Metropolitan System

Chapter 491: I want to teach you lessons.

Chapter 491, I want to teach you lessons.

"Golden 澔! You come with me less, my father promised your father, that is his business, you let him marry you! I tell you, I don't like you at all, I hope you don't entangle me. !"

Han Youxi responded coldly.

After saying this, I immediately put on a bright smile, holding Jiang Bai, and said in a sweet voice: "Brother, I really like you. When I first saw you, I fell in love." You are true, and Xiaoxi never lie!"

"You will not abandon the young Xi, give the young Xi to the bad guy."

When it comes to this, Han Youxi’s sweet smile instantly becomes bitter.

The speed of this face change, but Jiang Bai can not help but swear.

Hey, this woman... good acting!

"His father used my father's business loopholes and threatened me to let me marry him, but I didn't like him at all, I could only escape. I didn't expect him to keep chasing me. The previous six people were good people. They wanted to help me, but they didn't expect it to happen. But my brother, I promise, I have never spoken to people like I did today. I just like my brother because I like it."

After saying this, Han Youxi looked at Jiang Bai with a pitiful look. It was like a helpless little girl in despair. The tearful eyes were just the last hope of life, a straw in the water, in the dark. A little bright.

Jiang Bai finally understands why six people have been hanged in a few days. In the face of such a girl, it is really difficult for ordinary people to refuse to face such prayers, especially those who are rushing to the brain and pretentious. .

At that moment, Jiang Bai himself even had some shakes and wanted to help Han Youxi.

But soon, he reacted: "This girl is cheating! You don't lie, but deceive!"

I really want to believe this, Jiang Bai will probably become the seventh person in the gold-loaded mouth.

Of course... this premise should be in the case of Jiang Bai is an ordinary person.

Is Jiang Bai an ordinary person?

the answer is negative.

"What, your business, you solve it yourself, I am not familiar with this lady."

Jiang Bai looked at Jin Zai, who was almost on the verge of the eruption. He immediately pulled out from Han Youxi’s arms and pulled out his arm while laughing and explaining.

However, it is a pity that Jiang Bai underestimated the determination of this woman. She even hung the whole person on Jiang Bai’s body, and clinging to Jiang Bai’s arm. If Jiang Bai is forced to break free, it will definitely hurt the front. Girls, if you don't have to, look at the current situation, it is difficult to break free.

"I said, I almost got it. I am a Chinese. I don't want to go with you in South Korea. You can handle it yourself. Don't drag me down." Jiang Bai said helplessly to Han Youxi.

He really wants to see if the heart of this stinky girl is black. If the average person does not let her die?

"But, but I really like my brother." Han Youxi said pitifully.

"You are almost done, I have something to do."

Jiang Bai reluctantly pressed the other's head and took the other person out of his arm, then turned and left.

Seeing Jiang Bai turned and ready to leave, Jin Zai's face was normal, and a sneer smile appeared on the corner of his mouth and said to Han Youxi: "You Xie, it seems that the person you are looking for is not very good, even staying There is no courage under it. It is not as good as the previous wastes. The Chinese people are really waste, and they are very courageous. If you want to be angry with me, you will not find Chinese people!"

"In contrast, the men in our Republic of Korea have a temperament. The first six did not even have a fear. Even if I left them in the sea, they were still strong."

Then I looked at Jiang Bai, who had turned around and took the towel to leave. He said ridiculously: "Huaxia people, hurry up, don't let you appear next to Youxi, if you dare, I will kill you! You guys, It is not worth talking to the women of our Republic of South Korea!"

"Not finished yet?"

Originally, Jiang Bai did not plan to compare this product. At first glance, he knew that it was a standard dude and rich second generation.

This group of people is divided into two extremes.

Some people accept elite education from an early age. Whether you admit it or not, their vision, cultivation, culture, social ability, etc. are much stronger than half of the hanging silk, belonging to the elite.

These people will inherit the careers of their parents and even make innovations on this basis.

Such a person is not a minority in the second generation of this class, and can even be said to be a large part.

It is also the second generation that they have received elite education from a young age and started at a higher rate than the average person. This has intensified social inequality and the widening gap between the rich and the poor.

Another kind of person is a scorpion like Jin Zaijun. It seems like Jin Zai, like the Meng Dynasty, like Li Er. These are the second generation. They are the fighting generations in the second generation. They usually do nothing, just make it work. I spent a lot of money on my life, I was looking for trouble with my life, and all kinds of negative news came out.

It seems as if the IQ is low.

In fact, it can't be said that IQ is low, people's IQ is very high, but the conditions are too superior from a small age. There is no life meaning in the eyes of ordinary people. Apart from being dead, in addition to doing evil, I can't think of anything more meaningful.

Obviously, Kim Jae-jung belongs to the latter.

In this case, Jiang Bai’s departure will be settled. How will he and Han Youxi be in the future, that is their thing, Jiang Bai intends to leave, just do not want to entangle in this blood drama.

But when he said something, he immediately pulled Jiang Bai back.

Say two sentences almost, Grandpa came out to play, and did not feel like you care about it, but you have to end it, then you have to say it!

"Kid, what do you say? You say it again, I listen?"

Jiang Bai stopped his body, turned his head and looked at the gold in front of him, frowning and said.

He was a little angry at this time.

"I said... you are a kind of cockroach, you Chinese people are cowards who are not courageous! How?"

Jin Zai listened to this, and his face immediately showed a fierce expression. He approached Jiang Bai and said evilly. When he spoke, one hand kept pointing Jiang Bai’s chest and screaming hard!

"Not so good! I want to teach you lessons!" Jiang Bai saw the other side's performance, immediately blackened his face, one hand holding the finger pointed at the other side of his chest, and then a little effort.


A clear sound came, and the screams of gold and screaming sounded.

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