Middle age: leisurely life in the entertainment industry

Chapter 553 Yu Tongtong is going to school in the United States

Yu Dongqing was not in a hurry and wrote slowly while drinking tea.

Meiliang didn't rush him either.

As long as he writes, whether it's composing lyrics, composing music or writing a script, Mingliang usually won't bother him, and he won't let his son come over.

Yu Dongqing was also happy to have some leisure time.

The only thing he is worried about now is: will Mingmei like this script?

A week later, Yu Dongqing finally completed the script. After breakfast that morning, Yu Dongqing called Mingliang to come to the study.

"You take a look first."

Meili sat at the computer and looked carefully, while Yu Dongqing was drinking tea beside her.

He thought it would take a long time to read Meimei, but he didn't expect to finish it quickly.

"Is it a bit difficult to understand? Don't you like it? If you don't like it, forget it. I'll think of another one for you."

Yu Dongqing thought about it.

If Mingliang didn't want to take pictures, he did have the idea of ​​taking pictures.

Taking a crew to the mountains of Guizhou is also a way to escape the heat.

Anyway, it is a low-budget movie, which does not cost a lot of money. It is said that it only cost 500,000 yuan.

Unexpectedly, Mingliang said: "It's not difficult to understand, but using dreams and parallel time and space, time seems messy but it's actually simple.

"Actually, there are three points in time: Chen Sheng and his wife Zhang Xi met in a dance hall eighteen years ago. He was a subordinate of Monk Hua. Monk Hua's son had his hands chopped off by his enemies. Chen Sheng avenged him and was sentenced to nine years in prison.

Nine years ago, Chen Sheng was released from prison, and Monk Hua left a sum of money for Lao Chen from Huang San. Chen Sheng said that he learned a song in prison and wanted to sing it to his wife Zhang Xi. Huang San told him that Zhang Xi died of illness last year. Chen Sheng's mother once hoped that Chen Sheng could take over a clinic in Kaili City. Live a peaceful life.

Now the old doctor is cupping Lao Chen. Lao Chen said he wanted to take leave and go to Zhenyuan. The old doctor took out a photo, a piece of clothing, and a box of tapes, and asked Lao Chen to bring them to Mrs. Lin.

Getting on the train, walking through the tunnel, and arriving at Dangmai, these were actually his dreams! I woke up after exiting the tunnel dream and entered reality again. My husband, are you right? "

Yu Dongqing was dumbfounded.

When did my wife become so smart?

He read it countless times before he understood it. Others simply read the script and immediately understood the relationship.

I didn’t write any notes on the side of the script.

"The core of the story is about the love between three generations, the old doctor and her lover, Chen Sheng and his wife, and the adult Weiwei and Yangyang, right?" Meiliang said at the end.


"Well, it's very interesting, I decided to take the photo! Thank you, husband." Meili smiled and kissed Yu Dongqing on the face, and took out her mobile phone.

"What are you doing?"

"Call Qingqing? Tell her to finish filming her movie quickly and follow me to Guizhou!"

It’s really a storm.

After finishing the phone call, something suddenly occurred to Meili: "Husband, do you have any good opinions or suggestions about making this movie? Can you tell your wife?" When talking about Meili, she used a coquettish tone.

Of course there are suggestions!

The most talked-about part of this film is that the original director of Time and Space described a place called "Dangmai".

"Dangmai" means a place that does not exist in Miao language. This is also the most magical part of the movie, because time here is not linear.

Some people were originally dead, but came back to life here; some people were crazy, but not crazy here; and Chen Sheng also traveled to the past, present and future without warning. What is commendable is that Bi Gan used a 42-minute long shot here! To prove that this is a complete period of time and space.

Astonished everyone.

But when the words came to his lips, Yu Dongqing suddenly swallowed them back.

Give all freedom back to Mingming.

Otherwise, as a director, it is not a good thing to always live in the shadow of another person in artistic creation.

"I don't have any good opinions. I've given you the script, so just do what you want! I believe you will do it well!" Yu Dongqing said with a smile.

