Metropolitan System

Chapter 262: Hard-earned money

Chapter 262, Hard-earned Money

"Jiang Bai, just do it! You will go to the generation to do it, I will help you find out the guy's information!"

Yao Hao said excitedly, he would turn and leave, looking for the information of her blind date, the haze just swept away.

"Don't, my sister, don't worry, this is not finished!"

Jiang Bai listened to this, rushed to the body, blocked in front of Yao Wei, reaching out to stop her way.

"What's wrong? Just a fight, this is not easy for you? Don't tell me, you haven't done this! Jiang Bai, I know too much about your bottom! Xu Jie, that guy can do anything to me. said!"

"You are a black boss, hurry... don't be embarrassed, or my sister will go out and say you are a bag!"

In a word, let Jiang Bai’s forehead be covered with black lines, and my heart has already begun to marry her. When did she become a black boss, she did not know?

You look at me like this, which is like a black boss, I am a businessman, how come to your mouth like this?

At the same time, I began to greet the women in Xu Jie’s family.

This bastard, you are also a special force out of the special forces, you are also the elite of the whole knife, you are ... now is the group's vice president and security manager, how to remember this mixed society?

Laozi, a good young man, has become a black boss in your mouth. What are you? Black second?

However, these words, Jiang Bai did not tell Yao Wei.

Because he is clear, he said it is also white.

Yao Wei didn't listen to him at all.

Therefore, Jiang Bai did not mention this matter, and did not explain it. It was just behind Yao Yao: "I said that the sister, this goods do not know how to dare to kiss you, then he is looking for death, he did not give him a job. ”

"It's the key. It's not him who is forced to marry. It's your aunt. You can't take your uncle or aunt. If they don't give up, this can't be changed. You can't do it anymore. You can't give it all. Is the person abolished?"

A sentence seems to have poked Yao Wei's weakness, let her stop, frowning at Jiang Bai, and pondered.

I don’t talk for a long time.

After a while, Yao’s face showed a bright smile, and a finger extended. He said with a smile: "I thought of it, Jiang Bai, this time my sister is cheaper, and tomorrow you will be with me. You said that you are my boyfriend, get the idiot, and get my parents by the way! It’s so decided!”

This makes Jiang Bai suddenly speechless.

What is the old-fashioned plot of a boyfriend? Although Jiang Bai is not happy, it is not a big problem.

The key is that Yao has been twenty-seven, and her parents are forced to get married...

In case the old man, the old lady, look happy, let the marriage be adjusted?

Jiang Bai does not want to get married, especially with Yao Yao.

If you have such a wife, will you still have a day to stop?

Maybe someday she is in a whim, I will wear a green hat.

This is definitely not impossible in Yao Wei.

"So what if your parents are forced to marry?"

Jiang Bai raised his hand and asked.

"Then get married! Why, my sister is not worthy of you?"

Sure enough, Yao Wei did not take the marriage as a big deal, and calmly answered.

It seems to be taken for granted.

This allowed Jiang Bai’s sweat on his forehead to flow out.


"But what, do you marry me... Are you losing? Rest assured, fake marriage! My sister hasn't thought about getting married so early, getting married, fooling them both, and after that, let's talk about it later. ""


"You are what you are, just say so, rest assured, you little girl, I will help you! My sister is a generous person, I really want to get married, I don't mind if you find a small three, a small four... ”

After all, I completely ignored the helpless Jiang Bai, and went away.

Only leaving a faceless helpless Jiang Bai, watching Yao Xiao leave the handsome figure, half a sigh, helplessly sighed.

He can be said to be eloquent, but when he arrives at Yao Yao, how can he say nothing?

After the helpless sigh, Jiang Bai can only comfort himself and say: "Forget it, things are already like this, you can only take one step and take a step."

Early the next morning, Jiang Bai, who was still asleep, was called by Yao Wei, and he was scared to wear only a pair of boxers.

Because Yao Yu, the woman rushed in, directly licked the quilt to speak.

In the face of Jiang Bai’s accusation, Yao sneered at it and simply did not take the warnings in his words as a matter of fact.

What to say, what the sister has not seen, what is good to cover, and what is wrong.

In this regard, Jiang Bai can only selectively deaf and ignore her.

Finally, Yao was on the street and gave Jiang Bai a dress up again from beginning to end.

Pulling directly to the river, made a hair for Jiang Bai, not too exaggerated, a slight deviation of the broken hair, but also considered handsome, slightly better than the previous hair.

In fact, according to Yao Yi, it is to do a Smecta type, the duck head, and then dyed into gold or red, which directly refused to Jiang Bai.

In the end, Yao Yao resisted Jiang Bai and agreed.

But then, Jiang Bai has no choice.

To talk about this dress taste, Yao Wei is really higher than Jiang Bai does not know how many levels.

Jiang Bai’s dress is full of local flavors and urban migrant workers. There is nothing in the eyes of ordinary people, but in Yao’s eyes, it’s completely unsatisfactory.

After visiting the mall for a while, Yao Wei took a full morning to buy Jiang Baibai's seven or eight sets of heads, and changed Jiang Bai completely.

At this moment, Jiang Bai has put on a light blue suit with a Korean version of the slimming suit. It is generous and looks like it has risen several levels.

A pair of skin cuts bright.

浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑

From a poor and stubborn silk, immediately promoted to a rich and handsome.

This made Yao Wei slightly satisfied, but this can be painful for Xiao Tian and Jiang Bai, who had just arrived from home, and two other poor bodyguards.

Because at this moment, they are already covered with Jiang Bai's clothing, and there are four or fifty pieces of big bags, which are like a mobile male clothing counter.

It’s so pitiful to follow Jiang Bai and Yao Wei, you see me, I see you, so no one said a word.

In the end, Jiang Bai couldn't stand it anymore. When they saw a few poor appearances, they waved and said: "Small day, you guys will go back first, and I will take a taxi with Yao Wei. Um... put that thing on the pendulum Put it up!"

In a word, let Xiaotian be as big as they are, and leave quickly.

I am afraid that Jiang Bai and Yao Wei will continue to go on, because Yao Wei has already done a good morning.

After a while, Yao Wei bought a belt for Jiang Bai, and then nodded with satisfaction.

"Okay, I think it is almost the same."

After Yao Yao’s purchase, Jiang Bai couldn’t stand it anymore and finally spoke.

In fact, his heart is already bleeding, because Yao Hao dressed him in the morning, he spent more than three million.

These money... are all hard-earned money!

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