Metropolitan Super Deity

Chapter 799: Sea Clan Information

After arranging the defense of the ancient city of Nolan, Ling Fei and General Feng Yu immediately rushed to the inland!

It wasn't until after arriving inland that General Feng Yu realized that the situation was far more serious than he had imagined.

These sea people, after invading the inland, burned, killed and looted, doing all kinds of evil along the way! All human beings have become their food, and no one survived wherever they went.

General Feng Yu and Ling Fei rode the Earth Demon Dragon and traveled quickly all the way. After passing through several cities, they came to a small mountain village.

"Take a break. The Sea Clan's aura ahead is heavy. I think we're about to catch up with the Sea Clan. And the Earth Demon Dragon is already very tired. If we don't let them rest for a while, they won't be able to hold on."

"I do not mind."

Ling Fei shrugged his shoulders. If he meets the Sea Clan, he will just fight them. Anyway, in this world, he probably cannot find two opponents for him. Here, he is an invincible existence.

General Feng Yu let go of the Earth Demon Dragon and let them rest where they were, while he searched the village for a while, trying to find out if there was anyone still alive.

She opened the doors one by one, and was looking for them, when a cry came from a distance.

"Help! Help! Who will save us!"

General Feng Yu frowned, walked forward quickly, and soon came to the sound.

It turned out that on a big tree, two girls were tied to the tree and could not move.

General Feng Yu's face turned cold, and he immediately pulled out his huge sword, ready to go forward to save someone, but at this moment, her shoulder was firmly locked by a big hand, and she couldn't move a single inch!

General Feng Yu looked back with a sword, and the huge sword flashed a blue cold light in the air, tearing the air, and approached the opponent's waist, but it was a pity that when the giant sword was about to hit the opponent, it was caught by two delicate fingers, It was easily caught.

"What are you doing? Let me go, I'm going to save people!"

General Feng Yu was a little annoyed, and struggled fiercely, but he couldn't pull out his giant sword from Ling Fei's hand at all.

Ling Fei patted her on the shoulder and pointed to the girl hanging on the tree in the distance.

"Look carefully, do they look like human girls? Besides, this place is in the wilderness, can there be such a beautiful girl?"

When he said this, General Feng Yu was taken aback for a moment, and looked back, the two girls seemed to have extremely delicate faces, far beyond ordinary girls. Even if it is a human girl, it is impossible to be a girl in this kind of mountain village! The appearance is really too amazing.

Seeing that General Feng Yu didn't come forward to save people, the two girls cried even more pitifully.

"Hurry up and save us, we are the daughters of the city lord next door. The officers and soldiers in the city rebelled and caught us here and tied us here. They want to use us to delay some sea people. I beg you, save us quickly. Bar!"

Ling Fei waved his hand, and a flame shot straight at the faces of the two girls. The two girls were startled, and immediately fell from the tree. It was only at this moment that General Feng Yu discovered their real bodies. It turns out that the upper body is human and the lower body is fish!

"Mermaid? This is a high-level intelligent sea clan in the deep sea. How could it appear on land? Shouldn't the ones who came to attack the land be some abandoned children of the sea clan? How could this be?"

General Feng Yu was obviously shocked to the extreme, but the two mermaid girls had already flew towards them.

"Hey hey hey...Since I let you see it, I can only fight one game! Die, human!"

It's a pity that before the two mermaid girls had time to be happy for a moment, suddenly, several earth thorns protruded from the ground, trapping the two mermaid girls in it instantly.

"Earth magic? Didn't expect you to be magicians?"

The faces of the two mermaid girls were slightly solemn. Ling Fei smiled lightly and said:

"Since you are advanced intelligent creatures, I think you should also know the reason why the Sea Clan hastily attacked the land this time? Not only is the time so much earlier, but also, you have so many more powerful , Sea creatures with higher intelligence will command the attack!"

The mermaid girl sneered and said:

"You want to get information from us? It's ridiculous. Our Sea Clan is not like your Human Race. Our hearts are not in harmony! Our Sea Clan has always been the most loyal creatures!"


Ling Fei smiled wickedly, and looked up and down the two mermaids. The two mermaid girls smiled wickedly, hooked their fingers at him, and said:

"If you let us go, we can play with you, and we promise to make you happy!"

General Feng Yu couldn't help but spit, and rolled his eyes at Ling Fei contemptuously!

Ling Fei shrugged.

"What kind of eyes do you have?"

"Hmph! You know it in your heart, you are a beast that is not as good as a beast! A stinky man who only knows how to think with his lower body!"

Ling Fei was speechless for a while, he slapped his forehead and said:

"You don't think I have any thoughts about the two of them, do you? Are you in a normal mind? They are mermaids! Even if I have thoughts, what else can I do? Besides, there are still people around me. You are such a beautiful woman, if I really have any thoughts, I will have thoughts about you, right?"

General Feng Yu's cheeks turned red in an instant, she gave Ling Fei a hard look, and said very displeasedly:

"Then what did you mean by that?"

"Of course it's going to be a big torture for them! For example, to make grilled fish, use a stick to penetrate the throat from the mouth to the tail of the fish, put it on the fire and roast it bit by bit, and keep on Rotate, roast evenly, and at the same time sprinkle oil constantly, after roasting, the fragrant, scorched and scorched aroma will really whet your sense of taste!"

The expressions of the two mermaids changed instantly.

Ling Fei continued:

"Of course, there is also making sashimi. This requirement is relatively difficult. It is to ensure that the fish is alive, and the freshest fish is the freshest. Then, bit by bit, piece by piece, the fish is cut off from their bodies. Sliced ​​sashimi thinner than paper, and sprinkled with salt little by little, the taste is fresh! The taste is the most refreshing!"

"Of course, if you don't want to eat like this, there are other options, such as chopping off the fish head and making it into fish head soup, or splitting the head of the fish to make fish head with chopped peppers, or chopping the body of the fish into pieces , made into fried fish nuggets! These are very good!"

"Enough! Stop talking, we surrender. We confess!"

The two little mermaid girls were completely terrified by Ling Fei's words. They only knew how to eat people all their lives, but they never thought that humans still have so many ways to eat fish. Compared with humans, they are so pure !

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