Metropolitan System

Chapter 313: I am your teacher!

Chapter 133 I am your teacher!

"Tonight, even if I repay you."

After all, Xia Yiyi’s head came together again.

At this time, Jiang Bai did not dare to continue. If this continues, the custody will immediately wipe out the fire.

How high is his own self-control, Jiang Bai’s heart is very clear, and he can’t hold it.

Hurriedly blocked the mouth of Xia Yiyi by hand, Jiang Bai interface said: "Don't... you don't think so, I have a reason for you! It is not to go to bed with you."


This made Xia Yiyi curious, did not continue to kiss over, but looked at Jiang Bai with a curious look, do not understand Jiang Bai, a stranger, how to suddenly say this to himself.

Xia Yiyi does not remember that he knows Jiang Bai’s number.

"Cough, then, I am the new class teacher of the sixth class in two years. You teacher Su went abroad, and I can't come back for a while. I will help her on behalf of the class."

He coughed and coughed, Jiang Bai explained the intention, but when he said this, his face was reddish, because one minute before that, he also played with Xia Yiyi.


This is not to say that it is okay. When I say it, not only Jiang Baiyu, Xia Yiyi also made a big red face, watching Jiang Bai and a half can not speak, just a small mouth slightly.

As if for a while, I can't stand the amount of information contained in it.

How did you suddenly find a teacher like Jiang Bai, and this teacher just helped himself fight?

More importantly... just two people still kissed each other...

This is my first kiss.

For a time, Xia Yiyi was a little messy.

For a long while, look at me, I see you, the two are silent and do not know what to say.

In the end, Jiang Bai first said: "What, why don't you go to school these days?"

"I don't want to go." Xia Yiyi's answer was clean and neat.

“Is there a difficulty in life?” Jiang Bai asked curiously.

He remembered the words of Xia Yiyi before, and she had a conflict with the cow because the Xia Yiyi was selling wine before.

However, he shook his head and shook his head. In Tianzhu, you can have a set of your own housing in such a community. Xia Yiyi’s family cannot say how good it is, but at least it should not be with the poor. It should not be a difficult life.

"No, my dad doesn't have much money, but it is enough for me to go to school. My mother also gives me a lot of money every month. I have food and drink, and I have a house. What difficulties can I have? I just don't want to go. !"

Xia Yiyi then found a place to sit down, and his complex look did not know what he was thinking.

Jiang Bai also followed her and walked over, sitting in a place not far from her, watching Xia Yiyi say: "What can you do if you don't go to school so big? You don't have a good time outside, you are lucky today. When I arrived, what would happen if I didn't meet me today? I don't think I have to say more."

"And I can guarantee that if you really continue to be so confused outside, this will definitely happen in the future, and not once or twice!"

Jiang Baiyu said with a heavy heart.

However, Xia Yiyi did not care about this. He listened to Jiang Bai’s old life and often talked about his boring heart. But suddenly, she thought of something interesting. She looked at Jiang Bai and blinked and said: "Teacher, since you are coming to me. Going to school, why did you kiss me just now?"

In a word, when Jiang Bai was prepared, he couldn’t stop talking. He coughed twice and concealed the sigh. Jiang Baizheng’s response: “You just kissed me.”

"But you have no objections... and you are very enthusiastic just now."

Xia Yiyi squinted and continued to say that Jiang Bai was speechless.

"So what, I have something to do today, I am leaving, I hope that you can think about it, honestly go to class, don't confuse outside."

Jiang Bai found that he couldn’t say it anymore. At least he couldn’t say it today, so he found a reason to stand up and leave.


Only he got up, Xia Yiyi over there immediately picked up Jiang Bai's side, grabbed Jiang Bai's arm, and the whole person posted it.

"Does the teacher not go well? I live alone and fear." Xia Yiyi whispered, let Jiang Baixin's evil spirits rise.

This is completely a small version of Yao Wei, but... Jiang Bai knows that this kind of light can not be eaten with Yao Yao. I can’t hold it myself. I will definitely have something to do with Xia Yiyi. .

"It’s not a day or two that you live alone. What are you afraid of? I still have things. I have to go first."

Jiang Bai rejected this tempting proposal.

It is not that he is a good man, just saying that Jiang Bai feels that he should maintain his own morality. Of course, the most important thing is that the little girl is too young to be an adult.

Jiang Bai feels that even if he wants something to happen with a woman, he should wait at least 18 years old.

Otherwise, he had already taken the initiative to help Xin Xinxin.

"Don't go, anyway, I am afraid, as long as you don't go, big deal, I will listen to you tomorrow, and go to class honestly."

I don't know what Xia Yiyi thinks. Pulling Jiang Bai is not letting go, but also puts forward such conditions.

In fact, she is not clear about herself. Anyway, Jiang Bai feels safe to her.

