Mi Zang Jiao Wife: Baby Where to Escape

Chapter 802: Midnight horror

  Li Jia's small face was white, and her thin red lips were pressed into a straight line. Without hesitation, she left the room at the fastest speed.

  Lu Yichen clenched the bedding with his five fingers, fine beads of sweat leaked from his forehead, and Junyi's face showed the madness of evil spirits. He firmly suppressed the strong impulse that spewed out and grabbed the high-quality bed sheet torn.

  Go! Go!

  Li Jia's hand just pulled the doorknob, a cool magnetic voice came from behind, and a strong wind rushed towards her behind him.

  Li Jia didn't dare to turn her head, opened the door quickly, her figure flashed out of the room as fast as lightning, just a second or two.

   "Kang Dang!"

   slammed the door shut.


  There was a violent knocking sound from behind the door. Li Jia stubbornly pulled the doorknob outside the door and turned and shouted, "Come on! Come on!"

  She slammed the doorknob with both hands, feeling like a beast trying to break through the door, with terrifying strength.

  The alarm can be touched as soon as she stretches out her hand, but once she relaxes the door handle, her brother will definitely break out at a terrifying speed, and she will never run downstairs.

   "Come on!" Li Jia exerted all his strength and pulled the door fiercely, but the door still opened a small gap.

  In the cold winter and heavy snow season, she sweated on her forehead, flushed her face, and supported the wall with her elbows, so that she would not be pulled into the room with great strength.

  Li Jia’s voice was anxious, especially clear in the quiet villa at night, the old man, Monica, and Lu Minze were all awakened.

  Monica was the nearest to Jiajia’s room. After she was awakened, she woke up in her pajamas and opened the door. Seeing Li Jia’s posture, she was completely frightened of her sleepiness.

   "Jia Jia!"

"Mom! Brother is not in good condition, please raise the alarm outside!" Li Jia used all her strength to pull the door, her voice was close to hoarse. At this time, half of her body was leaning against the wall to prevent Lu Yichen from breaking the door Out.

  Monica woke up, and quickly shouted to the husband who was sleeping in the study room downstairs: "Call someone! Call someone! Call all the bodyguards on duty!"

Before Lu Minze got dressed, he looked up and saw Jia Jia, who was about to stick to the wall. Then he looked at his wife who was screaming at the alarm on the first floor. He didn't care about putting on his coat and quickly pressed it down. The alarm in the room where the bodyguard is on duty.

  The alarm outside Li Jia’s room is to wake the whole family, but at this time the family is awake, there is no need to disturb the two children, Monica will tell her husband to press the downstairs alarm.

  Lu Minze pressed the alarm device. A minute later, a dozen bodyguards entered the main hall. They looked up at the second floor and knew what was going on. They stepped on the stairs and rushed to the second floor.

   "Jia Jia! Come here soon!" The old man Lu was getting older and came a little slower. He saw the bodyguard coming upstairs and immediately asked Li Jia to give up the door.

   "Jia Jia! Leave the door alone."

  Monica didn't care about the image of a lady and noblewoman. She ran over, took Jiajia's arm, and backed away when the bodyguard was serious about rushing over.

  Li Jia released the door, and the moment she backed away, the moment before the bodyguards were about to rush past, an arm quickly stretched out from the door, and Lu Yichen firmly grasped her wrist, so fast that no one could stop it.

  Li Jia’s body has been in a state of stiffness and collapse for a long time, and her arms and fingers are stiff, and she can't straighten it for a short time.

Suddenly pulling her body like this, her body fell from Monica’s arms into the room. Monica looked up and saw her son’s spooky smile. She let out a cry of fright and firmly hugged Jiajia’s waist back. Pull.

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