Middle age: leisurely life in the entertainment industry

Chapter 504: Hollywood director wants to make

It's already November, and the weather in Los Angeles is still warm, the sun is shining, and the sky is blue.

Christopher was sitting on the balcony on the second floor of his villa, drinking coffee and enjoying the leisurely summer time.

The villa is located in Palisades, Los Angeles. It has beautiful scenery, facing the beautiful Pacific Coast and the Santa Monica Mountains in the background. Many Hollywood celebrities have purchased properties here to make their homes.

Kristoff is no exception.

Since filming "Empire 5", Kristof has taken a long vacation for himself and announced that there will no longer be a sequel to the "Empire" series. The series has been filmed intermittently for more than ten years. As a director, he I am also tired and annoyed.

If I were to make a science fiction film again, I would naturally have to change my taste.

Of course, that’s for the future, now it’s time to enjoy life.

Sitting on a beach chair, Kristoff scrolled through his phone and listened to a new song.

This rock song called "Hotel California" is a song sung by the famous domestic rock band Gehrmann. Once the song was released, it immediately became popular throughout the United States and dominated the Billboard music chart for four consecutive weeks.

This was originally the theme song for the movie "The Road Warrior", but it ended up being a promotional song for the movie, and the effect was very good.

"This William really knows how to do business." Christopher couldn't help but shook his head.

Of course he knew the producers and director of the film, especially the producer William, who was a close friend of his.

But what he didn't expect was that this song was actually written by a Chinese, and it was said that he was also a good director.

This made him secretly puzzled.

But no matter what, the song is nice.

Let him, an old man who is over fifty years old and who rarely listens to new songs, also like this song.

They gathered for the feast

(They gather before the feast)

They stab it with their steely knives.

(waving a steel knife)

But they just can't kill the beast

(But I can’t kill the demon in my heart)

Kristoff hummed the song to the rhythm and scrolled through his phone.

He really likes to hang out in the Fantasy Magazine forum, which is a very interesting science fiction forum. There are some posts and articles in it that inspired him during the filming process.

Including the world-famous "Silver Star Empire" series, which was originally inspired by a post on this forum. After being conceived and expanded by the screenwriter, the current series was formed.

Of course, this kind of thing is rare.

Christopher slowly read the post and was quickly attracted by a topic on the forum: "Why did the Americans leave the earth when they saved mankind, and the Chinese took the earth with them?"

There are many comments below.



politics, values

Kristoff was not very interested in these. He was looking for the novel. What was going on that could make the forum so noisy?

Finally, he saw the English translation of this novel.

The first paragraph shocked him deeply:

I have never seen the night, I have never seen the stars, I have never seen spring, autumn, or winter.

(I have never seen the night, I have not seen the stars, I have not seen spring, autumn and winter.)

I was born at the end of the braking era, when the Earth had just stopped

(I was born at the end of the Brake Age, when the Earth had just stopped spinning.)

At this moment, he forgot to listen to music and devoted himself to reading articles until the sun was about to go down.

"Dear Christopher, what are you looking at, so serious? It's getting dark now, it's best to go back to the mortal world." An old white woman walked onto the rooftop, it was his wife Isabella. "

Christopher woke up from reading and looked at his wife: "Dear Isabella, I just read a great science fiction novel called "The Wandering Earth" and I want to make it into a movie."

"Christopher, didn't you say you were going to take a break from acting for the time being and give yourself a long vacation?" The wife was surprised when she heard this.

"No, no, I think I have rested enough, I want to work now." Christoph said excitedly.

Of course, to adapt it into a movie, you must contact the author of the novel to obtain the rights to adapt it. It is impossible for Kristof to go to China to find someone, but his assistant quickly found the translator of this novel-the one from Caltech. Li Li, an international student, expressed his thoughts.

Of course Yu Dongqing doesn't know about these messy things on the Internet. People of his age rarely visit various forums now.

