"What's the name of this song?" Shangguan Feifei couldn't help but ask.

"olive tree"

"Well, the name is very artistic, and the music style has the flavor of American country folk songs from the 1980s."


But it is indeed a ballad.

It turns out that a song composed by Li Taixiang, a musician from the Time and Space Treasure Island, with lyrics written by San Mao and sung by Qi Yu, is also her masterpiece.

Won the 2nd Hong Kong Top Ten Chinese Golden Melody Awards,

"Chinese Golden Melody Award" 30-year classic, selected as "30 Songs in 30 Years".

It is also the theme song in the Baodao movie "Happy Face".

"Do you think it sounds good?" Yu Dongqing said and turned on the play button.

A slightly ethereal synthetic female voice came from the computer.

Shangguan Feifei listened carefully for a while.

"It sounds pretty good. It would be better if it was sung by a real person, Uncle Yu."


"I've always wondered, what kind of promotional song would you write for this movie? Majestic? Epic and tragic? But I didn't expect it to be such a calm and beautiful song."

Shangguan Feifei crossed her chest with her hands and continued: "Uncle Yu, you are a very free and romantic man."


you are wrong.

It turns out that Sanmao liked freedom and romance in that time and space.

As for uncle, I am just an old man who likes to stay at home, drink tea and chat.

Since there was no problem, as usual, Yu Dongqing sent the lyrics to the group of four buddies for them to appreciate.

Turn off the phone and get off work.

I found a small restaurant on the street to have some food, and Yu Dongqing walked aimlessly on the street alone.

Soon, there was news in the WeChat group.

"Holly, you started writing ballads again."

"Folk songs are the best."

"We haven't gone out wandering for a long time. When will we go walking and singing again?"


I have been making movies in the past few years.

Actually, thinking about it, it’s better to write songs.

Simple and laid back.

"Yes, we will still sing while walking in the future." Yu Dongqing replied on WeChat.

Of course, the happiest person is Li Wan.

In the past, he was chasing Yu Dongqing to write songs, but now he takes the initiative to write them!

"Dongqing, I want to give this song to Wang Jing to sing, how about it?" Li Wan suggested on the phone.

Wang Jing?

Of course Yu Dongqing knows him.

In this time and space, she is the eldest sister in the music industry, but apart from their working relationship, they have no personal relationship.

In fact, Yu Dongqing has no personal relationships with other female singers in the music industry except for a few singers under his own studio and Wu Jingqi from Hong Kong.

Yu Dongqing remembered that Wang Jing once asked her if she had requested a song several years ago.

That song "To Youth".

It was originally written to Chen Guoguo, asking her to participate in the "Happy Girls" contest.

However, Chen Guoguo finally gave up for the sake of her friends, and since then, the two have had no contact.

"Happy Girls" has been suspended for several years, but only this song "To Youth" has become popular:

His unruly face looks like it's getting late

Her washed hair is like the fire in her heart

A short carnival thought it lasted a lifetime

The long farewell is the feast of youth

My winter night hands are like hot oaths

Your twinkling eyes are like fragile faith

Youth is long gone.

There is also the girl whom I have only met once, and the only indulgence in this time and space.

The past is like smoke, suddenly appearing from the depths of memory that has been dusty for a long time.

That very cute face and eyes that look like crescent moons when she smiles.

"Uncle, at your age, why do you still like rock music?"

"Some people say that men who like folk songs smoke, drink, and sleep with girls. Uncle, do you like this too?"

"Uncle, I like rock music simply because I like it. Listening to music makes me feel happy."

The words the girl once said echoed in his ears again.

"Dongqing, what's wrong? Why don't you speak?" Li Wan's voice on the other side of the phone pulled Yu Dongqing out of his memories.

"No, it's okay, I just remembered something from the past." Yu Dongqing explained, calmed down her mood and then said, "Okay, Wang Jing has a good voice and is quite suitable for singing this song. You can contact her."


The weather is getting cooler day by day, and it is mid-November. The post-production of "The Wandering Earth" has been completed, and Yu Dongqing has also embarked on his journey north.

As soon as she arrived in Yanjing, she felt the cold wind of early winter, but Yu Dongqing felt warm in her heart.

Finally back.

For more than a year, Yu Dongqing spent most of his time in Shanghai. Even when he returned to his home in Yanjing, he stayed for two days and then left in a hurry.

It just feels good to be home.

When Yu Dongqing opened the door of his small courtyard, he heard several barking dogs, and the Pekingese dog Doumiao ran over and circled around him, wagging its tail.

Walking into the small courtyard, I could faintly hear faint singing coming from the living room.

Don't ask me where I'm from

My hometown is far away

why wandering

Wandering far away

The voice is sweet.

It's Meili singing.

The singing suddenly stopped. Meimei walked out of the living room and saw Yu Dongqing. She immediately opened her arms and rushed towards him.

Soft and warm.


The child is still like this after she is a mother.

"Don't make trouble. Let Xiaxia see how bad it is." Yu Dongqing said in a low voice.

"Xiaxia went to pick up Lele from school."

"Then go inside, it's cold outside."

The couple returned to the living room and stayed warm for a while. Then Yu Dongqing changed out of her clothes and put on home clothes and sat on the sofa. Meili had already brewed a pot of Longjing.

Yu Dongqing drank comfortably.

Mingliang carried Yu Dongqing's suitcase to the bedroom, packed her luggage and started humming the song again.

For the birds flying in the sky

For the gentle stream in the mountains

For the broad grassland

Wandering far away

"Meiliang, do you like this song?" Yu Dongqing asked.

"Yes. Very literary and romantic! Husband, when will it be announced publicly?"

"Look at Li Wan's arrangement, he arranged the film road show." Yu Dongqing replied.

"I met Li Wan yesterday and he said that this year's Chinese New Year is on January 24th, which is relatively early, so he plans to prepare the road show in early December."

So early?

Yu Dongqing was a little stunned.

It's already mid-November, and you'll have to travel all over the country in another half month?

Thinking of running around non-stop in the cold weather, Yu Dongqing felt a little headache.

Meili saw Yu Dongqing's displeasure, so she asked with concern: "How about you rest at home and I go to the road show with the team?"

After all, both Meili and Yu Dongqing's names are listed as co-directors.

"This time Li Wan said that I must go." Yu Dongqing said with a smile: "He thought of investing 900 million in the film, and he couldn't even sleep at night."

"Husband, when the producer heard this astronomical figure, I'm afraid he couldn't sleep well." Ming Mingmei said with a sweet smile.

"Don't worry, you will never lose money, it's just a matter of making more or less."

At the end of November, the movie "The Wandering Earth", which has been in production for nearly two years, finally released its first promotional song "Olive Tree", accompanied by a music video.

Once the song was released, it quickly appeared on major domestic music charts.

The melody is melodious, the lyrics are beautiful, and there is a hint of lingering sadness.

What shocked the fans even more was the movie plot in the song MV.

The frozen city, the huge planetary engine, the vast and somewhat chaotic underground city, and the loneliness of the earth wandering in the starry sky, the camera flashed by.

But it aroused the curiosity of the audience.

The "Wandering Earth" road show officially started on December 4.

Thanks to book friends 20210219002739913, Wolf Hun'er, and Waiting for Mido's monthly votes.

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