Mi Zang Jiao Wife: Baby Where to Escape

Chapter 1099: Extraordinary progress greatly increased

  Li Jia froze for two seconds, and reacted, and Spartan was suddenly gone.

   "Lu Yichen! Don't pretend to be stupid! There is no one more shameless than you know?"

  Lu Yichen nodded obediently.

  Li Jia:...

  Your sister’s! What do you mean by being so innocent! ?

  In the end, Li Jia was still defeated.

   can be regarded as knowing what kind of mental and physical|physical double blow Wanwan suffered.

  Lu Shao’s treacherous plan succeeded. In short, regardless of whether it is shameless or a tall tactic, it can make Jiajia feel soft, and finally it will be the truth when he eats his mouth. There is no need to take a knife for excessive actions.

   When Lu Yichen got up, he was already three poles in the day, and took Jiajia, who had been completely defeated, into the bathroom.

  When Li Jia woke up, Lu Yichen had already gone out. She grabbed the alarm clock and glanced at it. It was two o'clock in the afternoon.

  As soon as she sat up and was naked|naked, she was shocked and quickly pulled up the quilt and got out of bed to find clothes.

Lu Yichen sat in the office, watching the computer screen showing Jiajia’s every move in the room. His delicate and white skin was full of hickeys left by him. When he remembered the ecstasy of being entangled with her, he suddenly felt The body started to be wrong again.

  He took a deep breath and turned off the HD surveillance severely.

  "Mr. Shao, the documents you want are here." The assistant took a pile of documents and handed it to Lu Yichen.

  Lu Yichen motioned to him to put it down, the assistant picked up one of the documents and opened it, explaining: "Secretary Yu said that he has submitted his resignation to you, and he will come over to you in person tomorrow morning."

   "I see, let's go down."


  The assistant stepped back and took the door of the office. Lu Yichen thought of Yu Qing.

  At this time, Yu Qing probably didn't have much thoughts here, and the corner of his lips curled up with a mocking arc.

Jiajia was not relieved of the upset of her mother-in-law. He simply let them get it right once and for all.

  Yu Wan was stunned when she woke up in the Yeyan disco, she almost screamed when she looked at the man lying next to her.

  As soon as he lowered his head, he saw that there were no strands on his body, and it was all traces left by the intense heat last night.

   Thinking of the scenes from last night, I almost fainted.

  She left the hospital with Xiaochen in her arms, but when she got out of the hospital to take a taxi, she was knocked unconscious and taken away. When she woke up, she was **** and thrown on the ground.

  She was forcibly clasped her chin to fill her with medicine, and then vaguely heard a rough man calling Yu Qing to redeem her, otherwise she would be raped and then killed.

After   ...

  She can only feel hot all over, she can’t wait to drink a whole bucket of ice water, then...and then she doesn’t know anything...

  Yu Wan shivered in the upper and lower alveolar, covering her mouth, to stop her urge to scream.

  How could...how could this happen? why?

  She has already decided to completely cut off the connection between her and Yu Qing, and now this happened again...

  Yu Qing felt the slight movement of the people around her, her eyelashes trembled, and her dark eyes opened.

  Without glasses, his handsome facial features are sharp and angular, and he has a flushing aftertaste, making him look extra sexy.

  He was taken aback for a moment, and his black eyes looked deep into Wanwan's eyes. "Wanwan, I last night...you were..."

  Yu Wan covered her mouth, put on her clothes in a hurry, and turned her head just to run out of this strange place.

   "Wanwan! Wait a minute!"

  Yu Qing took her wrist, yanked her into her naked arms, and hugged her tightly. "Give me a chance?"

   "Let go!" Yu Wan pushed him away fiercely, and Yu Qing held her tightly. This time, he would never let go.

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