Metropolitan Super Deity

Chapter 813 My student is unmatched

Ling Fei's face was a little embarrassed, he coughed lightly, and said:

"What do you know? It's not that the teacher didn't teach a student, but those people are not qualified to enter the teacher's eyes at all, so the teacher has never made a move. Otherwise, with the teacher's strength, he can teach a few students every minute." The Sword God or Demon God will show you."

Ren Jiutian looked suspicious.

"Teacher, since you are so powerful, why aren't you a sword god and a demon god?"


Ling Fei snorted lightly.

"You know what! With the teacher's eyes, can you see that shit demon god or sword god? I don't even bother with those two titles. In front of me, those things are just things that are instantly killed."


Ren Jiutian held a skeptical attitude and eyes, which made Ling Fei vomit blood angrily, and he kicked Ren Jiutian's ass hard.

"You idiot, if the teacher hadn't rescued you just now, do you think you would still be alive now? How dare you doubt the teacher, what a shame."

Ren Jiutian quickly patted his butt, smiled awkwardly, and apologized.

"Teacher, forgive me, teacher forgive me. Don't be angry, don't be angry, it's all my fault. I won't dare next time."


Ling Fei nodded, hands behind his back, looking like an old-fashioned teacher.

"That's pretty much the same, the teacher didn't save you in vain. How about it, you go back with the teacher now, the teacher will officially teach you the knowledge of cultivation."

"Yes! Thank you teacher!"

Ren Jiutian followed Ling Fei back to his residence. After arriving here, Ling Fei measured his physique.

"That's right, you belong to the kind of swordsman, and you should cultivate to become a swordsman, but you still have some elemental attributes, suitable for being a half-magician, that's good, from now on, you will be able to cultivate both magic and martial arts!"

"Double cultivation of magic and martial arts? Teacher, isn't this a taboo practice law in our Novag continent? Everyone knows that a person doesn't have enough energy to practice magic and swordsmanship at the same time. If he cultivates these two things forcibly, It's just a waste of time in the end."

Ren Jiutian spoke in a serious manner, but Ling Fei kicked him in exchange.

"I told you to practice, you just practice, what's the point of talking nonsense? What a shame!"

Ren Jiutian didn't dare to talk too much this time, so he had to practice honestly according to what Lingfei gave him.

Ren Jiutian's physique is relatively strong, and he belongs to the kind of good young man who cultivates sword fighting spirit, but at the same time, he also has some fire elemental energy in his body. If he can combine these two things to become a magic swordsman, he must It is much more tyrannical than ordinary cultivation of fighting spirit or cultivation of magic!

With the assistance and teaching of Ling Fei, the super god, and Ren Jiutian's brain is not stupid, a little bit of advice allowed him to step into the threshold of cultivation.

After a few days of practice, Ren Jiutian has reached the strength of a junior swordsman and a junior magic apprentice! Ling Fei then taught him to fuse the two attacks, so that he could achieve magic bursts of attack power with the sword energy at the same time, instead of chanting formulas. In this way, the greatest strength can be erupted in a very short period of time.

Although Ren Jiutian was only as good as a junior swordsman and magic apprentice, if he really wanted to fight, even a senior swordsman might not be his opponent.

After introducing Ren Jiutian to the threshold of cultivation, the next step is to further expand Ren Jiutian's strength.

Although Ren Jiutian has a good mind and is quite clever, his innate talent is too weak.

No way, who made his family poor, no money for him to eat and drink? It is estimated that when Ren Jiutian's mother was pregnant with him, she didn't have much nutrition, so his body was too weak. Therefore, although Ren Jiutian has worked hard to cultivate, his strength has improved very slowly compared to others, even if they are not too talented.

Therefore, Ling Fei had to spend a little money to cook a pot of potion for Ren Jiutian with some high-quality herbs to help him practice.

This morning, Ren Jiutian was called into a small room by Ling Fei.

"Master, are you looking for me?"


Ling Fei nodded and said directly:

"Take off your clothes!"

"Ah? Master, what are you talking about?"

"I said, take off your clothes! What's wrong with Haihui Temple if you can't understand people's language?"

"Uh...that's not true, it's just...master, why do you want me to take off my clothes?"

"You are talking nonsense. I want you to take off your clothes. There must be something wrong. Otherwise, what would I do with you?"

Ren Jiutian covered his chrysanthemum vigilantly, took a step back, and leaned against the wall.

"Master! Although you are my master and taught me skills, you are very kind to me! However, this does not mean that you can do whatever you want with me! If you insist on doing this, then Disciple, I can only resist to the death and protect my chastity!"

Ling Fei's face darkened!

"Fuck you, uncle!"

When he came up, he flew up and kicked Ren Jiutian in the face.

"You idiot, your master and I have a normal orientation, what the hell am I, why did I find such a weirdo like you? Take off my clothes immediately and get rolled into the bucket for me!"

Ren Jiutian curled his lips and said with an aggrieved face:

"Isn't it because other people are unwilling to worship you as a teacher?"

"What did you say? Can you tell me again?"

"No, no, I didn't say anything!"

Ren Jiutian quickly took off his clothes and ran into the barrel, but after he entered, his face suddenly became a little weird.

"Hey! Master, why are there so many herbs in here? There are so many slippery things? Huh? What is this?"

Ren Jiutian fumbled under the barrel and took out a slippery object. When he saw the other person's appearance clearly, his face turned pale with shock.

"Oh my god! Isn't this...isn't this a snake? Master, what are you going to do? Are you going to use me to make porridge?"

"Brotting your uncle's head, you just keep your mouth open and shut all day long to eat, when will you be able to make some progress, I found you as an apprentice, it was really a lot of effort!"

"Hey hey hey, master, don't take offense, there is no way, who made my family poor, and I haven't eaten much meat since I was a child?"

"Hmph! Put the snake back."


Ren Jiutian put the snake into the bucket, but then, he found that Ling Fei started throwing firewood under the bucket, lit the fire, and started to boil water. His face suddenly changed again.

"Hey! Master, what are you doing? Why did you start the fire? Didn't you say you don't cook porridge?"

"Hehe, if you want to be my apprentice, you have to endure what ordinary people can't bear! I'm helping you, brat, and you'll see the benefits in a while!"

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