Middle age: leisurely life in the entertainment industry

Chapter 546: There is no shame in being behind. What is shameful is not being able to admit that you

By the time the two of them came out of the cinema, it was already dark.

Yu Tongtong was still a little depressed.

"What's going on?" Xia Yunxing asked with concern.

"Oh, the film was so disappointing. And Li Yunjie, why would you accept such a bad movie?" Yu Tongtong said quietly.

"Actually, this movie is not as bad as you said." Xia Yunxing comforted: "The main reason is that "The Wandering Earth" is so beautiful. It's like you just ate Quanjude roast duck and asked you to eat KFC. Of course you feel Unappetizing."


That seems to make sense.

"From another perspective, you should be happy. Our country finally has a science fiction blockbuster that can rival Hollywood! Tongtong, you should be proud of your dad!"

"I've always been proud of my dad!" Yu Tongtong replied. "Come on, I keep my word, I'll treat you to some crayfish now!"

"Congratulations to your dad for making such a good movie!" Xia Yunxing added with a smile.


This guy just knows how to talk!

Yu Tongtong smiled happily.

He actually found such a good reason to eat crayfish.

Well, I will tell my dad and aunt this when I get back!

The box office of "The Wandering Earth" has been soaring in the mainland, leaving "Spacemen" far behind. The Internet is full of praise, and even the official media has joined in to promote "The Wandering Earth". The People's Daily and Ziguangge used the recent heavy snowfall in Yanjing to associate scenes from "The Wandering Earth" and promoted the movie "The Wandering Earth".

CCTV News even used the perspective of a researcher from the Chinese Academy of Sciences to answer the question about the impact of science fiction knowledge in the movie "The Wandering Earth" on young people.

Xinhua News Agency, on the other hand, managed to keep things even. It promoted several domestic movies released during the Spring Festival, allowing netizens to choose which one to watch.

Naturally, the one with the most comments under the article is "The Wandering Earth".

The same craze spread overseas.

The US "New York Times" website reported on the 4th that China's first blockbuster set in space, "The Wandering Earth", has been shown in mainland China and is believed to mark the arrival of a new era of Chinese film production.

Independent film critic Raymond Chow said: "This is like the beginning of the first year of science fiction films."

Los Angeles ipic theaters cinema.

A Chinese science fiction movie is being staged right now, and it is the popular "The Wandering Earth" in China.

Just when the movie was released in China, its distribution in overseas countries was also in progress.

The ipic theaters in Los Angeles introduced this film.

There were quite a few people watching, but most of them were local Chinese, but there were two middle-aged white people sitting in the back row, it was Christopher and his assistant.

He came specifically to see this movie.

He once wanted to film it but failed to buy the rights. Finally, it was successfully filmed by a Chinese director.

He wanted to know, how was the shooting? Is it as beautiful as the Internet says?

What is spoken on the screen is in Chinese, but there are English subtitles throughout.

Kristoff wore 3D glasses and watched quietly, but the sound of a woman crying quietly came to his ears.

Turning around, I saw a middle-aged Asian-faced woman next to me, wiping tears while watching.

The movie is showing a scene where Liu Peiqiang is preparing to drive a space station and crash into Jupiter.

Lines of English letters

"Son, I'm sorry, dad has to go on a mission again. This is the most important mission in dad's life.

"You were four years old when I left, but now you have grown up. Dad told you that Dad is in the sky, and you can see Dad as long as you look up. This time, you will definitely be able to see it. I……"

Come, son. Three, two, one”

The filming was indeed very sensational.

Is this the family relationship that Chinese people value most?

Kristoff sighed slightly.

But he felt that it was not as touching as the scene of the originally rebellious middle school girl choking and broadcasting to the world. After the sensation, hundreds of vehicles on the ice field turned around in the darkness of the eternal night.

The hymn of mankind is the hymn of courage!

Finally, the movie ends with a long narration: especially "This plan that coexists despair and hope is historically known as the 'Wandering Earth' plan."

Christopher walked out of the theater with his assistant, looking at the stars in the sky, he let out a long sigh.

"Jack, what did you think after watching this movie?"

"The film, like other Chinese-themed movies, continues to promote Chinese patriotism and collectivism. The director's adaptation of the novel and plot design are not in line with our values."

Kristoff laughed after hearing this.

"Jack, this is a science fiction film made by the Chinese. Why does it promote our American values? Do you think Hollywood movies will promote these? What I'm asking is from the perspective of shooting technology, how is this movie?"

"Honestly, if you put aside those ridiculous values, I think the filming was very good from a technical point of view." Jack is also realistic.

"Especially the first few CG long shots surprised me. I didn't expect that the Chinese could also produce special effects similar to Hollywood."

"Yes. If all the Chinese elements were removed from this movie, it would be a typical Hollywood movie! It would even be better than most Hollywood science fiction movies!" Kristoff said with emotion.

"It's better than that movie "Cosmic Police"," Jack added.

Christophe laughed again.

"It's a pity that Li Yunjie is very good at martial arts."

"Let's go. China's film industry has really taken a big step forward. Send me an email to Mr. Yu Dongqing to congratulate him."

It was three days after Yu Dongqing received Christophe's email. The email was full of praise, saying that Yu Dongqing had single-handedly brought the level of Chinese science fiction movies to the level of Hollywood.

Yu Dongqing didn’t expect that Kristoff would send an email to congratulate him!

No matter what the purpose is, the other party's intention is still important.

So I also responded to an email. The letter was of course very humble, saying that Chinese science fiction movies have just started and they have a lot to learn from Hollywood. I hope the two sides will have more exchanges.

It's not humility, it's the truth.

Whether it is the original time and space or now, the Hollywood film industry, including special effects production, the combination of art and business, the mature film industry system, etc., is worth learning from.

There is no shame in being behind. What is shameful is not being able to admit that you are behind.

Time quickly arrived in early March. "The Wandering Earth" has been released for more than a month. The mainland box office has reached 6.5 billion, which is almost twice as much as the second-ranked "Space Men" and three times as much as the third-ranked "Crime Force". .

While the release is still going on, industry insiders predict that the box office will exceed 7 billion, making it the highest-grossing film in history.

The myth continues.

Thanks to book friends 20221005102026234, Onlookers, Story ONline, Very Good Reading, Cao Haitian, Baobao731, and book friends 20200721105814209 for their monthly votes

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