Time is flowing slowly, and it is December in a blink of an eye, and winter in Yanjing has arrived.

During this period, Yu Dongqing's life was very leisurely, drinking tea, fishing with old friends, or taking care of the children at home with Mingliang. As before, except for filming or occasionally attending some film festivals, Yu Dongqing was in a state of reclusion.

Today I went to Minghui Tea House with Li Wan to drink tea.

Now, in addition to drinking tea at home with a few old friends, I also enjoy going to Minghui Tea House with Li Wan.

In Li Wan's words, running around is still relaxing here.

There are relatively few people in the teahouse in winter. It snowed yesterday. Everything was covered in snow and everything was quiet.

"I mean, Li Wan, you are a very busy man, do you still have time to drink tea with me, a free man?" Yu Dongqing added hot tea to Li Wan's cup and said.

Now Li Wan has become a well-known producer in the industry. His studio has just been upgraded to a production company and has recruited several professional producers. He has been upgraded to the boss, but he is even busier.

Now after listening to Yu Dongqing's words, he smiled and said, "It's time to take some time off from your busy schedule."

Of course Yu Dongqing didn't believe what this guy said. His new company had just been established and he was as busy as a dog.

"Tell me, what's the matter?" Yu Dongqing leaned back to make herself more comfortable.

"You really can't just drink tea without thinking about anything?" Li Wan said, and suddenly the conversation changed:

"Holly, did you write a science fiction novel called "The Wandering Earth"?"

"How do you know?" Yu Dongqing was surprised.

After writing this novel, except for sending it to his daughter Yu Tongtong, saying that a few girls in the dormitory wanted to read it, Yu Dongqing did not show it to anyone, including his three old friends.

Li Wanjia is a son who has already gone to college and does not know Yu Tongtong. Could it be that this boy has found a girlfriend who is a girl from Tongtong’s dormitory?

This is extremely unlikely.

Because his son is studying at the California Institute of Technology in the United States, it is impossible for him to know these little girls.

Seeing Yu Dongqing's surprised look, Li Wan explained: "My son told me about this novel after reading it. It tells the story of the sun going out and humans taking the earth to escape from the solar system. The author is signed by Yu Dongqing."

"Your son? Is your son's girlfriend really a roommate in Tongtong dormitory?" Yu Dongqing asked.

"What nonsense? Did you write it or not?" Li Wan was confused by Yu Dongqing's words.

"I wrote it, that's what I said. Yu Dongqing didn't hide anything.

"But I only sent it to my daughter. She said it was her roommate who wanted to see your son. How did she know?"

"He said he read it on a forum called Science Fiction World. You don't know, but your novel has become very popular in the science fiction community and has even spread abroad."

"Really? I really don't know." Yu Dongqing shook his head.

"Hey, Holly, you and I came to see you today. On the one hand, we have tea, and on the other hand, we want to confirm this matter."

Li Wan took out his mobile phone and opened a website to call up articles: "Look, is it this one? It's signed by Yu Dongqing, don't get confused."

Yu Dongqing took the phone and looked at it carefully before returning it to the other party: "If it's genuine, it's guaranteed to be replaced. The original manuscript is still in my computer hard drive."

"That's good. Holly, let me tell you something. The famous American Hollywood director Christopher has taken a liking to your novel. He wants to buy the film and television adaptation rights of this novel and make it into a movie."

Li Wan told the whole story the whole story.

It turned out that this Li Li was Li Wan's son who was studying in the United States. He was naturally very happy to hear that Kristoff was going to make this novel into a movie.

But he didn't know who this Yu Dongqing was. Was he his father's friend Yu Dongqing?

It’s okay, just ask.

Li Wan was also surprised when he heard what his son said. Of course, he wanted to ask clearly. We happened to have tea together and asked him by the way.

Unexpectedly, it was really written by Yu Dongqing!

Thanks to book friends 160609122930, Higu Seijuro and others for their monthly votes.

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