Mi Zang Jiao Wife: Baby Where to Escape

Chapter 887: Poop on the face

  The character has nothing, all equipment will be dropped during the killing process, and the last one is poor and two white, referred to as round white, is the worst punishment in the game world.

  After "Weicheng Chaoyu" and "Rhinoceros Running Away" confirmed the relationship between their husbands and wives, they responded clearly to this incident for the first time, at the same time when the entertainment reporter had just confirmed that the rhino was a man.

  It seems that the one who followed the rhinoceros to the police station is probably really a good friend of the rhinoceros, "Weicheng Chaoyu"!

  [World][Lemon is a little cute]: Let me be quiet, the amount of information is a bit big!

  [World][Weicheng Little Fan]: In grief, the three views are broken!

  [World][Big chest]: Is this fighting for the rhinoceros?

  [World][Which one is better to learn excavator]: Boss, have you taken medicine today?

  [World][Upstairs is the second force]: Breath!

  [World][Xiaoyu Yanran]: Weicheng just can't understand the method of white lotus.

  [World][Big chest]: Upstairs deceived ourselves and others! It is clear that your president is interesting to our guild rhino!

  [World][You Zhan Laozi]: Hold the grass! ! Two gays stir up the fuck! !

  [World][Would you like a piece of Sophie]: Rhino and Weicheng are good friends? Although I do not oppose homosexuality, but...but...little heart has been critically hit!

  Lu Shao never expected this to be the case.

  Long Wing’s ex-wife came out to bite people and dared to announce the phone number of Jiajia Reality in the forum, which made him very unhappy. Don’t think he can’t treat her when he is lying in a hospital bed to recuperate!

  First drive people out of the game, so that she has nowhere to hide, then slowly clean up the real people in reality, let her taste the taste of being human.

  Can anyone tell him why he just sent a notice and a kill order, and the people on the World Channel suddenly thought he was a **** guy?

  Lu Shao immediately went to the official forum to check.


  I immediately saw Liu Feifei’s top post apologizing, and the thread below the post was about to break five figures, and many people posted interview manuscripts and pictures of entertainment reporters.

  Lu Yichen followed one of the links, and saw a press release shot by Yuji, confirming that the rushing rhino was the Shemale, and another player who was suspected to be Chaoyu in Weicheng entered the police station.

  Lu Yichen looked at the two familiar faces in the picture, completely stunned.

  Is his eyes entering menopause early, and he thinks that these two men are very similar to his bodyguard?

   Not to mention the nonsense of the news, the audience who watched the gossip just ignored the word "suspect" in the news and completely confirmed that the other man was him!

  Lu Shao a mouthful of old blood choked in his throat.

  Suddenly realized that he had done something stupid. His behavior was equivalent to confirming that he was a gay!

  Lu Yichen covered his chest, staring at the computer screen in a daze.

  Finally, I can see what's going on, Liu and Zhao Xun! This is clearly the bodyguard hired by his family, or the person next to Jiajia who is responsible for her safety.

  Appearing at the police station is to solve the problem of malicious disclosure of the mobile phone number of the "running rhinoceros". At first glance, Jia Jia asked the bodyguard to go. In other words, Jia Jia knew about the matter and chose to directly report to the police.

  Lu rarely has a feeling of self-comfort, if this is to let Jiajia know that he is Chaoyu in Weicheng...

  Thinking for a second, Lu Shao decided to treat this as his secret.

  Li Jia saw the excitement as soon as he returned to the main city and was in a very good mood. She really didn't expect Weicheng to tease Yu's brain, and come to such an announcement, this is to wipe stool on her face! Hahahahahaha!

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