Especially before Feng Jun, their friends abandoned her, Xia Yiyi felt that the whole world had collapsed.

She had a bad relationship with her parents because of her divorced relationship. She usually had no friends at school because of her personality.

Finally, Feng Jun and his entourage, who had played together, referred to him as a confidant. Even though he knew that Feng Jun seemed to have a bit of misconduct against himself, Xia Yiyi did not break.

Because she is really lonely.

When Feng Jun and their friends abandoned her, Xia Yiyi was really desperate.

However, at this time, Jiang Bai seemed to suddenly appear in the darkness, saved himself, and let Xia Yiyi see hope, as if he had found a dependence.

She wants to use all her strength to seize this light and hope, which is why she was so active when she entered the room with Jiang Bai.

Because she can think of it, there is only one way to put Jiang Bai around.

In her concept, men are close to her, isn't it for her body?

In this case, she took out the most precious things and held Jiang Bai.

It’s just that she didn’t think that the matter was reversed so quickly. She thought it was a hero to save the beauty and greed. She did not expect a flip to become a people’s teacher to save the students.

Let Xia Yiyi’s previous thoughts all become a bubble.

However, she still does not want Jiang Bai to leave, there is a kind of dependence in her heart, the sudden coming, the inexplicable, even she does not know why.


Jiang Bai is hesitant, this is the purpose of his coming. If Xia Yiyi goes to school honestly, she should have nothing to accompany her.

"If you don't stay, I will go out in a minute! Look for Feng Jun or the Yang brother!" Xia Yiyi saw Jiang Bai hesitating and immediately threw his own killer.

"Okay... but you are honest!"

Sighed, Jiang Bai agreed, but made this request.

"The teacher is relieved! You sit first, I go to take a shower!"

Xia Yiyi heard Jiang Bai’s answer and immediately jumped up in excitement. He arranged Jiang Bai to sit down and pour tea to Jiang Bai, then turned and left.

Just a few steps away, Jiang Bai, who was drinking tea, almost did not spit out the tea: "Teacher, do you want to wash it together?"

"Nima, Leprechaun."

In a word, Jiang Bai’s nose was rushing, and his heart shouted, but he quickly calmed down and said, “I’m going to hurry!”

Waiting for Xia Yiyi to enter the bathroom, after a while, the sound of the water is coming.

I don't know if it was intentional. Jiang Bai obviously saw that the door didn't close when the **** entered. It showed a gap, and the dark light shot out from the gap.

In this regard, Jiang Bai took a deep breath, then lit a cigarette, and turned on the TV from his own. At this moment, a lively match was broadcast live on the TV.

Jiang Bai still has some interest in football. Of course, he only stays at the level of amateur fans. He looks at the excitement and occasionally can name several popular stars.

There is nothing at all to say any profound research.

However, this time is better than nothing, watching the game from the self-consideration, it can be regarded as diverting attention.

Otherwise, he is really afraid that he can't stand it and do something that is not as good as a beast.

For a long while, Xia Yiyi came out and changed into a large T-shirt. The wide clothes made her white shoulders and half of her chest exposed, and the direction of the hem could only cover the buttocks.

It appears to be casual but exposed, exposing a pair of slender legs to the air.

With a glance at the corner of the eye, Jiang Bai had to say that Xia Yiyi’s legs were very beautiful and straight.

Plus her head is slightly higher than Zhu Xinxin, and it looks more youthful.

Seeing Jiang Bai watching the game, Xia Yiyi ran over without hesitation. He sat down beside Jiang Bai, and the whole person posted it: "Teacher, you like to watch the ball, which team do you like?" I like sea coachmen!"

"Forehead, I just look around, there is nothing particularly like, but the Germanic chariot is OK."

Jiang Bai moved his body and said so.

However, when he moved, Xia Yiyi followed, making Jiang Bai very helpless.

"The Germanic chariot? Well, I am their fans from now on!"

Xia Yiyi heard this and his eyes lit up, and then gloriously sworn that he became a fan of the Germanic chariot.

In this regard, Jiang Bai is speechless, got... another fake fan.

After watching it for a while, Xia Yiyi still keeps on improving. From time to time, he talks with Jiang Bai about some topics of interest to Jiang Bai. Jiang Bai also followed her words and had a general understanding of Xia Yiyi's situation.

This gimmick is a life of his own, his father seems to be the middle and high level of a large state-owned enterprise, while the mother is a businessman, his family is good, but unfortunately his parents divorced very early.

At the beginning of junior high school, she followed her grandmother. In the year before, her grandmother was gone. She lived on her own life. The relationship with her parents was not friendly, and she could even say that her family was weak.

Coupled with the fact that both parents are married and have their own family and children, there is less concern for her.

Usually, material life can be satisfied, and both people give her a lot of money.

But what about spiritual life... it goes without saying.

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