"Dongqing, you wrote a script for your wife called "Roadside Picnic"?" Yu Dongqing received a call from Li Wan at noon the next day.

"Yeah, she's looking for you?" Yu Dongqing asked.

"Yes, I want to find a better producer from my company, and I agreed. I don't have time, so I asked Lao Xu to go with her."

Lao Xu is not old, he is less than 40 this year, but he looks a little anxious, with wrinkles on his face, and looks like a man in his early fifties, so everyone calls him Lao Xu.

But he is skilled in business and can be regarded as one of Li Wan's generals.

With him as the producer, Yu Dongqing is naturally relieved.

"I said Dongqing, why did you write such a script for your wife?" Li Wan asked again.

"What's wrong?"

"It's too literary, too niche, and the plot is brain-burning. The box office will definitely not be high." Li Wan replied unceremoniously.

Yu Dongqing smiled.

"It doesn't matter, just go ahead and invest. I will invest alone. As long as Mingming likes it and is happy."

"I'm convinced. I'm spending a lot of money to make my wife happy. Okay, let's not talk about it anymore. I'll leave this matter to Lao Xu. As for the commission, I also told Mingliang that I'll give it a 50% discount based on the market price. Let's You should lose less."

Li Wan said half-jokingly and half-seriously.

"Thank you then," Yu Dongqing said and hung up the phone.

Will it be a loss?

In the original time and space, the film cost only 500,000 yuan, but the box office was about 6.5 million yuan.

It’s not a loss, but a huge profit!

Of course, when Bi Gan was filming, due to financial constraints, he spent every penny as two cents, digging and digging.

Naturally, Yu Dongqing would not let his wife suffer.

Quadruple it and spend it generously.

Even if the beautiful photos are not taken well, so what?

As long as the wife is happy.

When there was a movie to film, Meili changed her usual lazy demeanor and immediately became very popular. She formed a crew and found actors. She and Han Qingqing personally played the two important female characters in the play - Yangyang and Zhang Xi.

It's been a very busy day.


You can drink tea leisurely by yourself.

Yu Dongqing smiled and said nothing.

In just two months, Meiliang assembled a crew and prepared to go to Guizhou.

In fact, the crew only has 20 people including actors, so it is considered a mini crew.

Most of the crew, led by Lao Xu, have rushed to Guizhou one after another, but Mingliang hasn't left yet because there is another very important thing.

My daughter Yu Tongtong will go to school in the United States soon.

Yu Tongtong received the admission notice from the Curtis Institute of Music in the United States a month ago, which was regarded as fulfilling her long-cherished wish.

According to Yu Dongqing's wishes, Meili was in a hurry to go to Guizhou to film and had no time to send her daughter to the United States. As a father, he must accompany her there.

But my daughter firmly disagreed.

"Dad, aunt, I'm already eighteen years old. Besides, Xia Yunxing will go with me, so don't worry."

Yu Dongqing felt uncomfortable when the name Xia Yunxing was mentioned.

This brat actually gave up his invitation to attend MIT and chose Pennsylvania State University instead!

The two agreed that no one's parents would allow him to be sent away, and they would go to the United States together.

The daughter was very determined, and Yu Dongqing and his wife had no choice but to agree.

Today is the day when Yu Tongtong goes to the United States to study. At noon, Yu Dongqing and his wife drove their daughter to Daxing Airport, and of course their son Lele.

After driving to the airport, Yu Dongqing and his family helped their daughter drag her suitcase into the departure hall when they heard someone calling them.

"Uncle Yu, Aunt Ming, Tongtong, Lele, you are here."

Yu Dongqing took a look and saw that it was Xia Yunxing. Standing next to him was a middle-aged man, Xia Chunqiu, Xia Yunxing's father.

"Old Yu, Mingliang, are you here to see the child off too?" Xia Chunqiu took the initiative to say hello with a smile on his face.

Thank you to Book Friends 33021212701750, Book Friends 2021030110649517736 for their monthly votes, Eternal Hope, and Jiangchuan Tingtou for their monthly votes.

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