Metropolitan Super Deity

Chapter 802 Save Du Haicheng

Ling Fei and General Feng Yu rode the Earth Demon Dragon to the front quickly, and soon found the sea clan army!

Millions of sea clan troops are attacking the city in front of them with overwhelming force!

"This is Duhai City. The height and thickness of the city wall are more than three times that of the ancient city of Nolan, and there are a large number of masters in it, so they can last for so long. Otherwise, it is estimated that they have followed the previous cities by now. The pace is completely destroyed!"

"It seems that humans are not useless!"

Ling Fei looked at the magic that was constantly shooting out in the distance, as well as the sword attack, and couldn't help but praise.

"It's useless. There are too many sea clan troops, and they are constantly gathering towards this side. There are too many of them. Even if they are exhausted, they will kill the experts in Duhai City. Hurry up and shoot!" , help them!"

Ling Fei put his arms around his chest, watching the battle scene in front of him with great interest.

"Don't worry, let's take a look first. I think they are fighting fiercely. If I rush over to intervene at this time, I'm afraid I will be scolded by others!"

General Feng Yu rolled his eyes at him.

"Don't stand and talk without pain in your back, this will kill you! Hmph! You are so powerful that no one can beat you. Even the millions of sea people are nothing in your eyes. But in the eyes of us people, they are fatal, if one is not careful, the entire city may all die!"

"It's not interesting to crush one-sidedly. It's better to fight together. But since you said so, then I will show mercy and help you once."

"Then as soon as possible!"

"Okay! You count to ten, and that's it."

General Feng Yu spat.

"I'm pretending again, I know you're great, but that's an army of millions, do you think it's a hundred sharkmen?"

As soon as the voice fell, a thunderbolt landed, centered on the falling thunder, and instantly sent out an explosion covering tens of thousands of meters!

General Feng Yu stared wide-eyed and looked at all this in disbelief. Although she knew that Ling Fei was very powerful and had seen that thunderbolt before, she always thought that it was magic at the level of forbidden spells. She never thought that Ling Fei could actually Instant release!

But one wave of shock has not yet subsided, another wave of shock has risen! Because the next moment, two thunderbolts fell at the same time, then three, four, five, six... In the end, the entire battlefield was full of lightning. In General Feng Yu's eyes, there were lightning bolts everywhere. The silver electric current kept running around!

Ten seconds later, everything was back to normal! The millions of Sea Clans on the battlefield have been completely wiped out. Even if there are one or two alive, they are missing arms and legs, and have become crippled! I don't know if it was because Ling Fei did it on purpose, but most of the sea people were killed by the shock wave generated by the thunder explosion!

The guards on the city wall all looked at all this with a confused face. After a long time, they didn't know who started it, let out a cheer, and then all the people were singing the praises of the gods! There was a lot of laughter on the entire city wall!

And Ling Fei at the bottom is constantly collecting lobsters, crabs, shark fins, squid and other good things.

He has his own alien space, which is very convenient to collect. Soon, General Feng Yu came and took him to the city together!

The people in Du Haicheng were celebrating. Those soldiers, seeing Ling Fei and General Feng Yu approaching, immediately shouted:

"Are you refugees from the neighborhood?"

General Feng Yu shook his head.

"We are reinforcements from the ancient city of Nolan."

The soldiers on the city wall were taken aback for a moment, and then burst out laughing.

"Why are there only two reinforcements from the ancient city of Nolan?"

"You are all late, the sea clan has been completely wiped out by the attack of the gods!"

General Feng Yu shook his head.

"There are still many Sea Clans that haven't been wiped out, at least thousands of times, even tens of thousands of times! If we didn't help you just now, you wouldn't be able to make it through."

The soldiers on the city wall suddenly made a contemptuous sound.

"Hmph! You really know how to put gold on your face!"

"That's right, the lightning attack just now is at least an attack that can only be done by a god! The two of them really know how to pick up the loopholes, come to us to receive the reward, do you want us to enshrine them as gods?"

"Go away, you are not welcome here!"

"You—! What nonsense are you talking about?"

General Feng Yu was so angry that she looked at Ling Fei, but Ling Fei shrugged.

"It's normal, human beings have always been so stupid, I've been used to it for a long time!"

After saying that, he shouted at the city wall:

"Have you laughed enough? If you have laughed enough, open the gate of the city wall."

"We don't welcome liars here, so hurry up and leave? Otherwise, don't blame us for being rude!"

Ling Fei shook his head helplessly.

"Forget it, you asked for it yourself!"

After saying that, he snapped his fingers, and a thunderbolt fell, splitting the city gate into pieces of iron slag on the spot! Even with that, he split a huge hole in half of the city wall, but he was merciful in his attack, and the city wall above did not collapse! So those soldiers didn't die, but they were also stunned by Ling Fei's hand, dumbfounded! All of them opened their mouths wide, petrified in place, unable to utter a word, like stone sculptures!

It's been a long time! Only then did the soldiers on the city wall come to their senses, and rushed down to apologize to Ling Fei and General Feng Yu!

"Hold... hold... Sorry, we didn't know that the two gods came, and we hope the two gods will calm down!"

General Feng Yu shook his head.

, "I am not a god, I am the city defense officer of the ancient city of Nolan, this is the master who saved you! Just thank him alone!"

"Thank you god, thank you god!"

Everyone kowtowed to Ling Fei non-stop, and Ling Fei waved his hands.

"You don't need to thank me. To me, this is just a trivial matter. Take us to the city lord quickly, we have something to tell him."

"Okay! Please come with us!"

Half an hour later, Ling Fei and General Feng Yu met the City Lord in the City Lord's Mansion! It was an old man of sixty years old, and he had been waiting at the door for a long time!

"This is the god who saved our Du Haicheng, right? Thank you so much! If it weren't for you, our Du Haicheng might not be able to survive today!"

"You're welcome. I only helped you at the request of General Feng Yu, the city defense officer of Nolan Ancient City. If you want to thank her, thank her."

"It turned out to be General Feng Yu's credit. On behalf of the people of Du Haicheng, thank you very much!"

General Feng Yu gave Ling Fei a white look, and said:

"You don't need to put gold on my face. I know how much I have. Old City Lord, we are here this time because we want to discuss something with you!"

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