Metropolitan Super Deity

Chapter 834 Return from Nine Heavens

"you lose!"

Zhen Ji stood on the stage, shaking her broken sword and pointing at the student below the stage. The student was so angry that he vomited blood, spurted out a mouthful of blood, and fainted.

Losing to a girl, and a girl with lower strength than yourself, this is simply the most humiliating shame! Coupled with the double blow of being in public, he would faint or faint!

There was no way, who made him lose?

After the referee announced that Zhen Ji had won, Zhen Ji immediately jumped up and ran over excitedly and came to Ling Fei's side.

"Master, I win!"

Ling Fei squinted his eyes and smiled lightly:

"Don't worry, there will be more to come. It won't be too late for you to win a few more."

Zhen Ji had a proud expression on her face.

"Master, don't worry, I will not let you down!"

The reality was just as Ling Fei predicted. In the next few rounds of competition, Zhen Ji basically passed all the tests and won easily.

The points in Ling Fei's name have also been rising all the way, and many teachers have become very red-eyed.

But soon, other teachers began to conspire together, secretly doing unknown tricks.

By noon, Zhen Ji had already begun to participate in the eighth duel. In this duel, Zhen Ji's opponent was a great swordsman named Tianming. Judging from the data on the books, this Tianming was nothing special like the others Zhen Ji had encountered before, and was even quite ordinary. However, when Wang Zhaojun heard that Zhen Ji’s opponent was him, his face instantly changed. A little ugly!

"Zhen Ji's showdown may not be easy!"

"how you said that?"

"That Tianming looks very ordinary, ordinary, and not even famous, but in fact, he is one of the top three winners of this competition in the entire academy!"

"so smart?"

Ling Fei was a little stunned. He didn't expect that these old fools would give Zhen Ji a big problem so quickly!

"That Tianming, it is said that the ancestors of the family have a sword god who has been passed down to this day. Although it is somewhat in decline, after all, he is still somewhat powerful! Moreover, the sword god's bloodline inheritance, coupled with the sword skills passed down from his ancestors, make him Although she is a great swordsman, she can easily fight across levels! Although Zhen Ji can also fight across levels, she also needs to expend some energy. However, that Tianming kills instantly! The concept is different. "

Ling Fei narrowed his eyes slightly.

"If what you say is true, then Zhen Ji may really be in some trouble this time."

At this time, Zhen Ji had already stepped onto the ring, and the master opposite Tianming also stepped forward!

It was a young man with a long sword on his back. He was dressed very simply. His eyes were black and white, a bit like the characters in Ling Fei's world!

From those eyes, Ling Fei could tell that this young man had some strength.

After Tianming and Zhen Ji came on stage, they bowed to each other.

"Zhen Ji!"


"Please enlighten me."

The two of them didn't talk too much. After the words were finished, Tianming pulled out his long sword with a sudden movement, while Zhen Ji also looked at her coldly and slowly pulled out her short sword.

The two looked at each other in the air for less than ten seconds. Suddenly, Tianming stepped on his foot and turned into a white rainbow. At super speed, he arrived in front of Zhen Ji in the blink of an eye!

"So fast!"

Zhen Ji sighed, took a step back, and at the same time swung her sword to quickly release a long-range magic attack! In front of her, dozens of ice picks appeared in an instant, turning into a blue stream of light and rushing toward the dawn. Deep in the sky at dawn, generally speaking, this state of indifference makes it difficult for him to control his own strength, unable to quickly change his body shape in a short period of time, and unable to avoid attacks from the opposite side. But at dawn, there was no panic at all.


As he snorted softly, the long sword in his hand instantly erupted with a powerful white sword light, rising from the ground, instantly cutting off nearly half of the ice picks, and cutting dozens of ice picks from the middle. A hollow area was formed, enough for Tianming's body to cross.

Zhen Ji raised her lips slightly. Just when the ice picks came to both sides of Tianming, she instantly reversed the magic element and transformed the ice element into the fire element. Bang bang bang... directly detonated dozens of ice picks!

This move instantly frightened many people watching the game.

"I'll go! What was that just now? Isn't that an ice cone? Why did it become a fire element?"

"That's right, what the hell are you doing?"

"Did she cheat?"

There was a lot of discussion under the stage, but some knowledgeable people cast a solemn look at Ling Fei in the audience.

Wang Zhaojun couldn't help but chuckle and said:

"It seems that there are still many people who are quite knowledgeable. Knowing that you, the teacher, is the most important thing!"

Ling Fei snorted lightly.

"This is normal. If they haven't discovered my power yet, it means that Winter College is really a bunch of mediocre people!"

"It seems like Zhen Ji has a slight chance of winning!"

"No, Zhen Ji will lose!"

Wang Zhaojun frowned, not understanding what Ling Fei meant!

"Isn't Zhen Ji's magical ability to transform elements enough for her to win?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the exploding flames were cut away by a few streaks of pure white sword energy. Zhen Ji's face instantly became more solemn.

Tianming held a long sword in his hand and said with a stern face:

"You are strong, but you are no match for me!"

As he spoke, he held a long sword in his hand and walked towards Zhen Ji step by step.

Zhen Ji bit her silver teeth and stepped forward, turning her defense into an attack, gaining the right to take the lead with her attack.

She flew into the air and used the water element to confuse and attack. When she fell, the water element instantly exploded into countless water mist, covering the entire arena and confusing the field of vision! Then, she fell rapidly, fell into it, and attacked Tianming.

In the mist, there were several sounds of swords clashing together. Hearing this sound, Ling Fei couldn't help but shake his head.

"Zhen Ji is basically doomed. The opponent's sword energy cultivation is indeed not weak. Moreover, the opponent is extremely dedicated to the sword, has a heavy heart, and is extremely sensitive. Zhen Ji attacks the opponent with the sword, even if It takes advantage of the field of view, but the opponent is more sensitive to sword energy attacks. After losing the line of sight, he has no distracting thoughts and can better display his swordsmanship strength!"

After Ling Fei finished speaking, the water mist on the ring gradually dissipated. Zhen Ji was seriously injured and fell on the edge of the ring.

Wang Zhaojun was shocked.

"Zhen Ji, give in quickly!"

"No! I will never admit defeat. Master, I am the only disciple participating in the competition. If I give up, Master, the entire academy will lose!"

Tianming walked towards her.

"In that case, then you can stay!"

After saying that, he raised his hand and slashed out with his sword. A rainbow shot through the sun. The attack was extremely fierce. If it fell on Zhen Ji, although it would not kill her, it would still be a serious injury!

At this moment, suddenly, a red light fell, instantly defeating the white light!

Zhen Ji was startled and said in a daze:

"Are you...Junior Brother Jiutian?"

"Ah. Senior sister, I'm sorry for letting you fight so many games alone. You should be tired. Go down and rest first. Next, leave it to me!"

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