Middle age: leisurely life in the entertainment industry

Chapter 517 Former Soviet Union Heavy Industry Style

"Really?" Yu Dongqing smiled and did not answer directly, but asked: Can you give me a blank piece of paper?

Immediately, an employee took out a piece of printing paper and handed it to him.

Yu Dongqing picked up the pencil on the table, looked at the picture of a very sci-fi transport truck drawn on the screen, and started to draw according to it.

Soon a imitation picture appeared in Yu Dongqing's pen.

"I'm sorry, I studied art for a while when I was studying at Yan'an Normal University, but I forgot about it a long time ago. The paintings look ugly." Yu Dongqing said with a smile.

It's really ugly.

This was Shangguan Feifei's first impression when she saw Yu Dongqing's hand-drawn drawing. It seemed at first glance that she didn't have much art skills.

However, the rough, simple lines, with bulges and edges everywhere, completely lack the roundness of the lines of the future truck drawn by my team.

"I understand, Director Yu, what visual style do you want: the heavy industrial aesthetics of the former Soviet Union." Shangguan Feifei suddenly realized.

"Yes! Is there anything more familiar and acceptable to Chinese audiences than this style?" Yu Dongqing laughed.


Shangguan Fei replied, raised his hands and clapped his hands: "OK! Guys, get back to work! Do as Director Yu said and work overtime tonight!"

Yu Dongqing stayed in Shanghai for two days, mainly talking with Wei Wenming, Yang Liang and Shangguan Feifei about his conception of some scenes for this film.

As a science fiction film with a lot of special effects, it is different from other film shootings. The concept team must create conceptual designs of characters and scenes based on the script and director's settings before filming. This is what Shangguan Feifei's team is doing now.

The level is relatively high, but the path is wrong.

"Okay, that's it for this discussion. Tomorrow I will go to Cannes, France. When I get back, I will start writing the script and preparing the crew." In Wei Wenming's office, the three of them had their last discussion, Yu Dongqing said.

"Uncle Yu, why are you going to Cannes?" Shangguan Fei was a little surprised.

"Jennifer, you didn't know? The film "Ashes of Time" produced by Brother Yu has been nominated for the Cannes Film Festival and has been invited to participate in the film festival." Wei Wenming explained.

"You actually make a literary film?!" Shangguan Fei looked at Yu Dongqing in disbelief.

"Isn't it possible?!" Yu Dongqing asked.

"Uncle Yu, you are so interesting."

What does this have to do with being interesting or not?

Girls born in the 00s are so incomprehensible, Yu Dongqing couldn't help but shake her head.

After coming out of the company, Yu Dongqing took the subway back to his hotel, rested for one night, and flew to France early tomorrow morning.

Just after taking a shower and changing clothes, Yu Dongqing was about to go out for dinner. The cell phone thrown on the bed rang. It turned out to be Shangguan Feifei calling.

Is it about work again?

This girl is very dedicated.

Yu Dongqing picked up the phone and answered it, and heard the girl's enthusiastic voice coming from the phone: "Uncle Yu, are you okay tonight? Let's have a meal together as a farewell party for you."

"No thanks."

"Why are you so polite? Let's eat Western food at Lesvila Garden Restaurant on Wenhui Road. The food there is very good and affordable."

"Okay." Yu Dongqing agreed.

Before leaving, it would be nice to get together with Wei Wenming and the others.

The hotel where Yu Dongqing stayed was on Songjiang Road. Not far along the street, he saw a restaurant called Lesvila Garden Restaurant and walked in.

This is a small western restaurant.

There are a large number of bouquets and plants inside, which makes people feel like dining in the garden. Paired with dim lights and soothing music, the overall atmosphere is very bourgeois.

Yu Dongqing saw Shangguan Fei sitting at the dining table by the window.

It's actually a person? !

Yu Dongqing was stunned.

"Uncle Yu! Here." The girl stood up and greeted.

Yu Dongqing had no choice but to walk over and sit opposite her.

"Just the two of us? I thought there was Wenming and Yang Liang as well."

"Huh? Are we the only ones who can't eat? You and my dad are both old feudal people!" the girl giggled.


Yu Dongqing did not answer.

"What do you want to eat?" The girl picked up the menu.


"I've eaten here twice. The sirloin steak here is quite famous. I also have a plate of desserts and a cup of American iced coffee per person. OK, that's all."

Soon, the pizza and steak were served, and the two began to eat.

"Uncle Yu, after listening to your discussion this afternoon, I finally understand why you want to use this concept map of the heavy industry style of the former Soviet Union. You and my father are of the same generation."

"The same generation as your father? I shouldn't be that old, right?" Yu Dongqing joked.

"Well my dad is ten years older than you, but your thinking is very similar."

"How to say?"

"Patriotism, collectivism!" The girl put down her knife and fork and looked at him: "I have read the book "The Wandering Earth" you wrote, and listened to the plot summary of the script you adapted, which highlights this point even more. This is the same as the concept map The style of heavy industry in the former Soviet Union coincides with that of the Soviet Union."

"Isn't this good?" he asked.

"I didn't quite understand it before, you know? My dad graduated from Yenching University in the early 1990s. The most popular and fashionable word in their time was studying abroad."

"Yes, I heard that there is a long line of people waiting for visas in front of the US Consulate General in Shanghai on Huaihai Middle Road every day." Yu Dongqing said with a smile.

"My dad went abroad at that time. He studied chemistry and was sent abroad to study for a master's degree in Massachusetts. That's when I met my mother."

"Are you a classmate of your mother?"

"No, my mother's school librarian." Shangguan Fei said with a smile.

"It seems to be a beautiful love story." Yu Dongqing said.

"Yes. Later, my father studied for a doctorate and did not return to China after graduation. Finally, he married my mother and stayed in the United States. They had me soon after and the family lived a happy life."

"Yeah" Yu Dongqing nodded.

"However, my father has a sense of guilt in his heart. He said that he gave up his motherland for love, so he is still living in the United States - he has not obtained a U.S. green card."


"This brought a lot of inconvenience to his life. My mother repeatedly persuaded him to apply for a green card - which was very easy for him who graduated with a Ph.D. in chemistry from MIT and is now a professor at the University of California, San Diego, but he never did. "

"I am at home, and my dad has been talking to me in Chinese, so my Chinese level is pretty good. However, I have been living in the United States and don't quite understand his approach - until I came to China this time to contact you about to shoot. this movie."

"Patriotism and collectivism seem to be rooted in the blood of your generation, including my dad." Shangguan Feifei said.

"Isn't this bad?" Yu Dongqing asked again.

"I can't feel it, but I respect it."

"That's enough, come and wish us a happy cooperation." Yu Dongqing raised the coffee cup.

Thanks for the monthly vote from Tu Dao, who is particularly good at reading and happy.

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