stand up in front of Ling Fei, because even if Ling Fei just sneezed, it was enough to wipe them all out!

But Ling Fei also knew in his heart that this was not his world, he was still somewhat moral, and did not participate too much in the battles in this world, as long as these sea people didn't come to offend him, he wouldn't bother to do it.

It's a pity that these sea people will naturally not let him go!

One after another, the Sea Clans attacked Ling Fei. Ling Fei just played casually. He waved his hand to form an invincible aura, which could easily kill thousands or even hundreds of thousands of Sea Clans. . After one attack after another, these sea tribes have gradually begun to collapse. They did not expect that there would be such a perverted existence among the monks among the human beings!

The Sea Clans are not all fools, they can't beat them once, they can't beat them twice, they can't beat them twice, they can beat them three times, but after being killed thousands of times, even these Sea Clans, with their huge numbers, can't Continue to support it.

At this time, the Sea Clan behind them gradually sent a message and began to retreat.

Seeing this moment, the soldiers on the city wall immediately cheered happily.

"The Sea Clan has retreated, look quickly, all the Sea Clan has retreated, hahaha..."

"Great, we defeated the Sea Clan! We defeated the Sea Clan!"

General Tian Gong immediately whispered in General Feng Yu's ear:

"General Feng Yu, take advantage of this great opportunity, why don't we take advantage of the victory and pursue it, lead our troops out, catch them by surprise, wipe out more Sea Clan, and let them know how powerful we are!"

General Feng Yu frowned and said:

"This time, the date when the Sea Clan came out, as well as the divine thunder just now, are not normal. I'm wondering if there will be any changes? Maybe, we shouldn't be so reckless. We should wait and decide whether to It’s not too late to pursue.”

General Tamiya was in a hurry to die.

"General Feng Yu, this is a great opportunity to make contributions. I must not miss it! If you are timid and look forward and backward, then I can only lead my men alone and go down to pursue it. When the time comes, General Feng Yu should not be jealous of me!" Credit, hahaha... all the warriors of the Tamiya family come with me!"

Without further ado, General Tian Gong rushed down with his subordinates. General Feng Yu was behind him, and couldn't help but spit.

"This Tamiya idiot, does he think that these sea people are easy to bully? There must be something weird and tricky in it. He actually led people directly to rush down. Without the protection of the magic circle on the city wall, everyone's fighting strength will If he drops a lot, he will kill everyone if he does this!"

The little soldier next to him couldn't help but asked:

"Ah? Then General Feng Yu, should we go over to support?"

Feng Yu sighed faintly, a hint of helplessness flickered in her beautiful eyes.

"Forget it, there is no way. If we don't go, if all the troops of the Tamiya family are wiped out, we will have a lot fewer soldiers defending the city! Everyone, let's save it. Half of the troops stay on the city wall, and half of them, Come down with me! Get ready, jump!"

Under the leadership of General Feng Yu, these people quickly jumped down and chased the Tamiya family while beheading the still breathing Hai clan.

Tamiya was at the forefront, so excited that he almost carried himself away. He never thought that it was the first time he came to this line of defense, and he encountered such a good thing that the sea clan was scared away! Speaking of which, I really want to thank that thunderbolt! If it wasn't for him, I'm afraid these sea people wouldn't have retreated so easily.

As long as he comes out to kill and show off, after returning, he will definitely get a great reward, and his reputation will be greatly improved! These good deeds were all given to him by God, hahaha...

The happy Tamiya almost forgot what his last name was.

"Hurry up, everyone, kill these sea people, don't let them escape into the deep sea! If they escape into the deep sea, we will be helpless, and they will definitely make a comeback, everyone kill with me! Kill—— !"

These soldiers, bullying the weak Sea Clan, soon attracted the attention of a wave of giant Sea Clans like the Sharkmen, and they quickly turned around and rushed towards the Tamiya Clan.

Poor Tamiya, I don't know yet, these sharkmen are so powerful, they rushed forward screaming, but he was knocked out by a sharkman on the spot, and in mid-air, he spurted a mouthful of blood, that sharkman, smell After the blood passed, his eyes couldn't help turning scarlet. Obviously, it was tempted by Tamiya's blood and couldn't help it!

The shark man let out a growl, without saying a word, stomped his foot, and was about to come to kill Tamiya on the spot.

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