Metropolitan Super Deity

Chapter 811 I want to start the comparison

Regarding these people's mutual flattery, Ling Fei has always been too lazy to meddle. Firstly, it is because he does not care about it. Secondly, it is because he is not qualified. Who told him that he does not even have a student? So I can only look at others every day and worry about myself.

Before Ling Fei left, the teachers behind couldn't help but crowd around him and joked at him:

"By the way, Teacher Lingfei, I heard that you haven't recruited any students recently? Oh, you really broke the precedent of our college."

"That's right! The teachers in our college always use their teaching achievements as a reflection of their work ability. How many years have you been here? Three years? I remember that three years ago, some students came to you to study Yes, but later, all of them ran away! Zunzhu, I heard that there are still a few who have cultivated to become useful with other teachers. Sigh! This is really a trick of luck!"

"Mr. Lingfei, it's been three years now. According to the rules of our college, if it's been more than three years, if you don't educate a decent student, you will be expelled from the college!"

"That's right, our college has never had one since its founding. The dismissed teacher, Teacher Ling Fei, you can't do this. If you become the first one, wouldn't you be a member of our Winter College?" shame?"

"Yes, yes, at that time, others should say that our Winter Academy has produced an incompetent teacher. In the past three years, we have not even taught a decent, oh no, not even a single student. Then our Winter Academy I am afraid that your reputation will be greatly damaged!"

"That's not okay, Teacher Lingfei, how about this? There are still a few incompetent students in my place. They have studied for several years and have not made any progress at all. Otherwise, I will forcefully give it to you and let you complete it." The following amount, so as not to let you be dismissed by the academy."

"Yes, yes, we are all colleagues, and we all teach in the same academy, so we should help each other. Well, there are a few students in my class who are not good enough. When the time comes, I will give them to you."

"Mr. Lingfei, if you are short of students, you can go to me and pick them out. I guarantee that you will be satisfied. A useless student and a useless teacher like you are a perfect match. Hahaha..."

Ling Fei's face was cold, but he didn't bother to argue with these short-sighted guys, so he flicked his sleeves and left directly.

"Hmph! I'm Lingfei, but it's not a dump. It's not any kind of rubbish that can be stuffed into my place. You should keep those rubbish for yourself."

Seeing his leaving back, behind him, the teachers of the Cold Winter Academy pointed at him and laughed loudly.

"What a douchebag. We gave him some face, and he just pretended."

"That's right, what kind of person is he, don't say that we hand over the most trashy students to him, I'm afraid, even if we hand over the best students to him, he can teach him to be crippled."

"Cut! Don't you look at his cowardly behavior, and he taught rubbish. He himself is the biggest rubbish!"

"Hey! Guess how long it will take for this Lingfei to get out of the campus?"

"The old man calculated, Ling Fei arrived after fifteen days three years ago, that is to say, in half a month, he has to pack up and leave completely, get out!"

"Hahahaha, that's a good thing! I have long since disliked him. He is so comfortable and relaxed all day long, and he doesn't have to do anything. Damn, he still has to receive the same offerings as us every day!"

"That's right, I feel annoyed when I see him. In this life, being a colleague with him is simply my greatest shame! But fortunately, he will be gone soon! At that time, I will never have to look at his handsome picture again." face!"

"Okay, don't say much, let's go, let's go drink, don't be as knowledgeable as his trash, and save our time."

These teachers sneered at Ling Fei and didn't regard him as their companion at all!

Ling Fei also knows this in his heart. After all, no matter which world he is in, the law of the jungle is an established rule, an eternal law! His cultivation is now all sealed in the body and cannot be lifted. Even if he talks about how powerful he is, it is useless.

However, this morning, the principal had already talked to him alone. The principal's meaning was obvious. Ling Fei is too weak now, and he has not taught any decent teachers. If this continues, it will only waste the number of teachers in the college. , So, what the principal means is that it's time for Ling Fei to think about it, and he can pack up and leave!

Naturally, Ling Fei didn't want to leave. Although this place was a garbage place, it was still a place to live and live, especially the library here, which was very useful to him. So far Ling Fei hadn't fully visited it yet. library here.

He had to fight for more time to let himself stay here. After all, after going out, he didn't have any strength to protect himself. If his cultivation was exposed, wouldn't everything be over? Ling Fei was sure that he could find another woman to befriend him, sacrifice her life for him, and help him seal it again.

But doing this kind of thing is too wicked, and Ling Fei doesn't want to do it. After doing it, he will have inner demons. There is no guarantee that you will evolve to that level of strength.

Because his heart will feel guilty and emotionally infected, the guilt in his heart will turn into a big net, trap Ling Fei, and block his path to advancement!

"Damn it! I have the experience of being the strongest in the world. As long as I can give me someone who believes in me, I will definitely be able to train him to be the best fighter. Even if he is a scumbag, his talent is completely garbage. I can’t see it, I can make him achieve, at least he is like a sword god! It’s just a pity, no one wants to believe me! In this ancient martial arts continent where the strong are respected, I can’t show my strength , no student will choose me!"

Just as he was talking, he suddenly saw a group of people in front of him, surrounding a boy in ordinary clothes. The boy was about fifteen or sixteen years old, and his clothes were not only ordinary, but rather tattered. , and his face was also dirty for a while. It can be seen that this is a child of a poor family.

At this moment, he was surrounded by a group of gorgeously dressed boys and girls, but his eyes were clear and transparent, and there was also a firm and tenacious spirit mixed in. After Ling Fei saw it, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but twitch With a smile.

"Interesting, it's really hard to find, it's so easy to get, God, you gave me a good gift! I'm going to start the comparison!"

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