Metropolitan Super Deity

Chapter 808 Sacrifice

"With such a little strength, you still want to be a sword god? It's ridiculous. Are you a self-proclaimed sword god?"

"What? You didn't die?"

The nameless old man exclaimed, looking at the ground, when the dust and mist dispersed, Ling Fei's figure appeared, his pupils shrank instantly.

It turned out that although the ground around Ling Fei was knocked down by his powerful sword energy, the piece under Ling Fei's feet was intact at the moment! It was as if a bare pillar had been left in the deep pit!

"What? This is impossible! This is impossible! How could you resist so many sword qis of mine so easily? What method did you use?"

"I've said it before, it's just to play with you, do you really take it seriously? Do you really think you are my opponent? Do it, you still have two chances."

Ling Fei raised two fingers.

"You'd better use all your strength, because you only have the chance of these two moves! If you can't kill me, then this time, you are finished!"

The nameless old man is angry and angry! He gritted his teeth tightly and his teeth creaked.

"Don't be too complacent, I won't let you continue to be arrogant! This time, I will kill you!"

He raised the holy sword in his hand high, bit his finger, forced out a drop of blood, and sprayed it on the holy sword. The moment the blood and the holy sword merged, an extremely powerful and dazzling light emanated from the holy sword, like a small sun, illuminating everything within a ten-mile radius.

"The holy sword of Wuji swordsmanship is supreme, Zhu Zi, I used this move to cut through a 10,000-meter mountain with one sword. This time, it's your turn to taste it. Are you ready?"

"Lorry, let's make a move, don't ink."

"Okay! This is what you said, suffer death! Ah——!"

The nameless old man raised his hands high above his head, and then slammed it down. The holy sword, which had been extended to a height of several feet, smashed Ling Fei's head with supreme majesty.

The strength of this move is obviously different. When it falls, it seems that some thunder can be heard in the sky, and it seems that it has aroused the vision of heaven and earth! The corner of the old man's mouth is full of smiles! Obviously, he already felt in his heart that he was going to win! However, at this moment, Ling Fei suddenly raised two fingers of his hand, and easily caught the holy sword!

"What? It's impossible! How can you resist this move, and it's so easy? No—!"

The nameless old man let out an unwilling growl. Obviously, some pessimistic thoughts had already begun to form in his heart.

"Nothing is impossible! Your move is still too weak."

As he said that, Ling Fei exerted a little force with his two fingers, and pinched it lightly, and the sword energy exploded in an instant.

The nameless old man was backlashed for a while, and a trace of blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth. Then, he wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and stared at Ling Fei fiercely.

"No...don't be too complacent, I still have the strongest move, if I don't make it, I will kill you!"

"Wait and see."


The old man snorted coldly, clenched his fists tightly in his chest, closed his eyes, and silently recited an obscure incantation, and almost at the same time, the dark clouds in the sky quickly gathered, and within a very short period of time, The sun in the sky was covered, and the earth was plunged into darkness.

A moment later, thunder and lightning flashed, and the power of thunder and lightning was continuously drawn from the dark clouds to supplement the holy sword. As the lightning struck more and more, the color of the holy sword gradually changed from golden to dark purple! The lightning surrounding the surface of its sword gradually turned into a purple flame.

The corners of Ling Fei's mouth twitched slightly.

"That's right. You can actually compress lightning into the form of flames. This kind of strength is really rare. If you hadn't met me, maybe your move would really catch many people. But it's a pity that, It was me you met."

At this time, the thunder and lightning in the sky had already gathered a sufficient number, and the entire holy sword was wrapped in a deep purple flame, and the muscles of his whole body were trembling non-stop, and even his jaw was shaking. Clenching tightly, trembling non-stop. More blood spilled from the corner of his mouth!

"Damn it! If I were already in the realm of the Sword God, I would definitely be able to use this move. Why? Why am I not the Sword God? Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

The old man's face already had a hint of madness, and his eyes were already a little red!

Ling Fei shook his head and sighed softly.

"Hey! With such a strong obsession, it's no wonder that you can't advance your cultivation. Forget it, it's ugly to see you like this, so I'll help you out."

After finishing speaking, his eyes changed slightly, and a burst of nine-colored flames swallowed the holy sword instantly, burning the holy sword into air that didn't even have scum left.


The old man who had cut off contact with the holy sword spat out a mouthful of blood, and fell to the ground powerlessly. He stared at Ling Fei with absent-minded eyes, and said:

"Impossible! Impossible! You can still use fire magic, how is this possible? Why do you have fighting spirit and magic at the same time? Who are you?"

"Don't ask me who I am. You don't know if I tell you. But, you, it's too ridiculous. Have you forgotten that swords are for people? You rely so much on a cold weapon, and how can you How can you become a sword god? I destroyed your holy sword, and I gave you a chance. If you are immersed in that so-called holy sword from now on, in this life, you will be a broken man until you die. Sword Master! If you can cleanse the lead, face yourself again, give up the sword, and cultivate your heart, when you really become stronger, maybe you can become a sword god!"

The nameless old man looked puzzled and said:

"But the sword god, the sword god, without a sword, how can he be called the sword god?"

"The so-called swordsman, the unity of human and sword is the highest state! How can you only rely on a cold weapon? You can cultivate yourself into a sword soul and a sword intent. In the end, you will be able to achieve the supreme Realm! At that time, not to mention this holy sword, even a divine sword can be controlled by you, don't you understand?"

The nameless old man's eyes lit up, and he suddenly opened his eyes like a moose.

"So that's the case, then I understand, I understand! Hahaha...I understand, I finally know how to achieve the position of Sword God!"

After all, his whole body immediately erupted with a more tyrannical aura, and he actually achieved the position of Sword God under Ling Fei's few instructions! Breaking through a realm that has been impossible to break through for hundreds of years!

And his appearance, from the initial old-fashioned appearance, has rejuvenated and turned into a middle-aged appearance. It is conceivable that he has gained a new life. Break out of the cocoon and become a butterfly!

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