Metropolitan Super Deity

Chapter 823 Amazing Explosive Power

Ling Fei and Ren Jiutian slept together all night. Ren Jiutian snored so loudly that Ling Fei wanted to kick him down several times, but in the end he forced himself to hold back!

The next day, at dawn, Ling Fei reluctantly left Ren Jiutian's room at dawn. He swore that he would let Ren Jiutian build a house for him today and sleep with him. It would be like a prison!

However, just when Ling Fei walked out of the door, he unexpectedly discovered that his second apprentice, Zhen Ji, was sitting alone on a stone in the distance, holding her knees with her hands, staring at the place where the sun rose alone.

Ling Fei put his hands behind his back and walked slowly over.

"It is rumored that in the easternmost part of the continent of Novag, there is a special species living. They are naturally compatible with the natural elements and their magical abilities are extremely powerful. They are far unmatched by other creatures on the entire continent of Novag! They are They are fair-skinned and beautiful, and look like gods left behind in the mortal world! They have a very nice name - the world calls them 'elves'!"

Zhen Ji turned back suddenly, with a vigilant look in her eyes, looking at Ling Fei, as if Ling Fei was her life and death enemy at this moment!

Ling Fei smiled.

"You don't need to regard me as an enemy. I'm different from other people in Novag Continent. I don't have so many feudal ideas. Besides, you are also my student now, so I can't possibly report you."

When Zhen Ji heard this, her guarded body relaxed a little, but her eyes were still wary of Ling Fei.

Ling Fei sat next to her, looked into the distance with her, and said with a faint smile:

"It is said that although the elves are uniquely endowed with supreme magical talent, their meridians are weak, and they will never be able to compete with swordsmanship and fighting spirit for almost their entire lives! In other words, the elves are useless when it comes to fighting spirit. But, you Not only is your body endowed with magic power, but you also have extremely strong sword skills and fighting spirit! I think your parents should be humans and elves, right?"

As he spoke, he said something coldly.

"On the continent of Novago, it seems that elves do not allow their own people to intermarry with humans, right? In other words, if your identity is spread, the elves will definitely send people to kill you, right? "

"You are very smart, but sometimes, being too smart is not a good thing."

Ling Fei chuckled.

"That's not necessarily the case! At least, you don't have the ability to make me give in. Besides, you don't have to be so wary of me. I have already said that I am your teacher now, and I will only help you, not harm you. !”

"Then when can I practice?"

"You can do it at any time. Wang Zhaojun has already sent me all the medicinal materials I asked for. I can help you improve your strength at any time!"

"Then I'll start now!"

"You are so impatient to improve your strength. It seems that you are very insecure. But that's all, who asked me to agree to it? I'll go prepare. You wait here for a while."

After saying that, Ling Fei returned to the room and started tinkering. Not long after, he came out and waved to Zhen Ji.

"Little girl Pianzi, you can come here!"

Zhen Ji's face straightened up, and there was a hint of fear on her cold and arrogant face! She is not afraid of anything else, she is just afraid that if she fails this time, will she not have the courage to live?

With such fear, Zhen Ji walked towards Ling Fei with heavy steps.

She came into the room and took a very strange look.

"What does it smell like in here?"

The room at this time was empty, with only a large wooden barrel and a charcoal fire under it. What was going on?

"Don't worry about it. These are good things! Don't waste the master's hard work. Take off your clothes quickly."

Zhen Ji immediately took a cautious step back.

"what do you want to do?"


Ling Fei was quite speechless.

"What else can I do? Of course I will help you improve your strength!"


Zhen Ji snorted and angrily said:

"I have never heard of anyone improving someone else's strength like this! You slut, don't come closer to me, or I'll kill you!"

Ling Fei couldn't help but rolled his eyes.

"Your uncle's!"

After saying that, he took a step forward, grabbed Zhen Ji directly, and slapped her pretty buttocks. The force sent her into the big wooden barrel.

"Tch! I don't believe it. I can't subdue a mere little girl like you! Although my strength is sealed now, it's still easy to deal with a little brat swordsman like you!"

"You-! You bastard!"

Zhen Ji covered her butt, blushed, and stared at Ling Fei with shame and anger.

Ling Fei rolled his eyes.

"Don't look at it. There's nothing wrong with my face. You always do what I say."

After saying that, he immediately started to light the fire, and Zhen Ji's face turned a little pale.

"Why are you lighting a fire? You will steam me! Also, why are there so many herbs in this bucket? I feel like something is swimming dishonestly under my skirt!"

"Yeah! That's the little spirit snake!"

"Huh? Snake!!"

Zhen Ji's face was a little pale. Even though she had a cold and arrogant temper, she was still just a woman. As long as she was a woman, she would be a little bit afraid of things like snakes!

"Don't be afraid, the little spirit snake is not poisonous, it will just help you adjust the properties of the medicinal materials in the barrel to achieve the best results. Just wait and see, it will be fine soon!"

After Ling Fei finished speaking, as the flames rose, the temperature in the barrel immediately and gradually increased, and the medicinal power of the medicinal materials continued to dissolve into the water. Finally, under the adjustment of the little spirit snake , all diluted perfectly.

At this moment, Zhen Ji also felt the changes in the bucket. She gritted her teeth and finally followed what Ling Fei said, sitting quietly in the bucket and starting to practice.

As she began to use her power, she unexpectedly discovered that the sword fighting spirit and magical power that had been fighting against each other in her body began to loosen! This made Zhen Ji extremely happy!

But just when she was about to feel excited and proud, Ling Fei's words reached her ears, which made her immediately correct her mentality and no longer be proud.

"Calm down, don't think wildly, take advantage of this great opportunity, work hard, and push forward with strength!"

Zhen Ji immediately did what Ling Fei said, and as a result, the water in the entire bucket began to boil! From all directions, there is constant spiritual energy flowing towards this room.

Ling Fei held his chin and said with great interest:

"This little girl is pretty good. From the looks of it, there will be a big harvest today!"

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